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Oh gawd, look what I've bought now

rambo.estrada - 2008-04-08 02:14

I'm not sure why, I guess it's cause I've always wanted a 9494 with silver caps, but I picked this up today while on the road.

I guess when I get home in a couple of weeks I'll have a go at restoring it. I'm not sure if I'll go with grey/silver or maybe I could paint it a colour?? Any suggestions?

Also, what do you think I should do with the chunk missing out of the top??

rambo.estrada - 2008-04-08 02:19

Oh I forgot to mention, today was the first time I've ever felt embarrassed walking down the street with a boombox.

r.o.y.a.l - 2008-04-08 02:56

jesus ! would you cover that thing up already !

make it right rambo

ned.209 - 2008-04-08 03:02

good excuse to do something interesting with it

ghettogas - 2008-04-08 03:09

I know you can take it back to OG!

tpr - 2008-04-08 03:20

Oh gawd, look what I've bought now

very funny Big Grin
I like it!

- 2008-04-08 03:37

Looks as if the glitter is what drew you in Nod Yes

ned.209 - 2008-04-08 04:43

i dunno bout bringin that back to og? reckon the chrome round the speakers is fubar... all the buttons are screwed, tuner window might be recoverable...

do you know any decent graff artists you could give it to Rambo, maybe do a base coat yourself first?

daiwa - 2008-04-08 06:05

Why not go with iridescent Champagne? Cool

ford93 - 2008-04-08 06:49

Straight outta of tha hood! Big Grin

Restoring it will be a challenge, hey you never know maybe a film maker might be interested in using it as a prop. The 9494x is a beautiful box it's got killer looks. It's on my list of must have it. Nod Yes

jt - 2008-04-08 07:20

Looks like a BOOMBOX GONE WILD! Too bad! Who would do that to such a fine piece of equipment????!!!!!

As far as putting it back into original costmetics, Its clearly a lost cause. I'm sure you'll go more elegant and classy! (LOL)

Just a thought... I know a guy who had some really beat up home speakers redone with black metallic auto paint and several coats of clearcoat and they looked phenomenal. Depending on how much prep work you want to invest, maybe consider gutting it out completely and take the outer shell pieces to an auto body shop and have them hit it with some nice paint and clearcoat? I think it would look great with some pearl, black, silver or gold metallic. With that level of effort, you may want to try auto bondo filler or fiberglass for that missing chunk of the case, too.

Otherwise, you can put it on ebay and claim it was decorated by a world famous graffiti artist
and charge an absolutely ridiculous price for it!

Good luck!

enskanker - 2008-04-08 07:32

A very, very, very large toilet is the only answer.

peter.griffin - 2008-04-08 07:50

I would rather carry that down the street, then my Lasonic i931 Leaving

redbenjoe - 2008-04-08 07:56

hey rambo - still another idea ::
we have this member over here in the states -

he is looking for that special box to hook that special chick --
and this could be his ticket !!

offer it for top $$$ to Vladi 1234245343467 Smile

erniejade - 2008-04-08 08:04

Does any of it work? It almost looks like it was a prop.

fatdog - 2008-04-08 08:17

Hey Rambo, I found this advice on a plastic modeling forum:

DOT 4 brake fluid works very well for removing paint without any apparent damage to the plastic.

It is advisable to take a sample of same or similar plastic & throw into the fluid for a timed period to avoid possibility of damage to plastic parts of models in the event it proves damaging.

"Always wear rubber gloves & eye protection".

"Always dispose of in a responsible manner".

"Always read instructions on container".

I have personally tried it on plastics painted with acrylics & enamels & results are good after 2 hours, very good after 4 hours & excellent after 12 hours but, this will depend on the amount of layers, the paint used & the plastic that the paint is applied to.

This was achieved by "immersion" in a sealed glass container(coffee jar)& regular checks on progress.

For larger items it is for yourself to find a container that meets your needs. Paint will bubble after time.

When satisfied it has had long enough, wash under cool/cold running water & gently rub with an old toothbrush.

This will remove most of the paint(if not all).
dry thoroughly with kitchen paper towels(or equivalent).

If the plastic feels greasy or sticky, wash under "warm" (not hot) water with washing up liquid(dish soap) & dry completely before trying a thin layer of new paint.

If spraying or dry brushing, it is advisable to wash under "warm water" (after the dish soap stage) to remove possible soap residue as soap or brake fluid will react with the new paint finish.

I have not tried this process on clear plastics (cockpit canopies) yet & it is advisable to test a piece of "sprue/grid/frame" the parts come on first if possible.
I see no reason why it shouldn't work on the GF-9494X plastic too. If it were mine, I'd definitely give it try... Nod Yes

masterblaster84 - 2008-04-08 08:29

Laugh Out Loud Rambo at least it's in one piece, can't wait to see how you ruin that beatiful box.
Laugh Out Loud

71spud - 2008-04-08 09:28

I would keep it just "as is"....

as a warning to others.

retro.addict - 2008-04-08 09:30

Originally posted by 71spud:
I would keep it just "as is"....
Me too. Nod Yes It would probably never look original again if you tried to restore it, rambo. An 'interesting' looking box it sure is. If it works properly, I would just clean it up and use it. Cool You could even re-mould that broken corner with body filler and try to match up the blue paint. It's unique! Big Grin

kid.sensation - 2008-04-08 10:05

probably one of these boxes which appeared in well known movies..but unfortunately those particular scenes were cut out Laugh Out Loud

really reminds to that certain discobox..

anywhere i'd try to restore it to give it at least a half decent look.Even if i like the idea behind..this is just ugly the way it is Big Grin

retro.addict - 2008-04-08 10:26

If that sparkly tape covering the numbers and stuff in the tuner section was removed, and the search buttons and rectangular surround was painted silver to match the cassette door, it would be a pretty good looking custom box IMO. Nod Yes

fatdog - 2008-04-08 10:35

Hey Rambo, sell it to me so I can give it a shot at restoration! Big Grin

oldskool69 - 2008-04-08 11:01

Originally posted by rambo estrada:
I'm not sure why, I guess it's cause I've always wanted a 9494 with silver caps, but I picked this up today while on the road.

