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2008 --Reflections

redbenjoe - 2008-12-23 14:11

before we ponder plundering aimlessly into 2009 --
it might be important to 'get pensive'
and re-visit our accomplishments for 2008.

after all, 365 days is a long time to have got absolutely nothing done Smile

reading posts this year --
we know that some members hit 40 , had new kids, bought houses, COMPLETED their collections ,built nice shelving displays, got a bonus, woke up with one (or two) , etc, etc

so--how about lets list our proudest moments of this past year --

just for starters-
this might be somewhat easy to beat ; Big Grin

let me re-post a few old evidence shots of what was by far my own finest accomplishment of 2008 ..........


next........ Tap Toes Tap Toes

moncheeto - 2008-12-23 15:06

I Agree Eek Eek Eek Eek Nod Yes

sinister - 2008-12-23 15:19

can i have the number of the girl in the first picture...... Big Grin

redbenjoe - 2008-12-23 15:34

sin -- you WILL be knowing and seeing ALOT about her in a few years --she was born beautiful and lucky to have been blessed with a spectacular singing voice --
at age only 18 --she has already been on national TV twice --
to sing the National Anthem at Fenway Park for two Red Sox/ Yankees series openers -

NO Sh!t !!

chancenellie - 2008-12-23 15:51

well after my "attack" last year i was told i would never walk again.But now im hobbling/limping like a trooper,dont know wether thats luck or the fact i'm a stubborn sod (or Mr hoppy man as my 5 year old calls me )
Life is good,got my new daughter,now a month old and turned 40 and am always humbled by what us guys on here do for each other,wether it be a sale,advice or just words of support for each other even though we have never met in person and in some cases dont even know what we look like.Kinda resores your faith in human nature

redbenjoe - 2008-12-23 16:34

chancenellie --thats tons of heart and soul for you --what an incredible comeback.

kid.sensation - 2008-12-23 16:44

ira - DIBS on the girl in 2nd pic!!Big Grin

my biggest accomplishment this year probably was moving out from my parents home and living on my own now.

all in all it's been quite a good year -- let's hope 2009 will be as good / better for us all Smile

redbenjoe - 2008-12-23 16:47

KID !!!
thats jailbait in florida --
she is 17 Big Grin

oldskool69 - 2008-12-23 16:57

Well, there were a few boombox related great moments...

Finding my long lost brother Bobby... Big Grin

Florida + These Guys = Unforgettable. Big Grin

And recieving a personal grail... Big Grin

And great family moments... Nod Yes

God has really blessed me. I had a successful project for Alabama State University, and gained many new freinds and continued to learn, grow, and be humbled as well. I was witness to history (even though it wasn't my personal choice), My children were outstanding as usual and my wife is gold as always.

And a special thanks to Bobby (Fatdog). I now have a brother in Tennessee. And I mean that in every sense of the word.

My stereo2go family was awsome as well with encouragement and words of wisdom. Even supporting my daughters desire to model. You guys definitely had and impact in '08.

I'm definitely excited about '09. Big Grin Nod Yes

redbenjoe - 2008-12-23 17:23

hey oldy --my outside guess is that you have worked hard to earn the good year and great blessings that you have there.

there is just a 'little' question about the "unforgettable' part Smile
because quite frankly,
all the other Florida guys had completely forgot about you and fatdog Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud

thafuzz - 2008-12-23 17:59

Upon reflection, the only thing that seems to come to mind is, my wife and I have become Foster Parents for 6 siblings (aside from our 2 biological sons) and are seeking adopting them ALL - so they don't lose each other in the Foster Care system. My wife and I are now Coaches/volunteers for our local Special Olympics program. It gets me all mushy inside when these athletes call me "Coach Adam" Smile

redbenjoe - 2008-12-23 18:19

thats a wonderful year for you and your wife, Coach Adam Smile

billpc55 - 2008-12-23 18:23


surviving. yes this last two years was not good.

getting stronger mentally and physically.

starting a new music project with good people.

making music even tho i nearly gave it up.

paying off bills.

getting rid of all the dead wieght in my life.
the users and losers who leeched on to my success for their own gain.

so yes 2008 for the most i do wish to put behind me.
it was another bad year but.
i made it through.
not easy these last two years.
no truly good success story comes without a certain degree of tradgedy.

