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Live and let Lav

nickfish - 2013-04-15 05:42

Last night all hell let loose regarding a disagreement between Deliverance and Lav Loo. Some made comments about it, but most stayed firmly on the fence (and who could blame you?).


Chris felt so strongly that Lav Loo had abused his position as Moderator that he offered to leave S2G for good if the membership voted for him to go, and if not him, then Lav should go.


I feel like a berk for accepting Lav's invitation to vote for him or Chris because in the two hours or so before Agent Orange closed the thread, I was the only one that voted!


Now it might be terribly convenient to brush this under the carpet but I have heard from Chris today and he says that he is leaving, selling his boxes and won't be changing his mind. Now, some of you will be getting excited about getting your hands on his boxes, (don't because I have dibs on ALL of them!) and some of you will be rightly upset about it.


I think there is a solution;


Lav Loo, You DID abuse your privileges, and should not have abused Chris, and before him Lee and Jens and anyone else that you have turned on when drunk or just feeling like it. You should have the stones to apologise for these infringements so that you can restore some respect from the members. 


Agent Orange finished one of the threads last night by stating that you are a valuable member and a good Moderator. I would disagree with the latter. You only get upset and act if it is something that specifically bothers you personally. The thoughts and opinions of other members do not seem to matter. What part of that is good moderating?


If your elite club of moderators are not going to chastise you, and you will not do the decent thing and stand down would you at least state that you are sorry for what you have done, and give us all some assurance that you will NEVER abuse your privileged status again, and that our details, preferences and privacy are safe in your hands?


The loss of Deliverance will cost us all dear. He has more passion and knowledge of our subject than most of us put together. He gives advice and practical help constantly. What do you offer, really? Pictures and jibber jabber!


I feel strongly about this and may have to leave as well if this is not put in order; but I doubt anyone would miss me.


Make it right Lav Loo, and do it soon.



lav.loo - 2013-04-15 06:08

firstly Nick i don't only offer jibber jabber here as you put it, i was given the moderator job back in 2010 after only 8 months for all i had put into this place.

secondly i think you should really keep out of other peoples business as it has nothing to do with you.

thirdly i'm not going to appologise to Deliverance as he started this with me after a comment i recieved from him on one of my threads.

as regards to Stereomad and jens, well that was sorted out weeks ago, i openly appologised to Lee on here.

as for Jens i would never appologise after he trashed my for sale thread.

I personally don't want Chris to go anywhere but it's he's choice and i certainly won't try and change he's mind.

and before you say i only add jibber jabber to this place can i ask what you have added in your very short time here??

iv'e said it before and il'e say it to you again, butt out and stop trying to cause further crap!!

nickfish - 2013-04-15 06:39

Typical Lav Loo.
You dont appear to have read much of my post, or just ignored it.
The key points are ABUSE, TRUST and ABUSE again.
Being a moderator is about more than what you think about someone or something and you are not supposed to use your privileges to get around devices like barring you from contacting someone.
Its my business and its everyone elses business too!
By the way i wrote you a pm about Jens a while ago (as a moderator) and you did nothing. When he upset you, the rules got changed. See my point?

northerner - 2013-04-15 07:02

For god sake will people leave this matter to those concerned ie Azz and Chris...we're not in the school playground picking sides and shouting 'fight! fight! fight!'


In my view Azz is a top bloke who adds a lot to this forum and certainly not 'pictures and jibber jabber.  Chris is also a top bloke always with good advice and a wicked sense of humour.


They will both sort it in time if people stop raising it over and over again.

lav.loo - 2013-04-15 07:03

there you go again involving everyone else, i see your post here but nobody elses?

i have had dialogs of support from longstanding members that don't want to get involved here so please spare me the everyone else.

if your really that upset about this then lets take it through dialogs, il'e do the honour of unblocking you while we do so.

lav.loo - 2013-04-15 07:09

Originally Posted by Northerner:

For god sake will people leave this matter to those concerned ie Azz and Chris...we're not in the school playground picking sides and shouting 'fight! fight! fight!'


In my view Azz is a top bloke who adds a lot to this forum and certainly not 'pictures and jibber jabber.  Chris is also a top bloke always with good advice and a wicked sense of humour.


They will both sort it in time if people stop raising it over and over again.

nickfish - 2013-04-15 07:43

Maybe other members are at work and have not seen this yet? If nobody else bothers to add to this then i will let it go but i hope that the silent ones are not on the receiving end of one of your late night telephone rants in the future. I have not been but i have heard from those that have. My argument with you is not personal; hence no personal messages. Its a public matter and i think i have gone into plenty of detail already.

bison - 2013-04-15 08:17

this has all gone too far imo 

samovar - 2013-04-15 08:57

agree 100% with bison. i don't think that a showdown is ever a solution --please note: no matter where the reason is. can't we all stop and think before things get worse?

deech - 2013-04-15 09:02

Angry birds The S2GO WARS Version 1.0

traveler - 2013-04-15 09:03

Originally Posted by deech:

Angry birds The S2GO WARS Version 1.0


samovar - 2013-04-15 09:11

nickfish - 2013-04-15 09:14

Samovar and bison;


Deliverance is gone. He won't be coming back.


