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Seeking WM-33:

manimal347 - 2009-09-10 18:44

I'm new to this hobby, and trying to build up a base of affordable yet funky Walkmen. I know the WM-33 is cheaply built, with a plastic mechanism, but I'm still curious if someone has a running example to sell. I don't know why, but I think it has nicely retrotastic aesthetics.

If you have a similiar not-sop-collectible model, like a WM-22, or a variant of these two chassis like a WM-24 or WM-36, I'm probably still interested.

coolcol - 2009-09-11 01:58

Hi, i have just received a WM-33 black in the post but will check it later if it is ok as normally these are quite reliable.

It depends on how much you are willing to pay for it and the postage too.


manimal347 - 2009-09-11 15:06

Since it's an utterly basic model, I was thinking about fifteen US plus the cost of shipping and a few bucks for packing materials. More if it gets new belts and/or a head demag, of course. That seems fair to me, especially as I've heard vintage Walkmen are more common in Europe. If I'm being rediculous, that's because I'm new here :/