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Hitachi TKR 8290 E

blasterfan.jens - 2013-11-07 13:02

hier haben wir noch einen Hitachi der klingt echt gut leider muss ich wieder mal das Tape reparieren und vorne ist ein hebel weg gebrochen sehr schade 


Here we have a Hitachi that sounds really good, unfortunately I have to again repair the tape and a front lever is broken off too bad 








seb968 - 2013-11-07 15:56

I remember these machines very well; I think they must have been very popular in the UK. Nice implentation of the music search facility.

lav.loo - 2013-11-07 17:50

Crappy boxes hitachi Jens but you already know that

driptip - 2013-11-07 19:16

come on lav!!

in my opinion those hitachi's are unbelievably beautiful, i am looking for one of those units but would have to be in immaculate condition.

seb968 - 2013-11-08 01:32

Originally Posted by Lav Loo:

Crappy boxes hitachi Jens but you already know that

Never actually owned one; but what makes them crappy?

blasterfan.jens - 2013-11-09 10:15

So the boombox sounds good :-)

seb968 - 2013-11-09 16:02

Originally Posted by BlasterFan Jens:

So the boombox sounds good :-)

It looks good too!

driptip - 2013-11-09 21:01

I have one and the sound is ok, bass shy but looks make up for it.