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My Wedding Anniversary

oldskool69 - 2008-03-19 20:38

Well, March 20th is my 15th wedding anniversary. My wife is allowing me to do "some" spending. We can't really go anywhere now that we have our niece and her baby in the house. We were gonna run down to Florida and hopefully meet some of my s2g family. She just wanted to see if the other guys were normal as she thinks I'm nuts with these boxes.Laugh Out Loud

Anyway, if you are married, how long have you been, and what does your wife think of your collecting? I'll allow for long term relationships/significant others too cause if you've been together for years you've invested enough and been told what to do enough to count. Laugh Out Loud

fatdog - 2008-03-19 20:51

Congrats on your anniversary, Freddie! This July, it'll be 11 years for me and the Mrs. While she secretly likes the GF-777, she bugs me about having too many boxes. I only have 7! She seems to think that's six too many. Roll Eyes Big Grin

redbenjoe - 2008-03-19 20:54

happy anniversary , fred -
thats such a sweet and thoughtful topic -

--- due only to my 60 boxes -

my wife and 3 kids jointly and severally ::

HATE MY GUTS ---- Smile

ohboy - 2008-03-19 20:55

Hey there,
and Happy Anniversary...
I am pretty new here, but I felt compelled to write this... I am married for only 6 months now, but my wife and I have been together for almost 10 years in one form or another,,, She is great with my collecting boxes! Sometimes I don't know how she puts up with it... (must be all the telling me what to do stuff I have to put up with...lol)
She is a little younger than me, and also grew up in a rural part of Long Island, NY, where as I grew up in Queens... so she never really had seen a b-box until me... Though she doesn't understand my fascination with them,(she thinks it's crazy, and big radios are crazy) she understands that I LOVE them,,, AND CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT MY RADIO... for this reason, (and many others) I wouldn't trade her for anything...
Thanks for this post!
