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Check this new Search Engine by former Google Engineer's

enskanker - 2008-07-28 07:18

Supposed to have 3 times as many pages as Google...


I typed in Boombox...very interesting new way to disply search results....

The News Story....

Biz Journal

walkgirl - 2008-07-28 07:50

It is very slow here, a bit like swimming in
cement Confused

fatdog - 2008-07-28 10:37

Hmmm, they have a LONG way to go to get their search engine up to speed. I typed in "
rheology" and here are the results:

Yahoo - 3,040,000 results
Google - 1,700,00 results
Cuil - 0 results

Frown Confused

Even though the article states that the people were Google engineers, they were actually employees at a company that Google purchased. Saying your then a Google engineer, while maybe technically correct, is a bit of a stretch.

enskanker - 2008-07-28 11:05

I typed in it and got plenty of results???

masterblaster84 - 2008-07-28 11:43

At times it was very slow and others it was fast however, I don't care for the layout of the page.

fatdog - 2008-07-28 12:03

Originally posted by enskanker:
I typed in it and got plenty of results???
Ah hah! They're using browser cookies to track searches. I have cookies disabled in Opera and Cuil.com didn't work at all. I used Firefox and IE, both of which I leave wide open regarding cookies since I hardly use those browsers. IE timed out trying to connect to cuil.com and Firefox finally got results after 5 minutes and 43 seconds.

Maybe there's a good reason that these "engineers" are no longer at Google... Wink

thafuzz - 2008-07-28 12:42

I tried it too...I'm not digging it to much either. Maybe just me (too).

jaredscottfla - 2008-07-28 12:46

sorry ed,me no likee... Tap Toes Leaving

2steppa - 2008-07-28 13:35

Their server crashed on launch day after getting far more hits than they thought, but they've got $33 million in funding so it shouldn't have happened.

It's meant to index 3 times more sites than Google, been lame for me though. Only a day old or something so maybe give it time...

oldskool69 - 2008-07-28 18:38

Ummm why? We'll see how it evolves... Tap Toes

- 2008-07-29 19:09

Wow!!! 1,049 results for " DecentMan4you "

Originally posted by enskanker:
Supposed to have 3 times as many pages as Google...


I typed in Boombox...very interesting new way to disply search results....

The News Story....

Biz Journal

ned.209 - 2008-07-31 13:40

the net'll probably look far different in a few years than the formulaic pages we look at now. i like that these guys are trying a new format.

kid.sensation - 2008-07-31 13:58

I like it!
Working fast here and the way it presents the results of the search is great in my eyes.

The bad part ill be to change from google to this, as using google for a search was like using my legs for walking until now.

I added it to my tops Smile

walkgirl - 2008-07-31 14:11

The black screen is very energy friendly!

But tha name is a bit weird to me, CUIL, sould like KUIL in Dutch wich does mean Pit Confused
Big Grin

jaredscottfla - 2008-08-01 03:21

Smileinternet slang kewl for Cool would have been better,i tried it again,better then the other day still very slow compared to google and yahoo.