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Looking for Midland mid-size from 1984...

rpm1200 - 2010-04-02 21:45

I used to have a Midland that I found in the trash when I was a kid, it never worked at all with its original electronics but I did stuff like put a separate amplifier board in and run it off a Walkman. I have never seen another of this model but I just found it in a vintage ad, via Google news archive search.
It is a close relative of the Canadian Candle/Prosonic on this page: Golden Age 4
Based on that image and my memory, a few years ago I hacked together this image of what I expect it to look like:

Now I have found this newspaper ad: Apr. 7, 1984 Times-News Scroll down and left a bit and you'll see this:

Not the clearest image but from what I can tell, it's the same one I am looking for! That shows the model number as 23-7393-4.

Now Midland has been around at least since the 70s and as far as I know they are still around. However, they are typically known for their CB radios and, more recently, weather radios. The Western Auto ad shows an entire page of Midland telephones, radios, TVs, etc. Here's the whole page.

I'm wondering if the Midland name was exclusively used at Western Auto, aside from the more widely available CB radios. That would explain the relative rarity of this model...

Any help finding one of these things would be appreciated. Thanks....