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goodmans power master

andyboombox - 2011-04-14 04:54

just been given one of these boys,but its needing shedloads of work....does anyone else have one of these in the uk?im guessing theyre a spin off of the hitachi 3d80,similar to look at and sounds quite similar.....on mine all four speakers are working and the radio works but both cassette decks are fragged-buttons pushed in and loose.....and its caked in a layer of thick dust and dirt.....are these easy to repair or a son of a bitch????last time i went into a hitachi 3d80 i nearly had a sh#t fit at how complicated it was.....im startingt to get more technically minded nowadays (changing belts etc) but im not off in it if its going to be a pig to fix!!!!!

radio.raheem - 2011-04-14 11:42

Andy a 3d80 complicated lol we have to start somewhere lad...mmmmi know the box your on about i had one yrs ago...i agree there on par with the 3d hitatchi's and to be honest I never took mine apart but i should imagine there very similar workings inside...cummon andy have a go lad.. you have nothing to lose as you had her free..good luck with that


Isolator remember that hitatchi you had from me a few years ago...how caked in mud was that??lol

andyboombox - 2011-04-15 02:15

you didnt see how thich of dirt and muck that this one was tim,it took me ages to get all the crap off her!

radio.raheem - 2011-04-15 02:30

I can guess andy the hitatchi i had was exactly the same...it had the record for being the dirtiest box ever found on here a few yrs back...no joke you couldn't even tell it was a hitatch 3d...I diddn't even know it had cd till I cleaned the dirt off.. lol so yup lad been there....iso owns it now