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Need some advice

smokinendo - 2008-04-30 11:31

OK I have always been heavy in the custom car scene and I'm getting that summer itch Big Grin I picked up a cool little mini truck that's pretty clean and will work for a good foundation. I'm more of an OG type and like the Low-rider look best. I have had a bunch of cars and trucks with Hydraulics and I like that look the best but more importantly it never goes out of style. With the Mini Truck or Sport truck look you have to continuously update your ride to keep current with the changing times... new wheels, new paint, new interior, where does it end ? That's why I stick to a pretty basic guide line. Plain paint job, lots of chrome accessories, a KILLER sound System (what a surprise Smile ) and some 13 X 7 100 spoke wire wheels with white wall tires. Some of you might hate this look as I'm fully aware of the fact that it is an acquired taste but it is something that I've grown accustom to. I had my own business installing Hydraulic and Airbag suspension systems on other peoples cars and trucks for years and this is my style of customizing (at least for the Mazda Mini truck)

OK on this one I plan to keep it pretty simple. No Hydros, just a nice drop (5' in the front and 7' out back) all the chrome that I can get, some nice wheels and a system but with the Boombox craze on the rise I want to do something different that will express my enthusiasm for this hobby at the same time. Tomorrow I will be headed to the DMV to apply for custom tags that say BOOMBOX (it's probably taken but it's worth a shot) if so I'll try to come up with something creative but my other idea is where you guys come in or at least your advice.

Have you ever seen those rear window dot printed murals (American flag, screaming eagle, 911 memorials) they are printed in a fashion where you can totally see what's pictured but you can also see right through them from inside the cab. A lot of older guys in my area have them on there trucks to support the troops and/or remember the vets. Well I know a guy in Texas that does this and can make me a custom one.

My plan is to get a custom screen printed window mural that is an actual BoomBox and the guy needs a pic of what box I want to use. He said he can do whatever I want, like make the tuner display and uv's appear to be lit as well as add color to different areas of the image. I'm also considering having him make me a huge decal of a BoomBox to go on the speaker enclosure so when I flip the seats up it will look like a huge BBX sitting back there (I know LOL at me) I was thinking the cassette door could open to reveal my cd case Cool

So I'm asking you guys cause you are way more knowledgeable then I, what Box do you think would "look" the coolest ? Helix ? Conion ? Crown ? Lasonic ? Sharp ?

Help me out here guys Smile I know I'm corny so no need to point that out LOL

Here is the Truck I'll be starting with (please pay no attention to the lawn we are in dyer need of landscaping)

The Canvas I'll be working with

And one of my wheels when I was only 18 (see the Dinosaur in the back LOL)

LMK what you guys think and what Box you would like to see on some wannabe gangsta's low-rider pickup truck as your rollin down the interstate

fatdog - 2008-04-30 11:39

I say paint it "Pearl Tungsten" just like the JVC RC-M90!! That would be cool. Then you could add knobs and switches later. Cool

smokinendo - 2008-04-30 12:36

you mean my truck or the speaker cabinet ?

fatdog - 2008-04-30 12:39

Oh... sorry about that. I meant the truck. Wink

smokinendo - 2008-04-30 12:55

I didn't really want to go that far with this one. I still need to finish my 62 Impala and I need to get all this stuff past the wife LOL

I was thinking all black 13's with a nice chrome lip and some chrome cone style spinners to give my wheels the look of a speaker and they will match the truck. The paint is pretty decent and will look even better after a high speed buff and some new chrome goodies. What do you think of the screen print idea and what box would you go with FD ?

Pics may help as I'm not familiar with all of the boxes you guys mention on here ?

Thanks in advance

kid.sensation - 2008-04-30 13:15

Now that's a nice idea!

I'd say if you want to get as much chrome as you can get on the car you should also pick a box with lots of chrome.

So possibly a Lasonic of any kind or a Conion c-100 would do if you want to match the single-tape-door types.

The 90 FD mentioned would be the real grail box but it may not appear so to most of the people who will see the truck.The other thing is, the 90 is classy looking thing..The VU's right above the deck, the classic style of a boombox..You may change the color of it a bit to match the truck?

Anyway here's a pic of a 90:

(it's member ford93's 90 )

As for look and massive impression you should definately stick with a c-100 or 90.

But everyone got his own taste..I guess you may study the collection area Big Grin

kid.sensation - 2008-04-30 13:22

An idea came to my mind..

If you want the best pics of some of the hottest boxes out there, you may check out member ramboestradas collection here

you will find something here fo sure Eek

fatdog - 2008-04-30 13:36

I'd go with a close-up shot of the C-100 LED meters and sensor for the screen print!

smokinendo - 2008-04-30 13:53

I'm thinking the JC2000/Helix wheely or the Lasonic 975 ? Cause they are black like my truck and colorful

not sure yet but it's still open for discussion

KS thanks for the link Rambo's collection is INSANE ! Now I have to PM Ghettogas and tell him if he ever wants to see my bikes it's going to cost him pics of his boxes Big Grin It's only fair LOL Oh and before I started this thread I thought "Maybe I'll just look at Felix's my space" LMAO

thafuzz - 2008-04-30 14:44

I'd say if you want to get as much chrome as you can get on the car you should also pick a box with lots of chrome.

Like this? I can try and retake a better pic w/o as much glare if you decide on one of these.

smokinendo - 2008-04-30 15:53

Adam I love you but I hate you at the same time

is that even possible ? Laugh Out Loud If anyone has one of these boxes and wants to sell it PLEASE PM me ! I have money and/or first born Big Grin

J/K about hating Fuzz (who could hate a cop Razz)

Dude if you can get me some low glair pics with no direct sun light and without the flash I'll love ya till the end of time (not like that gay kid on the Go Phone commercial loves his dad but you get my point)

PS a solid back drop may help too, now I'm pushing it

smokinendo - 2008-04-30 15:54

Oh yeah the printer said they have to be pretty high res (something like 500x700 ? ) Anyway as big as you can do will be a huge help

Thanks Bro Smile

ned.209 - 2008-04-30 16:30

how about , this

ned.209 - 2008-04-30 16:32

link to more photos, damn fine photos

hey Endo, how much is a hydro setup? i doubt theres even one car on them in Ireland, there are a few in the UK aright. i like them, wanna do one, reckon i could pull it off mechanically, but wouldnt know where to start, as i found out when i tried ebay for the parts a few weeks ago.

forgetting about shipping for a minute, how much do the raw parts cost?

smokinendo - 2008-04-30 21:46

Ned thank you so much I think I may go with that one. Is that one of your auctions ? The pics with the young lady Wink are a trip

ned.209 - 2008-05-01 09:08

no no, im Irish, theres no sunshine here. nice friggin photo though, good stance, huge box, loadsa bits - and the detail in some of the sections is not dissimilar to the detail on some of the custom lowrider paintjobs, if you look in the corners