now 2009 will be my year. i can feel it. i might not get rich but i am going to do some cool stuff.

redbenjoe - 2008-12-23 18:32

bill - with that attitude = betting on you for 2009 - Smile

billpc55 - 2008-12-23 18:55

i got my fingers crossed man. despite all the crap stuff this year.
i did manage to connect with amazing group of musicians. i plan on being in one of the it bands in vancouver by summer next year.
i did it before and i will do it again.
i like being out playing music for those silly scene kids and the waif skinny hipster girls.
i still get a certain satisfaction from being asked by one of them where i am going to spend the night and telling them sorry i am married.
so yeah. its all going to be good next year.
vinyl records shows tours groupies the whole bloody lot.

redbenjoe - 2008-12-23 19:17

hey --after reading adams post --about doing kind deeds for mankind --
i finally thought of what i did 'for people' this year:

the kids in the hood --are all a bunch of 'down deep' nice guys --but too many drink way too much.

then they go out and get DUI drivers license suspensions --THEN they still would 'tend' to drive !! (like stupid)

well - thats where i come in Smile
--this past year i gave a few HUNDRED rides to kids --that might have otherwise taken that moronic chance--

oddly ... they mostly want rides to Big Bubbas--
which is the discount liquor store !!!Mad Big Grin

anyway --many dont even realize the duration of the jail time for DUI suspension driving
and how deadly dangerous it can be to drive like that--

so - thats my continuous real best accomplishment.

thafuzz - 2008-12-23 20:29

oddly ... they mostly want rides to Big Bubbas--
which is the discount liquor store !!!

You're a good man Charlie Brown Wink Now, give them a ride on your Woodie to their rehab appointments. Razz

gluecifer - 2008-12-23 20:43

For me the biggest plus of 2008 has been landing my dream job working in community development which starts in January and really lets me try and make a difference to a lot of people at a grassroots level. I've been working towards this role for the last 5 or 6 years, so I'm really going to make the most of it.

The other great thing that happened was discovering this place. I'd been trying to collect ghettoblasters since the mid 90s and just never had the resources till I discovered stereo2go and have learned so much that I really can't find words enough to thank everyone in this community.

I look forward to a great 2009 with all of you and can't wait to learn more, share more and collect more!

Rock On brothers.

redbenjoe - 2008-12-23 20:50

hey glue ---you finding s2g was a very good deal for s2g Smile

oldskool69 - 2008-12-23 21:13

Originally posted by redbenjoe:
...because quite frankly, all the other Florida guys had completely forgot about you and fatdog Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud

Well, Ira, given that Florida is a bona-fide retirement zone... Big Grin

It is state law that all residents are forgetful and drive like they have glaucoma, cataracts, or incontinence! Laugh Out Loud

So Bobby and I understand. Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud

redbenjoe - 2008-12-23 21:19

who's bobby ?? Confused Confused Big Grin

oldskool69 - 2008-12-23 21:24

Originally posted by redbenjoe:
who's bobby ?? Confused Confused Big Grin

Laugh Out Loud

Big guy from Tennessee...You may think he's coming down the chimney Wednesday night. Or in your case, pulling up to the beach on a large wave runner. Laugh Out Loud

- 2008-12-23 21:25

For me, this summer has been an emotional roller-coaster ride due to family drama Frown

On a positive note, my wife and i bought a brand new house and i purchased yet another car that i have wanted for quite some time...and best of all JENS aka *TPR* let me re-register here in this "nutthouse" forum Laugh Out Loud (jk)

I'm hoping for a much better year in 2009 Smile


redbenjoe - 2008-12-23 21:27

Jens aka TPR is re-considering Big Grin

- 2008-12-23 21:34

Originally posted by redbenjoe:
Jens aka TPR is re-considering Big Grin

I think he should...and so should i Laugh Out Loud


redbenjoe - 2008-12-23 21:39

hear the latest ??

the canadian government has initiated the new re-distribution of all c100f models !! Laugh Out Loud

- 2008-12-23 21:42

Originally posted by redbenjoe:
hear the latest ??

the canadian government has initiated the new re-distribution of all c100f models !! Laugh Out Loud

Laugh Out Loud


jt - 2008-12-23 21:51

2008 will go down as the year in which I:

1) Survived another year at my day job (AT&T just laid off 12,000 and I made the cut)

2) Watched my 401k tank like nobody's business!

