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kballenger53 - 2011-04-28 06:55

Come on, let's give the guy a break already!!!  First they said he's from Kenya, then they said that he was a Muslim, then they said that he was Hawaiian, and now Donald Trump is call him a FRAUD!!!  What do you guys think?



walkgirl - 2011-04-28 07:29

Who is donald trump? 

toocool4 - 2011-04-28 08:17

Does anyone really care? Apart from Donald Trump. He has nothing else to fight on apart from trying to say Obama is not American. If that is all he has to say, imagine what kind of a president he will make.


Mind you saying that I think Sarah Palin would be a far scarier president.

blaster - 2011-04-28 15:21

I think they just waste too much time on nonsense....fix the economy....make jobs so people could work....too many people out of work.....history is repeating itself from what we had in the 80s...but at least it got better....it doesn't seem to be getting any better now....smh

kballenger53 - 2011-04-29 07:15

Originally Posted by walkgirl:

Who is donald trump? 

Walkgirl, you really don't know who Donald Trump is???  He's one of the Richest Real Estate Moguls since the 70's!!!  He owns Trump Tower in NYC and owns several casinos in Atlantic City, NJ!!!  He's also the Host of the hit TV shows Apprentice and Celebrity Apprentice.  He was married three times, was a Best Selling Author, and has played around with the Political Realm since the 80's, but has never truly stepped forward as far as running for anything is concerned.  He has also backed a few Professional Boxers in his day, but now he's about to step into an Arena that's far out of his jurisdiction!!!  He's well respected, but I don't think anyone with Good Sense will really take him seriously.



kballenger53 - 2011-04-29 07:23

I agree with both Vytas and Blaster.  But you've got to admit, Sarah is indeed a LOOKER!!!  But then again, I thought Tina Fey made an even Cuter version of her!!!  And Blaster, If this Trillion Dollar deficit DOES get fixed, I believe only our Great Grandchildren will get to see it!!!  One can only imagine what that kind of money looks like!!!



brutus442 - 2011-04-30 14:04

Donald Trump's entry into the political realm reminds me of the ill fated presidential run of Ross Perot. And we know the outcome of that campaign


Too much money, too little political know-how. "A fool and his money are soon parted....."

billy.the.binman - 2011-04-30 15:17

Originally Posted by KBallenger53:
Originally Posted by walkgirl:

Who is donald trump? 

Walkgirl, you really don't know who Donald Trump is???  He's one of the Richest Real Estate Moguls since the 70's!!!  He owns Trump Tower in NYC and owns several casinos in Atlantic City, NJ!!!  He's also the Host of the hit TV shows Apprentice and Celebrity Apprentice.  He was married three times, was a Best Selling Author, and has played around with the Political Realm since the 80's, but has never truly stepped forward as far as running for anything is concerned.  He has also backed a few Professional Boxers in his day, but now he's about to step into an Arena that's far out of his jurisdiction!!!  He's well respected, but I don't think anyone with Good Sense will really take him seriously.




be fair she is not american, i bet without looking on google you couldnt mention a single prominent figure from Holland.



to be honest outside america no one is particularly bothered what goes on over there.  in our country (england) most people have furniture with more history than the usa and lets face it, a spoon full of yogurt has more culture than the usa!

brutus442 - 2011-04-30 15:36

Hi Billy


I'm not from the U.S. but from it's northerly neighbour, Canada. We share a symbiotic relationship in trade and thusly, are exposed to the U.S. media.


But I must must confess, being a British commonwealth country, we get the best of the UK as well! Politics aside ...Billy I cannot not get enough of Karl Pilkington!! Can you get SKY1 to send Karl to Toronto???


I'd be the first in line for a ticket...he's the funniest man I've ever seen or read! I have all of his books and laugh out loud while reading!!!


Drives my wife crazy






billy.the.binman - 2011-05-01 01:53

hi yeah ive heard of kark pilkington hes a writer with ricky gervais isnt he?


i dont have a tv let alone sky, so dont see any of that sort of thing but im aware of the brand of comedy its pretty good!


those guys tend to crop up in various comedys made over the last 15 years or so theres quite a bit about if youre into looking for more!

brutus442 - 2011-05-01 04:27

You're correct, he's a producer for Gervais' show. However in the last few years Pilkington's turned into part of the schtick. Just priceless!


Yes there is quite a bit of material out there..when I'm not on stereo2go, I'm scouring the web for my Karl fix

kballenger53 - 2011-05-01 07:47

I didn't know that Walkgirl was from Holland, Billy.  I was just caught off guard by her question, and wasn't trying to be sarcastic at all!


metad - 2011-05-01 09:33

Originally Posted by billy the binman:
and lets face it, a spoon full of yogurt has more culture than the usa!

