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new shelfs part 2

geoffhartwell - 2008-12-07 10:59

just finished building some new shelfs, for those new comers here is a link to part 1

and some new boxes to go on the that ive got in the last 8 months

jvc.floyd - 2008-12-07 11:05

damn thats awesome !

viennasound - 2008-12-07 11:16

Eek Unbelieveable! Cool

kid.sensation - 2008-12-07 11:20

Nice shelfs there geoff!!Cool

love the 9494, SK & the WX-1

them others are great too!

monolithic - 2008-12-07 11:21

My old computer died on me around the time you posted part 1... Can't wait to see the whole wall filled with boxes! Big Grin

Thanks for posting! Smile

skippy1969 - 2008-12-07 11:23

That looks awesome Geoff,shelves and boxes! great job!!! Eek Eek

fuzzyduck - 2008-12-07 11:24

They looks superb and very strong! Eek
The GF-767 looks gorgeous up there in the first pic, the blue grills are really noticeable. Cool Cool

chancenellie - 2008-12-07 11:30

Hey Geoff,looking good mate,you a lucky man to have a wife who lets you put em in the house,we've had an extention built with a seperate area for me to build my "Audio/boombox " room cos my misses hates em with a passion

oldskool69 - 2008-12-07 14:04

Way to go Geoff! Two things:

1. Does each shelf have power to it or do you pull them down to exercise them, and...

2. That bottom shelf run seems a bit short. Laugh Out Loud

success - 2008-12-07 15:17

Excelent look Cool. I want this !!!!!!!!!!!!!

redbenjoe - 2008-12-07 15:46

beautiful and valuable collection , geoff

are you just about done ? Smile

- 2008-12-07 18:57

Nice set-up! I hope those shelves are secure Big Grin


ash25 - 2008-12-07 19:08

Looks good Geoff. Very nice collection.

driptip - 2008-12-07 20:06

very nice man, it looks great.

johnnygto - 2008-12-07 21:31


You are doing an incredible job!!! Thats is exactly want I would want!!!

Not to mention your B-Bxes are exteremly nice too Smile



gluecifer - 2008-12-07 21:56

Cripes! Really awesome work there Geoff! Congraulations, and I wish you good fortune filling them all up.

Rock On.

devoltoni - 2008-12-08 06:16

Ahhh, this remind me like old electronics shop in early 80-ties. Big Grin

Fantastic job you make Geoff. Nod Yes

And nice boxes you have there. Nod Yes

jlf - 2008-12-08 09:35

Great work!

How often do you use any given box?

Do you rotate them? Several at at time? One at a time?

masterblaster84 - 2008-12-08 09:45

Dang Geoff that is one awesome boom room! Damn nice work.Nod Yes

xavboxfrench - 2008-12-08 10:03

Cooool Cool
That is simply amazing display of An amazing collection to beautiful boombox! Wink

ewen - 2008-12-08 10:09

I'm moving soon Geoff and the new place has a bbx room - can you come and do my shelving please!!?

Quality work there - looks fantastic.
