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This is the "1980" thread........

matrixambience - 2008-06-18 16:14

Okay...I seen this on a DJ website and they started a thread on "what/where you were at on June 10th,1980"??...This could be kinda cool!
I'll start by saying that I am very happy that I got my Junior High yearbook signed by the hottest,cutest girl in 6th grade!! That pretty much sealed the deal for the "Summer of 80"! I am ready to go swimming at the Willow Street Sertoma Community Pool...it had music piped in from the local FM station playing over the loudspeakers...songs like ELO's "Mr.Blue Sky",Blondie's "Heart Of Glass",Joe Jackson's "Is She Really Going Out With Him" belted out all day!! I did not like Iran then either (The hostage situation), wasn't sure about this new president that was an actor in some cowboy movies back in the day,and I loved my new Schwinn Sportabout green 10 speed bike! I also persuaded my dad in buying me an "original" Rubiks's Cube, that moved like silk when turning the combinations, not those cheapy rip-off K-Mart specials that "hung up" and broke after a week! I would bring my General Electric "Loudmouth" 8Track/FM tuner player with me to the pool and make sure that Cheap Trick's "Live at Budokon" was in the player! I was jealous of my friend up the street when she got cable TV and Prism! My other friend got the new Atari 2600 video game system that just rocked! My dad still was using the tenna-rotor antenna system...we were poor! I still have my Mattel's Electronic Football Games (the handheld kind) to play with...I had the white one and the new advanced green one!!I had to race home from the pool to see "Star Blazer" on TV at 3PM....that show was awesome! These are just a few memories I have of 1980....anybody else wanna join in??

oldskool69 - 2008-06-18 16:54

I had just moved to Colorado to live with my dad and his new wife (Mom). I was quite disoriented since I missed Oklahoma and all my freinds from Lawton. It was my second time in Colorado Springs and my dad had the hippest pad you could imagine for that era. He had a loft with a large deck that had a great view of the mountains. I remeber him reassuring me hat everything was cool and that my natural mother would get over my wanting to leave. I remembered how much I missed him when he took me to the shop he worked at to introduce me to his freinds. I remebered the stereos, tv's radios and all kinds of stuff. He then took me to a place called Lionel Playworld where he bought me a model 1967 Corvette for us to build together. Though my natural parents were divorced, I knew why I had to be with my dad.

redbenjoe - 2008-06-18 17:37

during june of 1980 --

i went to a ray charles concert --- thats still my most memorable music scene --

and also --because i knew a guy that knew a guy that knew another guy --i got to sit in the warner brothers box at yankee stadium --the absolute #1 best seat in the house

petey.awol - 2008-06-18 19:55

i was about to turn 3 years old.

jcyellocar - 2008-06-18 20:43

I was in the second grade, actually almost done it. Living with my mom in an apartment near downtown. I was probably playing with my Star Wars action figures and watching Happy Days or Three's Company. Pretty good times.

ford93 - 2008-06-19 08:39

Just building up for a career job, hanging out, dating your around the way girl and going to electronic stores to see what was the latest in boomboxes. In those dayz you needed to have a boombox to hang out with the fellas with some 40oz and jamaican stogies. I really missed those dayz comparing to now, those times were just about having fun. This generation now is all about violence and sex exploitation and I mean like those spring breakers where they just do it in front of anyone.

masterblaster84 - 2008-06-19 09:13

I had just finished the 8th grade, next stop was high school and that was going to make me the big man.
Laugh Out Loud

I was hanging out with my buddies at my friends pool cranking my Pioneer SK-21 well beyond good sound, nothing but pure distorted AC/DC. We would go to the mall to hang out and check out all the high school chicks with big BOOMS! Yep we were living large in our moment of glory now that we we're High Schoolers. Testosterone pumping and we didn't have any thing resembling control of it, we must have looked like a bunch of young fools but I thought I was so cool. Nod Yes

walkgirl - 2008-06-19 09:23

It was 5 days before my Birthday, so i
guess I was in school

What I did exactly I do not remember, I guess
homework or so

fatdog - 2008-06-19 09:24

Tuesday, June 10th, 1980? Hmmm... I was 10 years old and probably anxiously awaiting that Friday when I could go and see the new Star Wars movie, "The Empire Strikes Back." Yeah, I'd already seen it like 10 times already since it opened on May 21st (and yes I was there on opening day), but who's counting! I remember tickets were a whopping $1.25 at Cinema South on Nolensville Pike.

isolator42 - 2008-06-19 10:45

June 1980? Just finishing primary school.
Back then, it was a much simpler time. So long as you didn't eat the toys/desks/bits of the other kids it was all good. They took seven years to teach us to read & write, simple maths & long division (at least five times). Most of the learning was social.
Now the poor beggars get homework when they're six (which could only possibly be done by a grown-up with access to a broadband Internet connection), & get next to no time to develop socially at school. Wrong, wrong, wrong.