It would be great to export british yogurt to the united states  

billy.the.binman - 2011-05-01 10:10

oh ok, it was just all the !!! gave the impression of "what do you mean youve not heard of trump!!!" shock horror!



it seems a lot though that americans think everyone should know about america because it's so good, when in reality it sucks balls in comparison to most other countries in the world.  


just seemed like another one of those, like that thread about your version of christmas when you eat all the turkey etc went a bit odd a few months back.

walkgirl - 2011-05-01 21:21

Originally Posted by KBallenger53:
Originally Posted by walkgirl:

Who is donald trump? 

Walkgirl, you really don't know who Donald Trump is???  He's one of the Richest Real Estate Moguls since the 70's!!!  He owns Trump Tower in NYC and owns several casinos in Atlantic City, NJ!!!  He's also the Host of the hit TV shows Apprentice and Celebrity Apprentice.  He was married three times, was a Best Selling Author, and has played around with the Political Realm since the 80's, but has never truly stepped forward as far as running for anything is concerned.  He has also backed a few Professional Boxers in his day, but now he's about to step into an Arena that's far out of his jurisdiction!!!  He's well respected, but I don't think anyone with Good Sense will really take him seriously.



Oh, well I do still not know him


But I do think what I read now he better cannot go into politics!, he better does

leave it to peoples who actually know something about it and stuff


just like that arnold guy from a little farmtown in Austria!, never did understand

why he thinks he could do politics!, not even a great actor you know!!

I bet he thinks he is as great as Tom hanks or so!!


So let that trum man better spend his money on expensive wines and



kballenger53 - 2011-05-02 06:18

I agree with you Walkgirl!!!  He's really trying to shame poor Barack Obama's character.  Perhaps it's just a "Smoke-Screen" for racism. 


Billy, correct me if I'm wrong, but I sense a bit of a chip on your shoulder as far as the USA is concerned.  I've been in the US Navy, and traveled to many countries, and had a wonderful time with the many different people that I've encountered.  If America is really as bad as you feel that it is, you've got to give us credit for finding, and destroying the most wanted inhuman in the world.....Osama Bin Laden!!!


We are good for SOMETHING!!!



toocool4 - 2011-05-02 09:35

Originally Posted by KBallenger53:

If America is really as bad as you feel that it is, you've got to give us credit for finding, and destroying the most wanted inhuman in the world.....Osama Bin Laden!!!


We are good for SOMETHING!!!



This is not the place to be gloating and celebrating the death of Osama Bin Laden, I’m sure most people around the world are happy to see the back of this evil man.


The images I’m seeing of Americans celebrating in the streets, does not look good. I have to say at the time of 9/11 the images of some Arab people celebrating in the streets did not look good either.


Celebrating in the streets about this kind of thing will only create more tension. I’m sure a lot of Arabs too are happy to see the back of this evil man doing all sorts of bad things in their name. We need to show this kind of people that we are on the same side and by dancing in the streets will only anger the very people that we want on our side.  

kballenger53 - 2011-05-02 23:17

Too cool, you are a very humane individual and I understand your point.  But let me ask you this:  If the 9-11 attacks happened on YOUR home soil, and YOUR Military Forces claimed the Victory, wouldn't YOU feel like Celebrating?  Or, at least feel Proud of the job that YOUR Service Members did?

Besides, this has always been an open forum to discuss diverse topics, without offending anyone.  That's why I've been a member for 3 years here!  Too Cool, if you're really a pacifist, then you most definetly live up to that name!

But, let's get back to Obama for a second.  Isn't it ironic that his announcement of Bin Laden interrupted Donald Trump's Celebrity Apprentice, just as he was about to Fire someone?  I wonder if he thinks Obama's a Fraud now?


toocool4 - 2011-05-03 02:25

Hey KBallenger I live in England and we did have 7/7 which may not have been on the same scale as the twin towers, but any life lost violently or prematurely is a life too many.


When 7/7 happened to us I narrowly missed it. I remember that Thursday very well. I had gone into work an hour early as I had a lot to do and I was going on holiday to Canada that weekend. By going to work early I missed one of the trains that blow up.


I remembered in the 80’s England was terrorised by the IRA, why do I bring this up just one quick comparison. There was an incident where our SAS followed 3 terrorist cell to Gibraltar, they waited for them to plant the bomb. As they walked away before they could detonate the bomb, all 3 were shot dead.

What I’m trying to say is we did not go out and celebrate even though we where happy to see the back of a few more of the terrorists.


So in answer to your questing “ wouldn’t you feel like celebrating?” no I would not I would just be happy someone had stopped them.


By the way I’m not having a go at you, but one thing I have learnt in life is war and violence is not the answer it only breads more violence.


I am defiantly not a pacifist, there are things that make me agree too. I do believe sometimes you have to use violence but only as a last resort.


Anyway i’ll get off the serious stuff.


