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Who is able to repair and restaurate walkmen ?

eingang - 2008-10-22 09:26

Hi there you all Walkman fans and freaks...

For personal but also professional purpose I am searching for someone who is able and willing to repair walkmen. Please send me a message ... would be really happy....

thanks and good bye

- 2008-10-22 15:15

Check at T.V. repair shops.They charge a hourly fee plus parts if they can get them.If no local T.V. repair shop try Best Buy or Circuit City.The last 2 options will have to ship your walkman out to be fixed and you may not feel comfortable.I learned that when I was a kid.What I did from Panasonic walkmans RX-1924 's past was save the parts for when I take the present Panasonic RX-1924 to Larrys T.V.80s walkmans rule!Kristi C.

aa.fussy - 2008-10-22 15:37

I can do simple repairs on Walkman players-most often belt replacing.

transwave5000 - 2008-10-22 22:42

I can do repairs.
But its impossible to charge much on a repair these days.
Thats why I stopped doing repairs.
Plus postage would add up.
The repair would be for nostalgic purpose only and not what the unit is worth.

I use to do repairs in 1980's on all items.