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need help with cigarettes...

isolator42 - 2008-12-12 07:31

In the UK, we have cheerful warnings such as "SMOKING KILLS" & gruesome pictures on our cigarette packets to help convince us it's a bad idea to smoke.

This is a current packet of B&H:

Now where can I get these "abstinence" brand ciggies? They sound like a miracle.

...I am not mad.

vladi123456 - 2008-12-12 08:27

I used to smoke a pack a day - a looooooooong time ago. Acupuncture helped - I quit overnight....a loooooooooooong time ago Smile

nelsongf9696 - 2008-12-12 10:37

I smoked since 14 and quit when my son 10 then 6 saw me and asked is that good?It hit me...HE will want to follow in my steps...so I quit cold turkey!Now going on 5 years.

PS I smoked 2+ packs per day of Newports.

nelsongf9696 - 2008-12-12 11:04

They can say to you if you smoke 1 cigarette you will die,smokers know it wont make you quit.If you want to quit the keyword being (Want)you can, wont be easy but it can be done.Remember though 1 day at a time dont overwhelm yourself by thinking long term.Take it step by step,if you fall get up and try again.A wiseman once asked:how can a man eat and Elephant?Answer.One bite at a time!

baddboybill - 2008-12-12 12:11

I am very happy to say that I quit 9 months ago with the help of the patch Big Grin. I smoked 2 packs/day for 25 years

redbenjoe - 2008-12-12 12:19

paul -
-this is the ONE matter that i do friggen know ALL about Frown Frown

like wise nelson said --the key word is WANT -

i smoked FOUR packs a day for DECADES !!
if you 'do the math' --thats a true maxed out chain smoker

i have cut down to ONE per week --
NOT one pack -- one cigarette per week!!

i CAN help you or ANY MEMBER quit --

so if you are SURE of the 'want part'

just ask Big Grin

enskanker - 2008-12-12 12:30

I always enjoyed KOOL's.. the Original Lung Bleeders...

Now I fly right....only my planes smoke.

isolator42 - 2008-12-12 15:12

wow, I've started a smokers confessional.

I've not quit smoking.
But there again, I haven't started yet...

gtastuntcrew302 - 2008-12-12 15:12

Ive never smoked one cigarette in my life although im 16 lol

tpr - 2008-12-12 15:22

I tell you :change to cigars...

I do just smoke a good cigar from Venezuela(La Venezulana Paactela Ejecutivo) once a monce,and now and then...a pipe with navy cut tobacco....

so this one lasts two years....

And I do enjoy the evening so much with my friends ,I`m doing this with great relish.
My friends do either.Sitting in the leather sofa in my little library - drinking a good red wine.....

nelsongf9696 - 2008-12-12 15:38

Originally posted by baddbill:
I am very happy to say that I quit 9 months ago with the help of the patch Big Grin. I smoked 2 packs for 25 years

Good going there Baddbill and I'm sure you took it 1 day at a time,now you look back and say wow I thought I couldn't go 1 day and it's now 9 months.Good for you keep up the good work...

baddboybill - 2008-12-12 15:51

thanks nelson64 Cool

tpr - 2008-12-12 16:29

Now where can I get these "abstinence" brand ciggies?

- 2008-12-12 18:31

I smoked socially when i was in my early 20's...it was more of a social smoking habit for me. Then i quit for just over 10 years...and then i started a few years ago and now i smoke about 6-8 cigarettes a day...and i look and feel great Big Grin

My father always told me:

"Quitting Is For Quitters" Laugh Out Loud and he was right. He also past away in 2007 at the age of 80 to lung cancer Frown