Yes it must have angered Donald Trump to have his show interrupted.

kballenger53 - 2011-05-03 06:28

I agree with you Too Cool!!!  People ARE different, but very much the same at the same time.  When I visited Portsmouth, London, & Brigston back in '81 I noticed the many similarities Our countries have, but also many differences.  Picadilly Square reminded me of Times Square in NYC, where I happen to be from.  Brigston reminded me of Harlem, and Portsmouth reminded me of Portsmouth, Virginia. 


When you guys go out, you go to the PUB, when we go out, we go to the CLUB.  You serve beer at room temperature over there, over here we serve it ice cold.  But Too Cool, I had a BLAST while I was there, although you guys think we talk funny!  But tell me this, how did you feel about the Royal Wedding?  From what I could see, there was a lot of Energy, Excitement, and Enthusiasm in the streets over THERE following the Ceremony!!! 


Would you like to make a Comparison?



toocool4 - 2011-05-03 07:48

Hi KBallenger53 I have been to America once, I use to work for an American company. I got to go to then New York, Derian and the Peoria offices. I have to say before I worked with Americans and went to American, the only thing I really knew about America is the foreign policy which stinks.


When I went there and saw for myself wow it was so different, people are so friendly and super polite I could not believe it was the same people that elected Gorge Bush ha ha


Yes you guys do speak funny. It was funny every time I went out with my boss to bars, I only have to open my mouth and the girls went mad. They keep saying, “oh I just love your British accent” I did not see what the big fuss was all about.

One of my colleagues use to make me laugh as on the phone she use to get me confused with a different colleague. I said to her I don’t see how, he is Scottish and I’m English. It would be like confusing so one from Alabama with someone from say New York.  


I was in Time Square and like you, I just thought a big Piccadilly Circus but I tell you one thing I needed a holiday getting out of Time Square that place is hard work.


I also went to Harlem and SoHo, loved SoHo such a cool place.

Peoria, well I’m sure you know Peoria Illinois nothing there but farms etc but people are friendly. I suppose Peoria is like Norfolk for us maybe.


Yes we do go to the Pub and you go to the Club, the beer at room temperature you talk about is Real Ale. Yes I can’t get use to that either, the Real Ale thing is an acquired taste. I never acquired it. I am more of the red wine drinker.


Ah the Royal Wedding, we have just come back to work after a long weekend and today is the first time I have seen anything to do with the wedding. I am not a royalist am afraid. My mum and sister are big royalists.

A lot of people enjoyed the wedding and had street parties, me I was just happy to have the extra day off.



billy.the.binman - 2011-05-03 10:38

its that whole: U S A, U S A.  thing im not down with and the attitude that america is the best country in the world and everything revolves around america and its people.


its a load of rubbish its probably one of the most flawed countries in the world.


my mum is from america and she said having being able to legitimately compare that when living there, you are brainwashed to believe America is this, that and the other.


so it is worth pointing out that america is not what americans believe it to be.


and gloating about killing someone is not good form, as already has been pointed out.



we have ice cold beer too believe it or not and we have nice teeth as well

toocool4 - 2011-05-03 12:02

Come on billy the binman this is not very British. Not all Americans are the same just as not all British people are the same. One of the things we as British are good at is tolerance.

kballenger53 - 2011-05-05 07:37

Originally Posted by toocool4:

Come on billy the binman this is not very British. Not all Americans are the same just as not all British people are the same. One of the things we as British are good at is tolerance.

Don't fret Too Cool, I had a feeling that Billy has a bit of a chip on his shoulder.  As the old saying goes:  "Different stokes, for Different folks".  And I'm also glad that Billy likes Cold Beer and has nice Teeth Too!!!



billy.the.binman - 2011-05-05 15:24

Originally Posted by toocool4:

Come on billy the binman this is not very British. Not all Americans are the same just as not all British people are the same. One of the things we as British are good at is tolerance.


yeah your right, i just get wound up easily.  like when i see the simpsons and they claim we have bad teeth, and when i was in NY - "where in Australia are you from?"


blah blah


i actually quite like america

toocool4 - 2011-05-05 15:38

Hey billy the binman we are all cool then. 

radio.raheem - 2011-05-05 16:50

the sad thing is we know binlardin has gone but im sure there are plenty more where he came from...as for polotics...no polotician is a good polotician...Ie choosing one is like chosing from coke and pepsi...

kballenger53 - 2011-05-06 07:52

Originally Posted by Radio Raheem:

the sad thing is we know binlardin has gone but im sure there are plenty more where he came from...as for polotics...no polotician is a good polotician...Ie choosing one is like chosing from coke and pepsi...

Raheem, are you saying that you don't trust Obama?



radio.raheem - 2011-05-06 16:20

I guess im saying i dont get involved with polotics....to many other isues in life to worry about...

metad - 2011-05-07 02:32

Originally Posted by billy the binman:


my mum is from america and she said having being able to legitimately compare that when living there, you are brainwashed to believe America is this, that and the other.



Billy the binman, did you post on here before, under username "Awoo" ?

metad - 2011-05-13 03:06

LOL.  where are you, Billy?