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Wanted : VISTA

enskanker - 2008-03-19 09:58

I want to upgrade my two Laptops to VISTA from XP SP2. Anybody got a disc, either Full or Upgrade version to sell?

Otherwise I shall eBay my way....

vladi123456 - 2008-03-19 11:10

I don't have a disk, but just curious - why do you want to upgrade? I have Vista on one of my work computers, and I can't say it's much different from XP. Definately needs more memory though - I have 2 gig RAM and it's barely enough

enskanker - 2008-03-19 11:17

Good question, I have it one one machine and happy enough with it....My other larger Fujitsu laptops have enough memory and space so I figured I'd try it on them. I like to live on the edge.

fatdog - 2008-03-19 11:18

Yeah, I would stick with XP and just go up to SP3 if you can find it. However, if you reeeeeeealy want a copy of Vista, I might have a "friend" who can get you one. Big Grin

sinister - 2008-03-19 11:21

DANGER will robinson DANGER!!!!!

enskanker - 2008-03-19 11:42

OK, who has had any nightmare VISTA experiences....speak up.

oldskool69 - 2008-03-19 12:12

I am currently running Vista on my notebook since it came with it and at first it was a pain in the a**. But like any software, the more you use it,(And Microsoft patches it. Laugh Out Loud) you get used to it. I have actually grown to like it. Now if you have some older software you really like using that doesn't have a suitable upgrade you'll have issues. But this has been around for almost two years and I am finding fewer and fewer issues with it. I have a spare machine running XP but hardly use it except to access some really old stuff. When I got Vista my newest software was two years old so it didn't afffect me much since I needed to move on with most of it anyway. Smile

BTW...If you use it I recommend a dual core machine. It helps ALOT!

enskanker - 2008-03-19 13:34

Yes, perhaps I shall read some more, study, prepare myself and then upgrade when my time arrives.

ned.209 - 2008-03-19 14:58

the transparency kicks a**. i like that. im shallow.

here, crikey... blah. WITHOUT starting another mac vs. windows war, id like to ask a question. im running macs latest, 10.5.1 leopard. fellows in school have commented that vista is just a copy of the mac OS, but i dont see the similarities. theres no transparency. wheres my god damn transparency.