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It wasn't me!

isolator42 - 2008-12-01 00:32


This is right next to where I work... Plod everywhere. Never seen so many Volvos in my life.

...I quite like living in a country where wondering about armed is way out of the ordinary Smile

thafuzz - 2008-12-01 11:24

Sad. The story didn't say whether the armed man threatened the officers with the gun or what furtive movements he might have done. I just received notification myself from the District Attorny's Homicide division that my second Officer Involved shooting "O.I.S." was also good shoot. Took them long enough. That one was in 2004. Tap Toes Dangerous times indeed.

chancenellie - 2008-12-01 11:32

Its a job i would not want.You here all the bad press about officers who have killed people,but if the normal guy in the street put himself in the shoes of guys like you Adam,what would they do ? someone has a gun,is it real ? is it a fake ? will he shoot ? wont he ? Will i see my kids again ? am i doing the right thing ? Takes a special kind of person to take that job/responsibility on imho

ewen - 2008-12-01 11:48

I Agree wholeheartedly with comments made. My neighbour works for the Met (Trident) and his unit were involved in the incident on the Tube a while back and man I feel for the guy. He's one of the nicest people I have ever met - and I have so much respect for what he and others like him do for a living.

Add the Police to Teachers, Nurses, and various other high value occupations where the renumeration simply doesn't match the risks/contribution to society. Makes me feel guilty to work in a cushty corporate environment for two or three times the money to be honest. I think if I didn't have to support a family of 6 on a single income in today's economy, my choices would be very different.

Adam - much respect brother.

thafuzz - 2008-12-01 13:14

Thank You guys. Not to stray from Iso's thread, but, I've been in three of my own shootings, all within policy. It's frustrating when the suspect's family can cry in front of the media's cameras and tell their son's side of the story and Officers can't give out ALL the details right then. Our Public Affairs Officer would hold a press conference, then, the reporters would run back and totally rearrange it for the 5 o'clock news as was the case with mine. On one of my shootings, The news stated I "shot an unarmed man who was trying to run me over with his car." He was armed with a 4000lb. car - I was on foot approaching his car and jumped out of his path 3 times. Mad The other shooting was gang related and one suspect's crying mother asked the media why I didn't "shoot her son's knee instead of his chest?"... 1st, I ain't that good a shot. 2nd, he wouldn't hold still. 3rd, if it get to be that lethal a situation, forget the knees. I won't go into my last O.I.S...... Leaving

matrixambience - 2008-12-01 14:37

All I can say Adam is that I respect you and what you do everyday to protect us!

isolator42 - 2008-12-01 14:56

Originally posted by THAFUZZ:
Thank You guys. Not to stray from Iso's thread...
you're right on topic, my friend.

Respect Smile