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FISHER PH-M77 Microcassette

tranxmetal - 2008-05-13 10:35

I'm very happy this week, because I have some new stuff here!

I'm glad to present this fantastic FISHER PH-M77 , The unit needs, of course, a deep clean, an antenna, new belt on compact cassette deck, and grey paint in the grilles. The microcassette deck works well, the volume is decent, the sound, also is decent for this unit. The compact cassette deck needs some lubrication due to mechanical noises, The radio reception is good also (tested with a piece of wire in the antenna position) very rare to find one of those here in Mexico, because the microcassettes was no popular here, and many people never knows about microcassettes. The unit was made in Japan.

the person who sold me this BBx, Mr. Louis, said something about a cousin, in a travel to the U.S.A., bring this FISHER new to one son of this senior long long time ago. A couple of years later, another family adopt this box to take it to another state, remaining in a mechanic shop, some years more, after that, the original owner visit the family and decides to take again the old box (now inoperative) and was repaired again. Some years later, this person leaves parent's home, and the Boombox was stored in a basement with lots of old furniture, remaining in this site for about five years! Now, few days ago, Mr. Louis decides to make a clean of that old basement and remembers my advertise posted in a grocery store and decides to call me asking if I'm interested in the old FISHER......... What do you think? Razz

jameswp67 - 2008-05-13 10:41

Great looking unit! Nice one!

jlf - 2008-05-13 10:42

Now thats rare!

I love it!

skippy1969 - 2008-05-13 10:52

Nice,thats a rare unit. It is a twin to the rare Aiwa W-7. [URL=[URL=http://imageshack.us]

oldskool69 - 2008-05-13 11:16

And they said classified ads in newspapers would die with the 'net! Awsome stuff and nice story about its journey to you. Congrats! Big Grin

retro.addict - 2008-05-14 09:43

That's a nice little unit, Tranxmetal! It has a 'chunky' look to it on the first picture.

Skippy, that Aiwa unit is awesome! It looks really clean too!