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sexual references

ned.209 - 2008-04-02 09:20

guys could you tone down the sexual references. you may notice the lack of females on here.... well there are actually female members, they just dont post a lot. seems like every thread has some goddamn picture of a half naked female.


what the hell have half naked females got to do with radios. nothing. your creating an environment where female members are unlikely to post.

thafuzz - 2008-04-02 09:36

I do respect our valued female members and their contributions. It very nice to get their input and persective on this great hobby. I encourage them all to post more often. I Agree Ladies, thank you all, stick around and represent Smile

vladi123456 - 2008-04-02 09:51

Originally posted by NED 209:
guys could you tone down the sexual references. you may notice the lack of females on here.... well there are actually female members, they just dont post a lot. seems like every thread has some goddamn picture of a half naked female.


what the hell have half naked females got to do with radios. nothing. your creating an environment where female members are unlikely to post.

Ned, we are creepy old men - please give us a break!!
But on a serious note - you're totally right. What's even worse - for fear of being fired for looking at porn - I'm almost scared to read some of the posts while at work - including my own Laugh Out Loud
Good call, Ned. And ladies - my apologies Smile

jovie - 2008-04-02 10:24

There's very little that is more cool than a female who is into ghettoblasters.Our female members should be highly regarded as there are certainly fewer percentage of women who are into this hobby.I did not see your point Ned until I thought of what my reaction would be to a half naked MAN being posted here.I might not visit as often if I had to look at something like that.I'm sure your post was not meant to advocate censorship but to encourage more voluntary consideration on this issue when posting.The problem is where do you draw the line.Certainly women have always been used to attract men in advertisements.How many ads have you seen with a woman in a swimsuit?That practice goes back many years.

enskanker - 2008-04-02 11:23

One piece swimsuits OK, no Bikini's, I'm drawing the line.

enskanker - 2008-04-02 11:24

Just cant's decide.... top or bottom piece.

enskanker - 2008-04-02 11:53

I have changed my avatar to the Daiwa work of art of worldwide obscurity.

fuzzyduck - 2008-04-02 11:54

Originally posted by NED 209:
guys could you tone down the sexual references. you may notice the lack of females on here.... well there are actually female members, they just dont post a lot. seems like every thread has some goddamn picture of a half naked female.


what the hell have half naked females got to do with radios. nothing. your creating an environment where female members are unlikely to post.

Good point NED.
Being one of the very few female members, I do find it pretty off-putting I must admit.

jt - 2008-04-02 13:19

I can only suspect that my recent WMC post was the proverbial straw that broke he camel's back that inspired this...

I sincerely apologize to ANYONE who may have been offended or put-off by the Nikki Beach pics that I posted in that thread. Considering that there are regularly quite many girly pics or videos posted to this site (even in avatars) I really didn't think anything of it. Rest assured that I will not do it again.

One more thing to add though... While you make a really good point Ned and I commend you for it... However, if you're going to push a politically correct agenda, I do think you could have made your point equally well without the use of the word "goddamn" in your post. Some other people may find that equally as offensive, or worse, than posting pictures of women who willingly go out in public half naked and show off their assets.

tpr - 2008-04-02 13:28

I agree people!
how true.

When I saw this topic first ,I red -PREFERENCES -
instead of references Big Grin Laugh Out Loud
OHO! Winkso i jumped to this topic to close it....

oldskool69 - 2008-04-02 13:54

OK. OK. OK. OK. Everyone settle down.

1. Ned, I appreciate your comments. You are correct in what you say about someone possibly being offended.

2. The others who may feel this is a bit of PC gone nuts have a point too.

3. The bottom line is that for the most part we have informative and useful posts. And for the most part, best I can tell, we have men as members. This is no slight to the women by any strecth or measure. LET ME MAKE THAT CLEAR. That being said, off color jokes, or innuendo is what gives this place some of it's flavor and color. Like the television, I can turn it off. If it offends me I respond by ignoring it as there are better things to concern myself with than being bothered with a joke that's "not my flavor".

4. As long as we don't go off the deep end, for which we have a Gesuhndheit PM Club for, it's OK. We are adults, and we joke like them too. I for one don't mind it and find it funny and I have proof that our moderators, as long as it's within reason laughed right along.

