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Crown CSC-950

docs - 2010-09-05 08:03

The guy I got this from has a friend who owns 12 tips in his area and he tells me he can get 80's boxes at the drop of a hat from him, saving them from certain crushing at his tips. So he took my email and is going to get in touch! Fingers crossed!
This one was saved from the scrap heap literally, taken off one of the tips. Just a single pic coz camera battery needs charging Razz.
Will post more soon.

im.out.of.hear - 2010-09-05 08:16

Just amaizing aint it doc,thats just one box saved,wonder how many dont get saved ?? 100s daily ??
if only people knew how treasured these things are..happy for you man,but thats got me thinking for the ones that get crushed..i hope you get lots more man,we have to save these things,part of our history..

lav.loo - 2010-09-05 10:08

congrats DOCS, hope this guy pulls through for you mate Nod Yes very nice box the 950 Wink

brigadier.vytas - 2010-09-05 11:43

wow, to meet such guy is like to find a golden nugget:]. Beautiful box! Perhaps, one of the best designs in my opinion.. By the way, nice words, Ghettomate.

docs - 2010-09-05 13:03

Thanks for the comments all. This was fairly dirty but now a nice clean up later and it looks pretty sweet and sounds awesome.

brigadier.vytas - 2010-09-05 13:13

Front with those speaker rings, tweeters, cassette door, top side with all those knobs.. I'm missing maybe needles instead fo leds, but it is Miss Japan anyway.

docs - 2010-09-07 10:15

This one has grown on me instantly, its a stunner. With the greenish tint on top and a greenish tint on the back of the Crown logo on the front, I love it and never seen one in a picture before with that colour.
Also, as was pointed out, this one has a power switch on top and is labelled VHF not FM, does this make it a little rare perhaps ? CSC-950ML.

docs - 2010-09-08 12:00

Took this beauty out tonight in the great evening weather.

I like !

brigadier.vytas - 2010-09-08 12:07

niceness! Do you play rugby, DoC?

docs - 2010-09-08 12:21

Not me, took my son training, he plays for the local club Smile

lav.loo - 2010-09-08 13:34

nice pics DOCS, is,nt it great when we get the weather Big Grin

reli - 2010-09-14 01:06

All 2 days of the year Laugh Out Loud

driptip - 2010-09-26 20:08

this is a very cool looking boombox