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anyone remember these?

x9moto - 2008-12-28 17:06

anyone remeber these i know its not a clasic but take a look it has vu , also a bass radiator like the toshiba, i bought one years ago and it actually sounded very good, but a mate of mine saw it and thought it was cool and badgered me untill i eventually sold it to him, regret it now it has very unique styling.

this one is on ebay uk at the moment for £40 Laugh Out Loud

echoes - 2008-12-28 19:06

Saw these in stores 4 years ago. There's quite some power but i wasn't impressed - whatever the EQ setting was, the highs sounded like a 1960s portable AM transistor radio!

With added tweeters this could be a nice sounding radio.

The design, well, to me it would be a "disposable" radio: one that you can carry around a whole summer long without taking too much care of it...

ao - 2008-12-29 00:29

i eventually sold it to him, regret it now it

No, you did the right thing.