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Sony # CFS-7

redbenjoe - 2010-09-28 12:33

right away ..
or even later is fine-

enskanker - 2010-10-07 09:22

I can send it to you on loan.

redbenjoe - 2010-10-07 09:34

that might work out --
sort of old anyway Smile
for how long ???


walkgirl - 2010-10-07 10:34

4 years Cool

redbenjoe - 2010-10-07 10:39

hi waklgirl-
i think this is the exact type of mini-box
that you like -- right ?
have one ??

redbenjoe - 2010-10-20 10:58


superduper - 2010-10-21 14:18

Originally posted by redbenjoe:

I want one too. Nobody got one for sale? Confused Angel

redbenjoe - 2010-11-14 18:18

the 3 week bump Smile

superduper - 2010-11-23 11:10

bump Now 4 week.

l.lopez - 2010-11-23 18:56

SmileI dont know what this one looks like, Can anyone provide a pic? Smile

superduper - 2010-11-23 20:11

That's 'cuz Ira got the convention wrong. It's CFS-D7

Looks like this:

l.lopez - 2010-11-24 07:38

SmileI see, Nope don't have that one, But thanks for the pic Norm. Smile

walkgirl - 2010-11-24 07:44

That is neat Big Grin

redbenjoe - 2010-11-24 19:11

thats not the one i want --
the model i hope to find is a mini --for sure

superduper - 2010-11-24 20:20

Hmmm. After further research, it seems there actually IS a CFS-7, although it might be more of a rumor rather than an actual item. Since the only images I see are those of a pic of the first page of the service manual.

redbenjoe - 2010-11-24 20:40

will take it in silver or black or both-
anybody ??? Smile

driptip - 2010-11-24 21:13

wow thats a nice one Ira.

walkgirl - 2010-11-24 22:22

I do believe Bav does have one!! Smile

redbenjoe - 2010-11-25 14:41

thanks walkgirl -
i just sent a PM to bav -
but dont know if that member is still around

walkgirl - 2010-11-25 21:55


panasonic.fan - 2010-11-30 18:45

Bav is long gone, left after a deal went bad between a few members that she got caught up in. Sad too, she is a real nice person from what I gathered in the PM's we traded trying to work that deal out.

They do pop up on Ebay from time to time.

blasterpunk - 2011-01-17 10:11

I have a CFS-5 Mini for sale.

redbenjoe - 2011-01-17 10:33

peter --get the 7...

or if you cant find one - just send that
turkey in your avitar Smile

blasterpunk - 2011-01-17 12:25

Seems to be a rare Mini Sony, the CFS-7. Eek

daydreamer - 2012-04-16 02:50

I got one on eBay - auction # 170824898643.   Brand new in the box.