3) Grew my box collection from 1 Sanyo 9990 to 11 total boxes!

4) Met the crew at Sunshine Mix 2008 and made some new friends for life!

5) Made a baby with my wonderful wife!

6) Got "another year older and deeper in debt." (well, paid off some debts actually, but I just like that song)

7) Witnessed and partook in a historical election!

8) Lost a dear friend who died of a heart attack way too early in his life (at 39 yrs. old).

2008 went way too fast.

So..., Happy 2009 (and Merry Christmas, of course) to all of you!!!!!

redbenjoe - 2008-12-23 22:02

lots of ups and downs for you, JT-
was great to meet you at the meet Smile

ford93 - 2008-12-24 06:15

For me was starting a new in Tampa Florida after serving 10 yrs. inprisonment with wife.

Meeting new friends such as JT and that wonderful Sunshine Mix meet of some S2G members.

Getting my long lost box the M-90 and the rest that I've bought so far.

Finally being a member here on S2G it has been a blast.

I hope 2009 will be better for all of us!

redbenjoe - 2008-12-24 07:40

juan --from your past avitar --i thought you had that same m90 since you were a kid .

is the one in this avitar new to you?

ford93 - 2008-12-24 11:56

Yes it's my second M-90 my original I sold it back in 84' to a close family friend in which he passed away about 2 or three years after selling it to him R.I.P.

I tried to find out what he did with it but his wife moved and I never heard from her again. I just hope my baby is in good hands.

- 2009-01-02 20:48

Dear Ford93,Im sorry to hear that you and your wife were in prison.What did you do hun?I spent 4 hours in jail once alone all night because a group home called Carlson Drake pressed charges for kicking a hole in the wall from being angry about them denying me a phone call to my Grandma Sally.The Hennepin County jail let me call her at 3AM on that one summer morning in 1991.A taxi took me to her house from jail to her house in North St.Paul with the jails permission and hers.I later learned that the group home burned down,the very same one in Minneapolis.I hope nobody was killed or hurt. Frown Frown Frown

ghettoboom777 - 2009-01-02 21:15

Hi everyone-I have had some good and bad this year-I never told anyone here but FatDog.
I sold my 1974' Chevelle Laguna Type S-3.
It was a hard thing to do but I just had too many cars.It was 95% restored and I had it for 18 years! Frown
I did increase my collection from 7 to about 42 boomboxes!
I haven't gotten a F.T. job yet and I still have to move but that's coming so soon-about 2-3 weeks away.Just moving into a different area of Tn.
I did buy a nice 1993' Thunderbird LX.

But I'm still lonely and haven't gone on a real vacation but that's in due time.
I just need to figure myself out and quit working on cars and boomboxes and listening to music all the time and get out there-I need a companion-I really,really have to work on this.
I'll be actually happy then-you can have all the cars and boomboxes & music but if you have no one to share it with then-it's kind of not so fun.
I hope everyone has a super 2009'!!
I have some resolutions that I'm going to keep this year!
Have a super year-GB. Smile Red Face

panasonic.fan - 2009-01-03 13:53

Originally posted by kristi carr:
Dear Ford93,Im sorry to hear that you and your wife were in prison.What did you do hun?I spent 4 hours in jail once alone all night because a group home called Carlson Drake pressed charges for kicking a hole in the wall from being angry about them denying me a phone call to my Grandma Sally.The Hennepin County jail let me call her at 3AM on that one summer morning in 1991.A taxi took me to her house from jail to her house in North St.Paul with the jails permission and hers.I later learned that the group home burned down,the very same one in Minneapolis.I hope nobody was killed or hurt. Frown Frown Frown

Hi Kristy-

I'm pretty sure it was a figure of speech about being in jail (IE married unhappily).

What am I thankful for..... let's see.

No more James Nod Yes

No more job Frown

Good job prospects Cool

New car (finally) Big Grin

By FAR, the best thing about '08 was sharing it with you guys and gals. It has been so satisfying to see folks pulling for each other, completing collections, starting collections, and sharing the love of boomboxes and other portable electronics.

This is a class site, and I look forward to a great '09.

oldskool69 - 2009-01-03 20:00

Good luck on the job hunt! I know you'll succeed and be better than ever. Nod Yes

And no more James...that is unless he contacts you via eBay... Laugh Out Loud

What kind of car did you get? Smile