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IS there anyway to replace the plexiglass...

jerryjg - 2008-11-26 10:16

IS there anyway to replace the plexiglass in the casssette tray door. Ive got a fantastic mini-sanyo, which i ruined the plexi glas cassette door (clouded it up) trying to use solvent to remove sticker gum.Would I need a whole new cassette door?

kittmaster - 2008-11-26 10:24

oh my......why did you use a solvent of all things?????

Next time for gluely messes......use googone which is citrinella oil.....

Most glass can be popped out, if its glued in, you may damage the door.....

fatdog - 2008-11-26 11:01

I Agree with Kittmaster

Depending on how long you let the solvent stay on the plastic, there's a chance (very slight), that you might be able to polish out the cloudy area. I would suggest Brasso polish to start and then go to a plastic polish such as Plast-X, which can be found at nearly every automotive store. You might have to give it many, many polishings.

In the worst case scenario, you might be able to replace the plexiglass IF the entire door isn't one big piece.

kittmaster - 2008-11-26 11:16

You can also try plastx to see if you and polish it out as Fatdog mentioned.