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review:jvc 9475

andyboombox - 2013-07-15 06:52

well after a long break from doing these i thought it was about time to do another one of my reviews,and thought it was fitting to start with my jvc 9475,including some pics of other versions,including an australian model and a japanese only victor rc-707,all found on the internetbut before the review,a footnote:

about 2 years back a mate picked up a nivico badged 9475 at york car boot for a tenner,with its original carry strap-i eventually got it after much badgering,but sadly because the deck was dead and it was well before i could do deck repairs,it found a quick new owner once again,much to my deep regret

enter 2 weeks ago and del brought me another one,complete with its original carry case and owners handbookso im happy once again....right,on with the review then the pics of the ones ive found.....


the 9475 was jvc's first response to the slowly popularising stereo portable market in the mid seventies,and was indeed one of the earlier stereo portables in existance.was also known as the rc 707 in japan and other domestic markets.it was jvc's highest spec portable at the time


the 9475 is a phenomenon in terms of quality of build and the qulity of materials used.it has a lot of weight,indeed i had to check mine didnt have batteries in at first as it was so heavy,for what is typical of a seventies unit the fact that it is small compared to say an m70.


everything is precisely located and very well described so you know exactly what is what,and the knobs,dials and other instuments are made of quality materials and engage very smoothly,in one line it all works so well.very easy to use.


the 9475 is very well equipped bearing in mind how early this model is (75),it has twin needle meters that bounce around to input or can be switched to battery strength/signal at the flip of a switch,4 bands of wave on my version (fm,lw,mw,sw)and the precise tuner picks up very well,other features include twin aerials,tone control slider,tape selector switch,stereo beacon,and other features numerous to list


the jvcs speakers are small-10cms i believe,but they provide enough bass to keep serious bass seekers happy enough,although naturally the m70 is much bassier,thanks to its bigger woofers.treble is also very apparent so the mix of the two is very pleasent indeed-i think the word im looking for is refined.


so would i reccomend you get one?well,if you dont mind the 70s looks then this will appeal very strongly to you.if you dont like the early boxes due to their size limitations-the 9475 is like marmite in a way,you either love it or you hate it.i love mine

so pictures now:




jvc__victor__rc-707_2_bighope you liked it,my first in ages so forgive me if its crap-next review to come soon.....aiwa tpr 940

deliverance - 2013-07-15 07:02

a good informative post andy 

andyboombox - 2013-07-15 07:03

cheers chris,and its thanks to you i got it

michiel - 2013-07-15 07:35

Nice review! Wish you post it earlier! Could buy one some weeks back, but I didn't like how it looked on the pic they provided. Now I see it from different corners and I like it! Should have bought it grrrr...

docs - 2013-07-15 09:16

Nice one Andy.

northerner - 2013-07-15 09:46

It's useful to have more in depth reviews as most of us lazy lot stick to "it awesome" or "it's crap" so a little more detail is always good

andyboombox - 2013-07-15 09:49

thanks dave and si and michielyeah michiel you should have bought the one you saw,its a truely decent seventies box,maybe on a par with the gf9090?no ok thats silly but its not too far behind,just getting used to my pair of tpr 940s and then thats the next one ill review probably next week now

lav.loo - 2013-07-15 12:10

great review mate but do you still have it

ground.control - 2013-07-16 04:50

Well written andy ,great little box made to last

deech - 2013-07-16 14:16

I just love this protoBOOMbox!

Nice review Andy mate !

Keep them coming

andyboombox - 2013-07-18 02:16

yeah i still got it azz bro,i love it to bits,its got its own display area and everythingyeah gc,its made like a tank,well screwed together and sounds mighty.....and hell yeah i think its a fair gf9090 rival!and thanks for your kind words deechevery one should have one of these.....just not this one

mark.gf575 - 2013-07-18 08:50

Great review! I have the JVC 9475 LSB can also tell you it's built like a tank! Quite a few people have said it looks very army looking with it's green fascia. 

brutus442 - 2013-07-18 19:50

Wow..great review! Thorough and well written!

andyboombox - 2013-07-19 02:57

thats what this is mark,the lsb model,with owners manual,and original black leather carry case!got northerner coming over this aft so will get him to take a pic or two of it and put it up on here so you guys can see the actual one for a changehad it on this morning and its hard to believe the power this one has-and if you thought it looked military mark,wait till you see it with its fitted carry case on.....i love it