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Sony CFS-900 slack belt...

ggeorge - 2012-06-13 15:16

Got this sweet little mini the other day, but the belt is either too slack or doesn't have enough friction to do a full turn of the cam when trying to auto reverse--and it's really just trying to go from fwd to rev that it has this problem. I considered that perhaps a little oil on the camshaft might help, so I can try that first, but if that doesn't do it what should I use to "recondition" the belt to use it (on the off chance that a belt is still available..)?


What it does is stop half way in the rotation either causing both reels to stop or one reel to turn and the other unengaged for take up, resulting in tape salad... Hitting stop and then play again usually moves the cam into the right position to start take up, but sometimes it take one or two stops and even leaves the signal open on all four tracks (playing both sides at the same time). I'm not sure I understand how the track switching mechanism is mechanically related, but I'll look for it the next time I have it open.




brutus442 - 2012-06-14 07:36

Hi Ggeorge,


I wouldn't attempto to recondition the belt as that's a temporary solution. If you can research that model and find out what size the original belt was, PM DocP here on this forum. He primarily does walkman belts but he may have your belt.


He's a top notch member here and widely respected. You can't go wrong.



If the search leaves you no where take the original belt off, measure it and deduct about %15 off for stretching...good luck!

ggeorge - 2012-06-15 05:42

Hi! Thanks. I have it open again, and I think the problem isn't the belt or the cam, but the metal plates that the cam has to move. There is a static plate over which the rocker plate for the rollers and a plate beneath the plastic base on which those two sit (which the cam actually moves on its rotation) and are tabbed into that might be binding up from old grease. That's my best guess at this point. The signal switch for the head is tabbed into that latter plate as well and sits on top of the first two. I don't see how to get them apart to clean and relube, however, without taking everything apart. Yeesh...

radio.raheem - 2012-07-01 13:03

Good luck ggeorge....yea sounds like the old grease neads cleaning off and new grease applied.....but i tell thee a new belt may help...and give everything a stronger grip

davebush - 2012-07-01 13:49

where you based g