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deliverance - 2011-12-01 08:40

i see the masses all 4.500 of them want clarkson to resign , tbh regarding pensions he is right , what has happened to this country no freedom of speech laws and rules being changed to suit the minorities who play the racist card what happened to the days of a spades a spade.

ao - 2011-12-01 08:47

Tempted to agree, his choice of wording was dubious but the sentiment is correct.


This is something I feel strongly about.  Europe burns and the Unions decide the best reaction is to add some fuel to the fire. We have unsustainable debt, the unions decide the best action is to try and add some more. We have a bloated public sector who've been reliant on too much of our former left wing governments largess and despite every single economist in the world saying we need cuts, the Unions refuse, but to add to this, to add further to this, the bloody teachers decide taking a day off is good for relationships with their pupils parents. Stop being so greedy, we're all in the same boat.

Strike, by all means, it is their right, but they have no sympathy from me, and I hope it backfires for them, if I am honest, I hope that all of these strikes mean more redundancies in the public sector, as maybe, just maybe, they'll see what the other half who actually don't get life handed to them on a plate have to deal with.


Sorry, one of the many reasons I left the UK.

deliverance - 2011-12-01 08:53

very true cris sick of the double standards in this country enoch was right.

ghettoman - 2011-12-01 09:10

this is going to be my most controvercial link i have ever posted,the bnp are the most hated on the planet,but read this...



ao - 2011-12-01 09:15

Not totally sure how this relates to Clarkson's rant & public sector workers

ghettoman - 2011-12-01 09:22

sorry cris,just read what deliverence just said about enoch,did'nt fully read the thread properly..but what part does relate to is the cuts to Nhs nurses,teachers and almost every person in the country and others that do a good job,they get their,wages and pensions cut,but at the same time asylum seekers get £120 for gas,and £90 for electric..is'nt this goverment making cuts because there is no money ? financial crisis ? resession ? but they can pay them £120 for gas and £90 for electric ? but they wont do that for old age pensioners ? sounds like a bit of a p*ss take,dirty trick !!


About clarkson..i dont think clarkson knows what he is saying half the time,i think he tries to say things to shock people,his idea of making people laugh e.g ha ha that clarkson,he;s such a clown,and we love old clarkson ect..but he goes too far without him knowing what he's said..i do still like him but sometimes he goes a bit OTT.. he could have said that joke in a couple of months,but at the moment it was a little to soon..

ao - 2011-12-01 09:30

yeah, that letter has been doing the rounds for a couple of weeks now, it has since been proven to be fake, yet another ploy by the vile extreme right to stir up hatred in the UK.


Clarkson's persona is a controversial one, after all, he's a journalist & you could argue that he's also an entertainer.  It's our choice whether to take him seriously or not, it's human nature to pick out the things we decide to be sensitive about.  Whether you agree with the sentiment or not, it really is just entertainment.  I suggest we reserve our whinging for when a public figure decides to speak like this.


Come on, it is a little bit funny.

ghettoman - 2011-12-01 09:36

seriously,when he said that,i did laugh myself,we all know he did'nt mean that,it was just typical clarkson,like i said,i just think he may have said it abit too soon..we know he was only joking,but some shallow people who cant take a joke (thats all it was,a joke) could'nt take it and did'nt see it like that !!

but basically,at the end of the day,i think his intention was just to lighten the mood..

deliverance - 2011-12-01 09:45

^^^^^ bang on.

litfan - 2011-12-01 13:53

I just want to drive farst.

bison - 2011-12-01 14:25

i think clarksons comment was funny but was obviously too close to the bone for some people,these unions calling for strikes must have blinkers on,dont they realise this country is still in recession.

dinosaur - 2011-12-01 18:58

I'm sorry but,you guys really need to calm down!

I feel that what Clarkson said was so obviously tongue in cheek that,to think otherwise is laughable. However,to then go on to say that the unions are only concerned with scoring points is misguided.

We have been told that the country is bankrupt,but can still find money for other less worthy causes. It's easy to blame the public sector for being greedy but really you need to check your history on the government of any colour regarding their real reasons for their actions.

Shareholders are happily putting people on the dole whilst their company 'streamlines' yet more staff. So,instead of a company earning say £200 million in profit and being content,they'd rather earn £300 million and put people out of work in order to solely increase profits. People who have worked for many years insome cases,just so the company can pay more dividends to their sahareholders! Sickening!

These people have families,mortgages and perhaps other personal issues to deal with and to say that they are all lazy and should be put out to pasture is just plain wrong.

saxonman - 2011-12-01 23:27

never liked clarkson!! in fact i think he should be shot in front of his family!! as for politics have  no opinion!!

ao - 2011-12-02 00:48

Shareholders are happily putting people on the dole whilst their company 'streamlines' yet more staff. So,instead of a company earning say £200 million in profit and being content,they'd rather earn £300 million and put people out of work in order to solely increase profits.

Ahhh, the distant cry of Daily Mail politics

dinosaur - 2011-12-02 01:59

I'm afraid you couldn't be more wrong! 
Shareholders are happily putting people on the dole whilst their company 'streamlines' yet more staff. So,instead of a company earning say £200 million in profit and being content,they'd rather earn £300 million and put people out of work in order to solely increase profits.

Ahhh, the distant cry of Daily Mail politics

claret.badger - 2011-12-02 04:49

I'm for the strikes
and I'm all for power to the unions and protection to the workers who "require it"


I also think Clasrkson is a div who craves meedja attention

I couldn't give two tosses really - wasn't there some REAL NEWS on?