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Tarney-Spencer & George Benson

monolithic - 2008-11-15 12:12

Tarney-Spencer Band - No Time To Lose
I used to listen to a little of everything as a kid and I never heard that song growing up, but when I used to watch VH1 Classic religiously years ago, that video came on... I like that video 'cause I love seeing glimpses of the how life was back then (when that song came out in 1979, I was about 8 years old) - the hair, the fashion, the music... Those were some cool times! Cool

I'm really diggin' the chick with the boombox! The body on her... Big Grin

George Benson - Give Me The Night
I'm not sure if that video was shot in the same place as the Tarney-Spencer video but you can tell they both share a common theme. Lots of cool things about this video, but whippin' thru the city in a Roll Royce Corniche at night - in 1980, you 'couldn't get any flyer than that! Cool

Question: can anybody identify the boombox that dude is holding around 1:10?

ford93 - 2008-11-15 17:00

Thanks for sharing Mono, those were great times in the good ol USA!

I remember back then hangin' with the fellas late at night at a hand ball court listening to George Benson. Man the 80's were great everybody was happier full of life.

I miss those block parties in Queens, Brooklyn and Manhattan New York.

monolithic - 2008-11-16 13:59

That's so true, man! Nod Yes You didn't have to worry about much of anything back then.

I doubt that kids these days have it as good we did. Frown