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way pricey!!

lav.loo - 2013-04-14 15:45

this may be my last post here so thought id'e share a few pics and a little story with you guys

as it was the school holidays last week i thought id'e take my lad up to manchester to visit family and friends. anyway to make this as short as poss we jumped on the train from skegness and made the 140 mile journey to spend some quality time with eachother.

on route we called into one of my haunts in manchester center to check out what boxes may be for sale.

i knew i would'nt be buying as the guy who sells is way over priced but wanted a look anyway.

here's a few pics of what he had, their all really mint and fully working but just way pricey.

the 575 he wanted £200 for, the amstrad turntable box was £175 i think, and the 9090 was i think £150.

he also has a minty crown sz5100 and wants £500 there was another small sanyo in another shop and asking price was £65, still a bit pricey i thought.

anyway here's a few shots i took, enjoy....... oh and a pic of a t-shirt i bought for my lad, with a box on it ofcourse







northerner - 2013-04-14 23:36

Pricey is the word lol!

Where is it in Manchester?...clearly not going there to buy and boxes just interested...I am a Manc after all

lav.loo - 2013-04-14 23:43

it's afflecks palace Si

claret.badger - 2013-04-14 23:46

is this the I SAW YOU COMING shop?


northerner - 2013-04-15 00:48

Good old Afflecks...used to be the place to go on a Saturday afternoon, now it's just an overpriced high street style shop...no fun

ao - 2013-04-15 01:02

Afflecks Palace, hmm, I guess they feel the need to put a good 50% Hipster tax on anthing

lav.loo - 2013-04-15 01:10

i totally agree with you guys, i only go in to check out the boxes tbh. i have bought some great boxes in the past of the guy who has the above for sale at good prices, but now he puts them in his shop at ridiculous prices. it's very hard to get a bargain these days, seems everyone is out to make a huge profit which makes this game very hard

lav.loo - 2013-04-15 01:11

Originally Posted by Claret Badger:

is this the I SAW YOU COMING shop?


it's defo on par with it Claret

deech - 2013-04-15 01:53

You can always window shop !!


I also saw the other topics about the problems

and issues you had with Deliverance Lav.

Those are now closed and i want to say

a few words about it .

I know you are both nice guys and great and experienced members

whatever bad happened between BOTH of you

i would say to put it behind and look forward .

This is childish and egocentric in my opinion to let people here to choose

which one is better and who should stay , this way you put the forum into

disconcert .

I dont know exactly what happened but thats not the main issue

what matters is that everyone should be treated with respect in here.


That being said i do like BOTH  of you !!

And i have to add that it would be nice if you 2 folks shook

hands give a hug to each other and make S2GO a TOP place

to be for collectors like us !


Ignoring each other is not good eh??

I just wanted to express my thoughts on here,

sorry for hijacking this topic but as mentioned above the other 2

topics are closed .


Your Pal (that includes both of you) from the South.



lav.loo - 2013-04-15 02:18

thanks for the positive input here Deech, iv'e already forgotten about it and already moved on