...the Theme From M*A*S*H was number one, & I was years away from my first half decent b-box.

tpr - 2008-06-19 10:55


I tell you were I`ve been:

On the Greek island Crete !

With a 20 year old girl...


In a tent.

It was evening.

Sunset in Matala.

No further comment.

Full stop now.


thafuzz - 2008-06-19 11:49

I was a month from turning 13, on Summer break and hanging out with my posse. I was trying to flirt with girls but still geeky. I remember everyone had to have the Atari 2600 with all it's astonishing graphics. I endeavored to rip apart my "Stretch Armstong" action figure. I recall my dad buying a local drunk a six pack of beer to climb up our telephone pole and illegally hook up HBO cable,etc. for us (we were so poor). I discovered Hip Hop and was trying to get my folks to buy my first BoomBox. Oh, and still fighting with my 3 younger sisters for bathroom time. This thread reminds me of that recent country song by Mark wills "It was 1980 Something". Fond memories of simpler times fer sher.

retro.addict - 2008-06-23 10:56

I was only inflicted on an unsuspecting World six years later! Big Grin

baby.boomer - 2008-06-23 13:15

I got married that year... and bought my first copy (there would be many more over the years) of Reo Speedwagon's "Hi Infidelity." Take it on the run, baby!

pepino - 2008-06-23 17:29

i just turned 12 and was about to start jr high i was so scared.

matrixambience - 2008-06-23 18:29

Try being 13 yrs. old and just finished the 6th grade!!!I was held back in the 3rd grade for one year and it screwed me up for life!! I was the oldest kid in The Class of "86" out of 145 in the class....I would be turning 14 in August of 1980!

thafuzz - 2008-06-23 18:47

Same here Matrixambience. I was held back that year too. THAT explains my problems Laugh Out Loud http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TAcivRgHU2M

71spud - 2008-06-23 20:42

1980 The summer between 6th and 7th grade. We moved 2452 miles. Then I watched my only/best friend die in front of me when we were riding bikes. I stopped for the sign. He didn't. I spent the next 2 years getting picked on and pounded on because I would not stick up for myself.

I still have my original silky smooth Rubiks Cube and my Atari 2600....

el.rojo.grande - 2008-06-23 20:47

what school were you in Matrix?

I was class of 86 at Ephrata

masterblaster84 - 2008-06-23 21:28

Originally posted by baby boomer:
bought my first copy (there would be many more over the years) of Reo Speedwagon's "Hi Infidelity." Take it on the run, baby!

Damn! I loved that album. Smile
Wore out some Eagles "The Long Run" tapes too.

walkgirl - 2008-06-23 21:51

I did think a long time about what I did that year,
the thing I do remember is that I was at a friends house
when Lady Diana got married and we were watching it
on tv Smile

And that it was a warm summer and we did play
outside all during the summer holidays! Smile

2steppa - 2008-06-24 07:11

1980 - The year I set fire to the school..

Got a 'Commando' bike for Christmas, had a mono Sharp radio-cassette (basic crapola thing) and Dad drove a MK1 Vauxhall Cavalier (pale blue).

Anything else is just a blur...

matrixambience - 2008-06-24 13:59

To the fella from Ephrata,PA: I graduated from Lampeter-Strasburg High School in Lampeter,PA in 1986...Ephrata is like 10-12 miles north of me!

enskanker - 2008-06-24 14:04

Trolling at the "Why Not?" lounge at the Holiday Inn just off I-4, Altamonte Springs, FL after a hard day of sales calls. Then Hitting the pool for a dip.

jvc.floyd - 2008-06-24 14:06

I was 11 years old in 1980 the best thing that happened to me was my mom bought me a honda xl 75 dirt bike so i dumped the bicycle and never looked back .was'nt long after that i got the fever for boomboxes too.lol

redbenjoe - 2008-06-24 15:25

i got married back then to a girl that hates me !!
and now 28 years later she stiil does Laugh Out Loud

(likes me more than boomboxes, however)

walkgirl - 2008-06-24 15:31

What is your age then Redbenjoe? Confused

redbenjoe - 2008-06-24 16:36

not telling -- but i bet i have 2 kids older than you !! Smile

walkgirl - 2008-06-25 00:42


A secret is good! Smile