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So sad

thafuzz - 2008-05-14 21:18

Hey guys,. I finally got around to checking out the China earthquake devastation pics. Of all the tragic pics, this one seemed the saddest. Looks like this poor child was reaching out for help. Hurts to see this. Who knows what these angels could have grown up to become, invent, create, etc. Maybe even a cure for cancer,ect. We'll never know. Frown

oldskool69 - 2008-05-14 21:34

It really is sad. You don't really realize how much a devastating thing like storms and earthquakes are amplified by the way people have to live in other countries. I could only imagine as a kid in Oklahoma if we all lived in apartments crammed together like sardines and a tornado hit. God bless all of the people in that area of China as well as Mynamar. The worst part is their government reaction to the issues. Especially with children involved. Frown

fatdog - 2008-05-14 22:29

Looking at that picture should remind us that no matter what differences we have - skin color, religious beliefs, political leanings - we are all the same at the very core of human existence. Everyone has experienced some amount of sadness and loss, but I can't begin to imagine tragic circumstances that have struck that area of the world. Frown

ao - 2008-05-14 23:13

It's often a struggle to comprehend these disasters especially when so far away but whenever children are the victims it all comes horribly home.

ao - 2008-05-14 23:23

I also struggle to understand the media's role in all this. On one side it's valuable to bring the plight to the attention of the world but there is a parasitic element to 'getting that scoop shot' that doesn't sit well with me.

We've all seen pictures recently of desperately unfortunate families in Burma freezing & starving but still a photographer with a £3k camera rocks up for a pic, now if that was me I'd say "look mate, can you F**k off" unless of course they put something back or help out in some way but I've worked in the media for 15 years & I know turnaround times & budgets are tight.

I don't know, this maybe just me but as a parent, a big mouth & a critic of life, I don't like to see pictures of unknown dead children. I either want to be given the opportunity to help or just not to see the pic, someone else's harrowing despair is not my business.

thafuzz - 2008-05-14 23:36

I've held dead children in my arms in my line of work (9 yrs) "Hit & run to a child" calls where they were left like trash in the street, mutilated by adults, ejected from cars w/o seatbelts, etc. Had their blood on my uniforms. These images haunt me to this day. That coupled with the loss of our daughter at birth. Children suffering calls are what I dread the most. They have the most to live for. You find yourself asking "How can this happen to the children?".

oldskool69 - 2008-05-15 04:01

That had to be the worst part about being in the military and seeing what went on around the world. You could always somewhat justify things to yourself when adults involved as you figure that they make conscious decisions and have a true understanding of what is going on. Children do not. Things happen, and then need to be explained. Worse yet, when they lose their parents to a disater or war, and you hold them crying or bloodied, or worse as Adam noted, leaves you mentally scarred. Has me crying now... Frown