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GoldStar vs Sanyo crazyness

brigadier.vytas - 2010-12-04 11:54

This uggly looking, but perfectly sounding GoldStar egg was on the "kitchen radio" duty at my palce for like 10 or more years(broken CD and cassette devices are already removed) eew :

As i wrote before, i received this Sanyo M9800L from my relatives as a gift:

This bbx in my opinion looks pretty ok, but the sound is total c**p, becouse its classical cheapo.
I decided to mix both qualitys (sound and design) together and started that crazy project.
Thank you, GoldStar parts, i don't need u anymore:

No, for real, goodbye!

I'll need only this:

Hm, seems like, it is possible:

Yes, perhaps, all will be ok:

Hm..CD and cassette mechanisms removed..I'll have only digital radio? No, i need a line in too! Technician ant local repair shop said: "no chance, dude, it is not posssible to do this thing". " Hm, what to do then?" - i said my thought loudly. "Throw it out! HAHA! "- suggested other shop's customer. I came back home and came to this simple idea (i know nothing about electronics):

"Adaptor cassette's" head is connected with one of the tape heads from GoldStar. I found best contact point while hearing some music and glued both heads on the little piece of hard plastic with some superglue. Result - easy, but effective "line in' with great sounding music rofl

Stay tuned for more crazieness of narrow-minded Brig's adventures beyond the supersonic barrier!
This stuff is finnished long time ago, but i have to quit writing - "saturday, it's a saturday!" - friends and bottles can't wait anymore! drinking wiggle peace

driptip - 2010-12-04 15:37

WOW! That would be interesting.

80s vs 90s. mmmm

panasonic.fan - 2010-12-04 15:57

That's pretty slick for adapting a connection for your digital player. Nice work! well done

davebush - 2010-12-04 16:29

well done brig.....i like a bit of crazyness now and again yeah

samsnite - 2010-12-05 02:21

WOW clap i really like your project! I had a similar project going on but it failed miserably... but i have new projects coming.

torres - 2010-12-05 02:45

Great! I like the idea.

saxonman - 2010-12-05 02:48

why don't you just connect the line in direct to the board miss out the heads!! I did with great results!!

old.school.scott - 2010-12-05 09:38

You sir are an inspiration.
I've often looked at an ugly but great sounding box,
and then looked at great looking but bad sounding box and thought,"hmmmmm, what if..."

Cheers OSS

brigadier.vytas - 2010-12-05 10:06

thank u all, guys!
Sax,i've tryed it with other box, but unsuccessfully. The head was still connected, maybe i just should disconnect it next time and connect wires only?:]
Anyway, here is next part:
Closer look of heads:

Testing... It's aliiiiive!... :

Checking the GolStar's speakers..On the left - Sanyo's speakers, on the right - GS (Sanyo's parts are still inside):

Very lucky - exactly same size, i needed only little bit longer screws:

I'm sorry, Sanyo parts.. Maybe i'll use u for another project..:

Mountig of GS parts inside of Sanyo's body. If that "main board" was couple of mm higher - that could bring lot's of problems, but no - i was lucky again:

AC socket disconnected from power board, wires soldered:

Front view. Plastic grilles removed, couse i had at home two metal grilles of exact size - another luck...:

Everything still works Big Grin :

Last part of the material soon!

brigadier.vytas - 2010-12-05 15:11

OSS, that's exactly how all this happenned:]
The finish line:
green on/off and 4 red equalizer leds moved from upper board to radio scale; that black spot near "Sanyo" logo on the radio scale is remote eye:

Big knobs (with polished allu coins Big Grin) are fake, but it looks nice, i think. Red - real ones. I've soldered a dozen of wires to original buttons contacts; fat, clear plastic for the screen, some alluminium added:

New and nice bolts on the cassette door:

In this pic with the flash u can see the real size of the speakers:

Big black button for on/off switching; mirror sticker; line in sockets, another fake knob (again, for better aesthetics):

Gigantic antenna from old, broken mono:

After instaling new stuff inside, there wasn't enough of place for 8 D batteries. I've connected these 4 little boxes (bought at local electronics shop); found some grey plastic, made a frame and cover for this batteries area; batteries are hal inside, half outside of the boombox. Empty:

With rechargeables:

Covered. i've found this nice looking "flatpack" plate at the company, where i'm working:

Some terribly dangerous info on these nerdy stickers. Not shure about them, but they are covering some ugly holes:

Sillyest thing. That ring is socket for headphones:]. Could not re-solder, but i don't think i'll ever need it:

Seems like, that's all. Summarry: i'm very happy with the results. But if to be honest, GoldStar sounded a bit better.. Why? I think, becouse of sound/bass rephlex system, oval-shaped, newskool construction. Anyway, i have a bbx with great design and great sound. It has a digital programable radio, line in, a nice digital equalizer with 4 positions, it is not big at all, but heavy and ..it's mine!
Finished? Not yet, - i'm re-doing a remote controller. Original one looks like a futuristic piece of ..black banana shaped something. Hope, u liked that story. See ya!

brigadier.vytas - 2010-12-07 13:21

anyone thumbs down

fins5 - 2010-12-07 13:30

Wow...nice work!

redbenjoe - 2010-12-07 14:15

I Agree with fins Smile

davebush - 2010-12-07 14:25

frankenstein ....eat your heart out jaw drop

isolator42 - 2010-12-07 15:28

Many have spoken about doing something like this. Few have tried & even less have succeeded.

Nice one Smile

pioneer - 2010-12-07 15:45

Awesome job B.V.oldschool meet's new school for real.you've made something not possible,very possible,man you got skillz....i want to try something like it real soon!

driptip - 2010-12-07 16:01

(i know nothing about electronics):

hahaha yeah right!!

great job man.

master.z - 2010-12-07 20:56

I always dig your creativity BrigV!
Very cool.

saxonman - 2010-12-07 23:49

that is cool !!! taking a rubbish cheapie and turning it into something different well done looks cool!!

nevone - 2010-12-08 02:29

Did you get trough the "head to head" application in the final form?
You loose signal there.
If you just connect the wires it won-t be good either, because the signal from the deck reading head is pre-amplified.
It is best to weld the wires directly where the deck sends his signal to the amplifier (bypassing the preamplifier of the deck head)

brigadier.vytas - 2010-12-08 12:54

I though, writing of all that s**t till 2a.m. was a big misstake, but thank you , much appreciated.
Nav, stuff is finnished month, or so ago, i'm happy with my line in, i'll leave it as it is. But thanks allot for your suggestion, will keep it in mind.
drinking peace word

mellymelsr - 2010-12-08 13:51

That project came out very nice. Excellent creativity and nicely done... well done

samsnite - 2010-12-11 09:12


Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool
Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool
Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool
Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool

brigadier.vytas - 2010-12-11 10:36

Thank U! word

l.lopez - 2010-12-11 17:10

Big Grin That is a fantastic job BV. Now I will always know you by FrankenBoom. Big Grin

brigadier.vytas - 2010-12-16 08:11

or Boomkenstein Big Grin