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the Govenor of New York

redbenjoe - 2008-03-10 22:23

shoulda boughta boombox

fatdog - 2008-03-10 23:06

Well, he bought a box alright... Laugh Out Loud

oldskool69 - 2008-03-11 03:11

Originally posted by Fatdog:
Well, he bought a box alright... Laugh Out Loud

Apparently at eBay minty grail (i.e. Coney-Onkyo C100-F) prices!!!! Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud

enskanker - 2008-03-11 05:29

number 9 please, number 9, number 9, number 9, number 9..............

- 2008-03-11 06:30

to think these are the people that are in charge, what an embarrassment Roll Eyes it seems the US is going down in flames and FAST

redbenjoe - 2008-03-11 07:30

that governer fellow has made me seem like an angel today --
i just promised my wife that i would never pay $4.500 for a hooker Laugh Out Loud

erniejade - 2008-03-11 09:40

damm right it better be at least 10 hookers for that $ LOL!! He could have went to thailand, got several and still have change!! Heck they even have a package deal on the internet!

redbenjoe - 2008-03-11 13:15

very funny erniejade -
and would you please post that thailand link for some of us $$ poor members

enskanker - 2008-03-11 13:23

erniejade knows the ins and outs or hooker, line, and sinker of the business, it appears, to these wondering eyes he has got his shinola together.

redbenjoe - 2008-03-11 15:50

yeah well - i have been waiting all day for him to produce that 10- for-the-price-of -one hooker link !

panasonic.fan - 2008-03-11 16:36

Originally posted by autobot84:
to think these are the people that are in charge, what an embarrassment Roll Eyes it seems the US is going down in flames and FAST

I don't I'd go that far, but there are certainly things that we could improve upon..... for starters, by throwing out all of the illegals and better management of our borders. I'd gladly trade something like this happening upon occasion for secure borders and most of the illegals dealt with.

redbenjoe - 2008-03-11 16:49

I Agree
if all these elected people would only do an honorable and valuable job -
then its ok to get a little private nookie

oldskool69 - 2008-03-11 17:33

Originally posted by Panasonic Fan:
Originally posted by autobot84:
to think these are the people that are in charge, what an embarrassment Roll Eyes it seems the US is going down in flames and FAST

I don't I'd go that far, but there are certainly things that we could improve upon..... for starters, by throwing out all of the illegals and better management of our borders. I'd gladly trade something like this happening upon occasion for secure borders and most of the illegals dealt with.

As a former member of our fine military I cannot begin to explain how we as former and current servicemebers feel when we see these clowns (politicians) doing what they do. They all aren't bad and most are well intentioned but they vote as a group and go down in flames as a group as it relates to the house,congress and party lines.

As far as the U.S. I wouldn't trade it for anything. I'll take her warts and all. Big Grin

As an individual, I could not begin to fathom going into a whore house or even be with another woman as a married man let alone a public servant or member of the clergy. When you chose to do that you hold yourself to a higher standard. I repeat...YOURSELF! We often hear the press saying "The public holds you to a higher standard!" Well the public standards are sometimes pretty low so it's up to the individual to reach higher. Will I clown and joke about this goof? Of course! Because he deserves to be laughed at and mocked. Remember he was a state attorney general busting high dollar white collar criminals before he was governor . Now who's busted? Roll Eyes Laugh Out Loud

redbenjoe - 2008-03-11 19:04

just announced that the updated hooker tab for the governor is up to at least $80,000 -

thats just too much nookie Smile

oldskool69 - 2008-03-11 19:07

Originally posted by redbenjoe:
just announced that the updated hooker tab for the governor is up to at least $80,000 -

thats just too much nookie Smile

Taxpayer dollars (for sure Roll Eyes) hard (no pun intended) at work! Laugh Out Loud

panasonic.fan - 2008-03-11 20:08

Originally posted by redbenjoe:
just announced that the updated hooker tab for the governor is up to at least $80,000 -

thats just too much nookie Smile

Yet the seemingly brain dead wife is at his side..... reminds me of Zippergate.

oldskool69 - 2008-03-11 20:11

Originally posted by Panasonic Fan:
[Yet the seemingly brain dead wife is at his side..... reminds me of Zippergate.

Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud

boomboxnut - 2008-03-11 20:24

US GOVERNMENT is nice way of saying ORGANIZED CRIME. They make Hoffa look tame.

boomboxnut - 2008-03-11 20:26

Maybe "Billary" can turn it around?? Laugh Out Loud

boomboxnut - 2008-03-11 20:27

Originally posted by oldskool69:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Panasonic Fan:
[Yet the seemingly brain dead wife is at his side..... reminds me of Zippergate.

Careful what he gets caught in his zipper!! Laugh Out Loud

vladi123456 - 2008-03-11 21:23

That is ironic - he once broke a call-girl ring, and now it's like "Governor - Revenge of the Sith" Laugh Out Loud
As far as his wife - I don't think she's brainless - she's probably trying to make the best out of the situation. Remember when Kobe Bryant got caught cheating? And then his wife was seen featuring a diamond ring the size of my life? I'm sure Mrs Spitzer got herself a pretty sweet deal to *support* the husband.
So what do we call him now? We already have a Governator in California - what do we have in New York - goverhooker? Laugh Out Loud

redbenjoe - 2008-03-11 21:40

some governors just have their priorities all screwed up-

and had he spent the $80.000 more wisely -
he could have scored 1/2 my box collection

and i would have chucked in the VINIX !

moncheeto - 2008-03-12 07:37

well i heard that when clinton was president they called him superfly Laugh Out Loud well i guess they can call this guy superfly2 Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud

panasonic.fan - 2008-03-12 08:25

Originally posted by vladi123456:
That is ironic - he once broke a call-girl ring, and now it's like "Governor - Revenge of the Sith" Laugh Out Loud
As far as his wife - I don't think she's brainless - she's probably trying to make the best out of the situation. Remember when Kobe Bryant got caught cheating? And then his wife was seen featuring a diamond ring the size of my life? I'm sure Mrs Spitzer got herself a pretty sweet deal to *support* the husband.
So what do we call him now? We already have a Governator in California - what do we have in New York - goverhooker? Laugh Out Loud

Hmmm, being paid off to sidestep immorality her husband is caught up in?

As bad as he was, what does that say about her?

I guess morality is truly "for sale" these days.

blaster - 2008-03-12 08:50

Originally posted by redbenjoe:
some governors just have their priorities all screwed up-

and had he spent the $80.000 more wisely -
he could have scored 1/2 my box collection

and i would have chucked in the VINIX !

right, he shoulda spent that 80k on his family instead...

vladi123456 - 2008-03-12 10:45

Originally posted by Panasonic Fan:

Hmmm, being paid off to sidestep immorality her husband is caught up in?

As bad as he was, what does that say about her?

I guess morality is truly "for sale" these days.

I don't think it would be a novel concept for politicians - to be paid off for this or that. Sad.....

erniejade - 2008-03-12 16:44

Sorry I did not get a chance to post a reply till today

do a google search you would be suprised on what you find! i actually saw it on the news one day and I was like no freakin way. Got the laptop out and took a look. I even showed Jen! She was like why are you looking up that? I pointed to the TV LOL.

blaster - 2008-03-12 17:11

this is why i don't like politics and or a murder incident at times..once something happens its on the news over and over again!!! its ok at first perhaps but could last for weeks..sheesh give it a rest...
like (Buckwheat has been shot!!...back to the location again)...LMAO

appleknocker - 2008-03-12 20:33

here is the chick:

I am thinking they should give him his job back..hmmm

redbenjoe - 2008-03-12 20:38

cute -- but at $4500 -
not what we consider 'good family value'

appleknocker - 2008-03-12 20:44

I Agree Definately bad money management or in his case not fiscally responsible

jovie - 2008-03-13 09:26

...and he went after prostitution rings in New York.It's almost as though he considered this his "carbon offset" type of payment for his own sins of weakness.