I guess when I get home in a couple of weeks I'll have a go at restoring it. I'm not sure if I'll go with grey/silver or maybe I could paint it a colour?? Any suggestions?

Also, what do you think I should do with the chunk missing out of the top??

WHOA! Eek I stared at it too long and went into an seizure! Laugh Out Loud Well I guess it'll be quite the resto project. Congrats and good luck!Big Grin

fuzzyduck - 2008-04-08 11:55

A good custom job does look nice, I just wish they'd leave the tuner and deck windows alone though. Mad

71spud - 2008-04-08 12:04

The best thing about this box is the "Sharpie" favorites list on the tuner.... Laugh Out Loud

weylandyutani - 2008-04-08 18:10

Only in NZ Rambo! I would be happy to find that even with the paint job [love the TIKI ]

tranxmetal - 2008-04-08 18:48

Keep this baby in its current condition, it denotes is a traveler boombox, enjoyed and with a lot of time played. If this BBx is could speak with us about the adventures in company of a group of good friends, we like to listen to all its stories!

smokinendo - 2008-04-08 19:16

I think it looks cool and once you strip it you can never go back (don't rush into anything think it over) You can always restore it later

just my .02 but cool score either way

arkay - 2008-04-08 20:55

While I agree that one isn't exactly a work of art, still I might be inclined to leave it. It would take a lot of work to return it to as-new shape, and you can always find one out there that hasn't been worked over at all.

That box shows someone's idea of "graffiti-cizing" a box; it is a statement (not an eloquent one, but one nonetheless someone's personal statement) of a style, a culture, an attitude that is "authentic" enough. It is someone lavishing love and care on their box, as THEY saw it, even if we don't. How many plain boxes, even 9494s, are there out there? Not a lot, but enough. How many are there out there like YOURS? Very few (okay, add the "Thank God"... but still...).

Than again, it's pretty ugly and the "artwork" is very amateur... restore it if you want to, and I won't cry over it. Big Grin

arkay - 2008-04-08 20:58

OOPS!I quoted myself in a double post mistake! Maybe I shouldn't post when it is late and I'm tired Big Grin ...

rambo.estrada - 2008-04-09 02:42

Hey guys, thanks for your comments, I hear what you're saying about leaving it, but personally I think it looks pretty cheesy and the artwork is poorly done. If it had have been skillfully customized with a bit more thought I'd be stoked to keep it as is, but I'm thinking of painting it a colour, maybe red?

fatdog - 2008-04-09 13:10

See if you can strip any of that crap paint off before repainting though. Nod Yes

big.beat - 2008-04-11 08:09

I'd keep that one as is. It's obviously a prop or a later stylization (a couple of details give it away, such as internet-era stickers and the term "hip-hop", which is way too generic for any authentic crew from that era), but it's still very cool. I have seen boxes decorated just like this in the 80's, and it's more fun as a nice little historic old school relic rather than as just another regular box.

I think it would be great to find another in its original state and display them together Smile

arkay - 2008-04-13 04:34

I think it would be great to find another in its original state and display them together Smile

I agree: a clean, original one beside it would make for a good contrast.

Still, if the paint is as poor as you say, it is far from the best "custom" job I've seen... although it's probably more typical of the average "custom", since most people aren't really good artists. Tough call. It's yours, Rambo, so you decide and do what your heart tells you. If you do re-paint it/customize it, just be sure to do a GOOD job of it! [Of course, we all know you will...]

Then you'll discover that box you've just repainted featured as a prop in a new major movie, and would have been worth a mini-gazillion on ePay... Big Grin

jlf - 2008-04-13 20:19

Cool that you stepped out and took on a box like that! I like graf covered boxes, and Ive owned a few in my time too. Painted by a well known local artist. However, the novelty soon wore off and I passed them on to good friends. I never had any box that was something special painted. Although anymore, arnt they all special?! Smile

retro.addict - 2008-04-18 09:22

Originally posted by Fuzzyduck:
A good custom job does look nice, I just wish they'd leave the tuner and deck windows alone though. Mad
I Agree Fuzzyduck. I'm not a fan of graffiti'd boxes, but a custom paintjob can look good so long as the entire radio isn't painted! Eek

stbnyc - 2008-04-20 13:13

Originally posted by rambo estrada:
Oh I forgot to mention, today was the first time I've ever felt embarrassed walking down the street with a boombox.

i live in new york and it feels great walking with my boomboxes i take home from people i bought from. people look at me when i enter the subway..thinking im going to breakdance for cash lol.

- 2008-04-21 17:39

Rambo man id leave that box as is dude thats a pure statment of the 80,s if you put it back to og you will just have a boring sharp like the rest of us, why dont you work with the art on the box instead of against it, if you do want to paint the box over, SELL the box to me ill gladly make it a show peice of my collection, you can always get another.