In my humble opinion, it was worth making a point and trying to make sure that nobody else is made to feel like they have to go. That is what you do for your friends; with or without support from others.


I hope things get better.

lav.loo - 2013-04-15 09:39

you really should practice what you preach mr fish, i have just recieved a text from a friend and once member here who drops in from time to time and has seen this thread.

i'm not going to give names here but the text reads in refference to you.....that trouble causing piece of crap started with me once for no reason, would you say you have ever been out of line on here??

if you want to mud my name then you do so but before you do you should have a little memory refresh!!

bison - 2013-04-15 10:02

Originally Posted by NickFish:

Samovar and bison;


Deliverance is gone. He won't be coming back.


In my humble opinion, it was worth making a point and trying to make sure that nobody else is made to feel like they have to go. That is what you do for your friends; with or without support from others.


I hope things get better.

i spoke to him before Nick,sad day imo.

a real collector, enthusiast and friend has left the forum

nickfish - 2013-04-15 10:06

For goodness sake Lav, it's you that muddies your own name! I am a virtual nobody here but can tell the difference between right and wrong and am not afraid to say so.


I have no idea who you are talking about because the only spat I have had on here is with Jens.


Because of your actions we have lost Chris. We might easily have lost Lee were he not so forgiving and there are others I am sure that have come close to leaving or have gone.


Keep patting yourself on the back if you like but all I have done is try to make you accountable as a Moderator and it seems that rather than sort yourself out you have quit. Your offer for Chris to call you was just a rouse anyway because you knew by then that he had been deleted and was no longer looking!

samovar - 2013-04-15 10:06

Originally Posted by NickFish:

Samovar and bison;


Deliverance is gone. He won't be coming back.


In my humble opinion, it was worth making a point and trying to make sure that nobody else is made to feel like they have to go. That is what you do for your friends; with or without support from others.


I hope things get better.

yes, very sad that he left the forum. that's the worst part of the whole story imo

lav.loo - 2013-04-15 10:17

yes i agree it is a sad day and i sincerely hope Chris comes back asap.

you think what you like Nick but at the end of the day i would rather be dealing with Del than you as it is ours NOT YOUR business. and you know very well who it is that you belittled on here so don't play the innocent. i have nothing else to say to you now because your really starting to irritate me.

samovar - 2013-04-15 11:25

Originally Posted by Lav Loo:

yes i agree it is a sad day and i sincerely hope Chris comes back asap.

you think what you like Nick but [...] it is ours NOT YOUR business.

With all due respect, this private business has now become public. And the results are under everybody's eyes: Deliverance left the forum, Agent Orange resigned his position as a moderator and for a whole day the discussion turned into a tavern brawl.


I don't know if Nick Fish was right or wrong, but that's irrelevant. Whatever the case, he certainly had the right to take his stance precisely because of the public nature of the problem -- ie, because the consequences of private actions are now public.

brutus442 - 2013-04-15 11:52

WOW..I was gone only two days and come back to this?


Gentlemen. We need to step back and take a deep breath. This issue became public and the flames were fanned by all. Pointing fingers does nothing. Let's let the issue resolve itself between those involved, privately.


I only know all of you from this forum, but your my extended "boombox" family. Like my family, we have arguements and fights. We even stop talking to each other....but we also learn that as a family, this is innevitable. We still love our family regardless.


I'm going to ask for some peace and get back to what this forum was founded upon. Our collective love of portable audio.


@Deliverance...I hope you read this because your wit, knowledge and humour are sorrily needed..more than ever.


@Lav Loo. Aaron you made some mistakes and have stepped up to atone. They shouldn't have happened, but they did. Let's look forward to resolution rather than back.


@Agent Orange. You've got one of the toughest and most thankless jobs here. Like others before me have said....thanks for all your help. Please reconsider your resignation. There's plenty of support for you here.


Gents....Even North Korea has cooled it's war rhetoric somewhat. I'm sure we can do the same and come out stronger and better than before.


End o' sermon

lav.loo - 2013-04-15 12:06

it's posts like yours Brutus that make this a great place, you always throw in positivity regardless of the situation and you never get mixed up in other peoples mess.

i for this would personally like to thank you and hope other people take your message to heart like i have

northerner - 2013-04-15 12:08

Aye, wise words Brutus

kin - 2013-04-15 14:38

Down to earth, I'm just happy if a moderator remove spam and refer to stickies.

walkgirl - 2013-04-15 14:46

Oh behave you peopels


Otherwise I make Tim moderator and everybody will be happy