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WTB: WM-501 or WM-504

skyhighyo - 2013-03-20 02:42

Hey guys, I'm a new member here. Also a paypal buyer ;]


I'm looking to get started with the cassette hobby with either a WM-501 or WM-504.  Good condition and in working order please.


Thank you

skyhighyo - 2013-03-27 22:36

hehe nobody? Alrighty..


Anyone got any other nice looking vintage walkmans that are in good condition, easy to maintain, preferably with a decent window and no remote?

traveler - 2013-03-28 09:36

Originally Posted by SkyHighYo:

hehe nobody? Alrighty..


Anyone got any other nice looking vintage walkmans that are in good condition, easy to maintain, preferably with a decent window and no remote?

WTB: WM-501

Have a Sony walkman 501 ( not this specific model number & it's Not for Sale )


Yes have lot's of Walkman's though None are for sale, sorry.


Also have 501 's that are worn daily  


What is your definition of good looking?

All are relatively easy to maintain.

Keeping them working is another issue. 

Decent window? so you can see the cassette? why  

skyhighyo - 2013-03-28 09:52

Well thanks for your response anyway.... I guess

traveler - 2013-03-28 09:54

Originally Posted by SkyHighYo:
Well thanks for your response anyway.... I guess

Have you searched online other than in here this forum for walkmans?

where are you located?

USA here, presently

skyhighyo - 2013-03-28 10:10

Yeah, I'm looking on tapeheads andEbay.  Im pretty good at scouring the Web.  I live in mid west united states

skyhighyo - 2013-03-28 10:16

Just want one nice/cool portable cassette player that works good, no remote, no super difficult batteries but battery packs are fine.  I just don't want an ugly Walkman or my friends will give me crap and think I'm a hoarder or dumpster diver or something. 

Honestly just want one cool one so i can listen to cassettes that I'm looking to collect.  gotta get a nice portable player before i get the tapes though

elektroneko - 2013-03-28 14:19

Welcome ;3


Yeah, those are nice looking walkmans. Especially the 504 is really sexy.


Keep looking on the bay and try to go around thrift shops. You might spot one that's reasonably priced ;3. Don't pay too much though. While they are kinda special, they are not really sought after by collectors and such.

skyhighyo - 2013-03-28 15:01

Hey thanks for the reply   I went to all the thrift shops and Goodwills today, no luck.. hehe.  I got big hopes for something to pop up on eBay, and if worse comes to worst I'll just get a functioning ugly one haha.



skyhighyo - 2013-03-29 09:50

I decided id rather have a wm-d6c... It does everything i want

blackjap80 - 2013-07-05 17:44

Did you ever find a Wm 501?