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Just relaxing Listening to my 4th owned and last Kaboom..

themightyrepairer - 2008-07-28 14:44

well i have bought and sold 4 of these.. 2 90's and 2 BN1's.. why oh why do i buy then sell what is in my personal feeling the best Bass i have ever heard from a portable.. ever? well.. i got lucky and got one new (BN1) for a really good price.. and there is no way in hell i will be parting with it again.. i'm listening to it right now (Mariah Carey's Butterfly) sorry.. but she has the voice of an angel.. and man.. the Bass is sooo smooth and deep.. in freakin sane.. and i know some members say it lacks the highs.. but i think it's sonically perfect.. sorry but i had to get on here and praise.. what has already been praised.. and for those few who havent heard or owned one.. do yourself a favor.. BUY ONE! thanks for letting me type Smile

redbenjoe - 2008-07-28 14:57

please take a look at the pictures from the florida meet --

you will see a black -extra fat shaped kaboom there --on the same table as the modern day white one --

to all our surprise the big fat kaboom wiped the new kaboom in base and it murdered it on the high end --

are you familiar with that model -- do you have one ?


eddy - 2008-07-28 15:11

I got mine brand new and there's no way i will ever sell it. I like the sound a lot too.
Super woofer volume on mine is set on 2 with ACS switched on. The bassheads are right , they probably turn the super volume to the max and then i think the sound is crap

- 2008-07-28 15:21

Originally posted by redbenjoe:
please take a look at the pictures from the florida meet --

you will see a black -extra fat shaped kaboom there --on the same table as the modern day white one --

to all our surprise the big fat kaboom wiped the new kaboom in base and it murdered it on the high end --

are you familiar with that model -- do you have one ?

wich kaboom is superior ira please fill us in both mine well you have seen em the new white ones i had the old rvb90 kaboom and it sounded the same to me.

Congrats themightyrepairer i have been using one of my kabooms all night and it sounds great on cd the tapedeck is another story though.

redbenjoe - 2008-07-28 15:25

tim - hope some other member from the florida meet can give us the model number --i forget (as old folks often do)
but it was so much better than ours !!
like - no contest

- 2008-07-28 15:45


analogboi - 2008-07-29 09:31

Didn't JVC change the amp in these? The "old" version used class AB amp chips, and the "new" version uses (or used since it's been discontinued) class D amp chips. I'm not 100% sure if that info is true or not.

The class D amp would be better for battery life, but in my experience, class AB amps have a punchier, "rounder" bass.

I've always wondered about the sound difference between the two generations of Kabooms. I haven't bought one of the newer ones because of the suspected class D amp.

isolator42 - 2008-07-29 10:21

Originally posted by themightyrepairer:
... and i know some members say it lacks the highs.. but i think it's sonically perfect...
Originally posted by Eddy:
...Super woofer volume on mine is set on 2 with ACS switched on. The bassheads are right , they probably turn the super volume to the max and then i think the sound is crap
my thoughts exactly... see? Smile

About the RV-DP100/200 model (the fatter one with the drum pads, etc.) The specs rate the power output & speaker sizes as the same as the other full-size Kabooms, so a major difference is a bit surprising. Maybe the fact that there is a properly adjustable 3 band EQ helps with the RV-DP. Pushing the mids & highs up to match the bass would make that b-box substantially louder sounding...

I'm hoping to get my hands on a RV-DP sometime soon (a friends b-box in need of repair), so if/when I do, I'll do a side by side comparison.
Probably when my wife is out... Smile

jt - 2008-07-29 11:29

Ira, that older JVC RV-DP100 kaboom at the meet was/is mine... I was quite surprised at the difference between the two kabooms as well. Even Ford93 (who owns the white one at the meet) was surprised.

It was unanimous that my older kaboom sounded much better balanced, especially in the mids & highs department.

isolator42 - 2008-07-29 15:01

Originally posted by JT:
...It was unanimous that my older kaboom sounded much better balanced, especially in the mids & highs department.
How was the 3 band EQ set?

...or maybe there's something in this different amp thing?

panabox - 2008-07-31 11:38

how does the bass compare to a Panasonic RX-DT680?

themightyrepairer - 2008-07-31 14:49

i owned both many times over.. and by far the Kaboom seriously whoops the DT680.. but i'm not dissing the 680.. they have decent bass to.. but if you want subwoofer bass performance.. Kaboom all the way..

redbenjoe - 2008-07-31 16:13

mightyrepairer --
have you ever had or heard an early kaboom that jt has --
its model # RV- DP100 -- ??

it totally destroys our new style kabooms at balance and everything else !!

like no contest

ford93 - 2008-08-01 07:20

I must say that JT's Kaboom beat my RV-NB10 white Kaboom! Panabox no matter what the RX DT-680 is still a bad ass box it filled the room where we were at the florida meeting! On highs, mids and lows was just awesome especially when I put a track from Eric B & Rakim (Follow the Leader) it just blasted off!

themightyrepairer - 2008-08-01 11:06

best way to put it.. if you want Bass you can feel from across the room.. go with kaboom.. if you want a all around high/mid/low (but not earth shaking lows) go with the solid DT680.. but be aware.. the DT680 does not have an AUX input for MP3 nor can it play CD-R's with MP3's like the JVC can..

driptip - 2008-08-03 07:39

i have the rv-dp100 and 200 and the dt680, the dt680 is no way in heaven that can compare in bass to the kabooms, i love the cassette mech on the 680 tho.

jovie - 2008-08-03 08:38

Originally posted by themightyrepairer:
best way to put it.. if you want Bass you can feel from across the room.. go with kaboom.. if you want a all around high/mid/low (but not earth shaking lows) go with the solid DT680.. but be aware.. the DT680 does not have an AUX input for MP3 nor can it play CD-R's with MP3's like the JVC can..

Actually someone here suggested a way around the 680 not having a line-in which works great! I can't remember who it was.To have a working input on the 680 you need to plug your MP3 player into the 680's cd- OUT (as strange as this may seem).Then find a CD filled with data (this can be a burned one also with data or containing an installation for a program).Try to find one that is as completely full up to the 700meg total capacity as you can).Put this CD in and press play.The drive will "play" this CD for the total amount of minutes it would if this data were actually CD audio music.Of course,it will merely track off the time and not actually produce sound.This does,however,open up the CD output stereo plugs which will actually act as a line- IN for some reason.The sensitivity is great.You will hear your MP3 player for as long as the CD continues to "track" your data CD.I do this all the time with my 680 and it sounds fantatic!

themightyrepairer - 2008-08-03 10:52

hmm now thats an odd way to play through an input.. very odd indeed.. i would have figured that perhaps using the mic input would allow a somewhat work around.. not an output via cd??? interesting indeed..

jcyellocar - 2008-08-03 10:54

Cool bit of info Jovie, I'm going to have to try that tonight. Smile

themightyrepairer - 2008-08-03 11:01

you know there's one more thing i have to say about JVC.. unlike Lasonic.. they actually gave us a remake of a classic (well sorta classic) done 100% true to the original in sound and quality.. and a few added perks like playing MP3 CD's and wireless/IPOD setups.. all without losing an ounce of bass.. KUDO's for JVC.. i have also torn down both the B90 and NB1 and they both look nearly identical internally.. and unlike other remakes.. they didnt go cheap and produce them in China.. so even a newer remake still has a solid feel and sound of the original..