5. That being said, ladies, I have four sisters and I have heard them and their freinds say some of the wildest things my sensitive ears were ever subject to. Keep in mind that stereos, cars, guns, football, hunting, cigar smoking and the like have generally been a boys club of sorts for many moons. It is recently that we have had to look over our shoulder or speak hush like because there was a girl in the room. I'm not a chauvanist, and hope more women come to collect these things and enjoy the hobby. Just remember...some time ago a woman reporter went into the men's locker room after a game and was upset cause some didn't wear a towel. No one flashed her, they just behaved normally...because that was "normal". The coach when hearing she was upset from a male reporter replied,"You know what? Ever since these girl reporters started coming around I can't even scratch my balls in my own locker rooom without being criticized. Damn it to all, stay the hell out if my boys can't be boys! I gotta itch to scratch! And I'm scratchin! Any more questions?" No one ever said anything again. Men will be men, boys will be boys. Period. Smile


Ladies, this by no means is me saying stay out. One, cause I have no right to, and two, I enjoy your wit and input as much as the others here. So please, ignore us as you would your boyfriend or husband when you think we say something stupid. Laugh and look forward to the next moment when you can catch us with towels down and make us look like idiots. Big Grin

masterblaster84 - 2008-04-02 14:11

I Agree

Wow oldskool that was a very well thought out, intelligent and witty response. It makes perfect sense and you are correct. Some people will always take offense to something even if it's not intended that way. It's on us as individuals to maintain a bit of a thick skin so we can brush off the distasteful jokes, comments or pics.

On the other hand a little control on everyones part will keep this a fantastic and very enjoyable forum. I agree that I would like to see more women involved in this addictive hobby, I think it adds a flavor we can all use and enjoy. Smile

71spud - 2008-04-02 14:18

Well said MasterBlaster84-

If there is one thing we all agree on is it when it comes to women.... we all would like to see more of them. Eek

oldskool69 - 2008-04-02 14:24

Originally posted by danny64:
that reminds me, has anyone seen walkgirl's pussy lately? Laugh Out Loud Big Grin

Sorry I could not resist, but...um...Danny (By the way enjoying the SCR-8!), didn't you get your salad tossed over this comment in a past thread? Laugh Out Loud

sinister - 2008-04-02 14:26

didn't you get your salad tossed over this comment in a past thread? Laugh Out Loud

ooh my g@d!!! my ears are bleeding now. but not my !?@* Eek

danny64 - 2008-04-02 14:54

Originally posted by oldskool69:
Originally posted by danny64:
that reminds me, has anyone seen walkgirl's pussy lately? Laugh Out Loud Big Grin

Sorry I could not resist, but...um...Danny (By the way enjoying the SCR-8!), didn't you get your salad tossed over this comment in a past thread? Laugh Out Loud

nope, you must be thinking of the massengill box image i posted in autoreversers box cleaning thread. Laugh Out Loud damn, i sure got reamed out for that one Laugh Out Loud Big Grin

oldskool69 - 2008-04-02 16:20

Ahhhhhh yes! That one! And I'm sorry, but it still was funny! Laugh Out Loud

enskanker - 2008-04-02 17:32

Through sight, the colours may be seen,
but too much colour blinds us.
Apprehending the tones of sound,
too much sound might make us deaf,
and too much flavor deadens taste.
When hunting for sport, and chasing for pleasure,
the mind easily becomes perplexed.
He who collects treasures for himself
more easily becomes anxious.
The wise person fulfills his needs,
rather than sensory temptations.

redbenjoe - 2008-04-02 17:33

BULLSH-T Laugh Out Loud

oldskool69 - 2008-04-02 17:37

Originally posted by redbenjoe:
BULLSH-T Laugh Out Loud


- 2008-04-03 01:43

Originally posted by oldskool69:
4. As long as we don't go off the deep end, for which we have a Gesuhndheit PM Club for, it's OK. We are adults, and we joke like them too. I for one don't mind it and find it funny and I have proof that our moderators, as long as it's within reason laughed right along.

of which i have as of now yet to make a post into ....

- 2008-04-03 01:46

Sorry after Reading this I fell out of my Driver's Seat ! ROFLMAO

Originally posted by danny64:
that reminds me, has anyone seen walkgirl's pussy lately? Laugh Out Loud Big Grin

NO ! ... Not lately ,,, should I have ?

ned.209 - 2008-04-03 18:48

makes me feel proud to be male. no it doesnt im joking. we're oafs.

of this thread, some intelligent responses, some crass wit.

adjective, -er, -est.
1. without refinement, delicacy, or sensitivity; gross; obtuse; stupid