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EARBUD headphones WHAT IS BEST out now

johnedward - 2009-05-18 15:37

HI Group. Need advice. Want to spend about $100 maybe up to $150 for earbud headphones ( ones that go INTO ear canal as normal earbuds old style just wont stay in my ear) for mostly use with my Walkmans. I do love my bass which PortaPro is great but highs are muted on these.
Don't really think need noise canceling technology its just more to pay for get less in headphone and if its stuck into ear tightly not much noise get in and will use some outside riding bike ). Any advice greatly appreciated and for or against noise canceling units. Oh yeah preferably something just released within past year or so to take advantage of newest technology. My taste in music is cinimascope ( wide screen Laugh Out Loud ). Love my classical, new age with vocals and 70's Rock and Roll. Oh lastly have lost a touch of my high ability of hearing DAMN...



rerooted - 2009-05-18 19:33

i have just replaced my old koss KTX pro 1. i got another one. they are the same, except the male input part now looks like the ipod style. the only reason i didn't go with the porta pros was because i like the inline volume adjustment. oh ya,,another reason is they are comfortable and the nice bass is what i look for. at 21.00 delivered i think they are a bargain.

milosancho - 2009-05-18 20:06

Love the sound of earbuds and the fact that you can store them anywhere. The only trouble is that you just can't walk into a store and try them on for sound or size. They go into your ear and there's that whole sanitary issue.

I don't think you'll need to spend the whole $100 to get something decent. I've had about 3 different pair and the best, that I still use to date, are similar to these Sony They have great bass and great highs.

Thing to remember is that earbuds are not for everyone. Some people just can never get comfortable with them. I would start with a not terribly expensive set.

aa.fussy - 2009-05-20 01:01

I like Sony's EX series headphones which I often use with my Walkman.

Also I've been using some Ultimate Ears earphones recently-the MetroFi 100.

rerooted - 2009-05-20 15:36

i was wondering if one was to double up on the ear bud foams would they be more comfortable? i mean squeeze 2 or 3 pieces of foam on each side. i have had very good success doing it with standard earphones . as a matter of fact it has become a common practice to do just that. there is nothing more painful than to awake with your headphones still on and your ear cartilage feeling like it has been ripped out with a pair of pliers. i know there are some very expensive foams around but to try this go with the cheapies to test it out. the reason i never use the noise canceling type is because i walk on a busy highway or noisy ocean beach. i prefer a little feedback of my surroundings especially with the traffic.

wombat - 2009-05-20 19:13

Are the type you mentioned buds? or head phones?
I found some on epay and they are head phones. I really need a decent pair also. I have a preference for h phones. I have an ipod with buds--is there another type? They make my ears sore. Oh yea, I've seen all the zillion new buds and the weird shapes & colors. I just have no idea where to start.
There was a runner's marathon that passed close to my house. I commented to my daughter that it looked more like an Ipod parade. I'd guess 9 of 10 runners had a head set on of about 10,000 runners. That's about 9,000 mp3 players. For a race that can take 2.5 to 4 hours to complete I'd be wearing one too.

rerooted - 2009-05-20 20:51

i know what you mean..i was so happy the other day when i went to the post office and my koss,over the head, phones had arrived. they are the same as my old ones so i knew they would feel great to me. they feel the same and sound the same. they are light and the sound is good for 21.00 from ebay delivered. i have about 10 pairs of ipod buds laying around here. i can't use them very well as they fall off my head to easily. they make those little foams that fit from 13-17mm ipod buds. the reason i was thinking of trying them is to use with my panasonic rq-sw99v brainshaker headphones. they will kill your ears in a few minutes and that's about all i can stand. i have taken some old over the head earphones and doubled and even triple padded them over the plastic part. it is a bit tricky but if you have the right sizes it can be done. it feels so good i can sleep all night with them on and not realize it. ususally i use a basic 10.00(cheapy) set of over the head phones and dig through my old foams to slip one over the other. to make it work you need to have them just tight enough so one will snuggly fit over the other. as for those ear plugs and stuff like that i have to pass because i like to here a bit of what is going on around me. in my opinion the headphones are inferior to the new modern type players whatever they may be. alot of people on this site like the porta-pro which i probably would have gotten were it not for the lack of an in the cord volume adjustment. if you look at the sound qualities the porta pros are just a touch better than the pro 1 and about 15 dollars more.

renzgi - 2009-05-21 02:26

I recommend Westone InEar.

Are very comfortably, good sound isolation

and Westone are kompartiebel with SHURE sleeves.

I have the UM2. The bass is a hammer,

I think the Westone UM1 are the best which you for 100$ get.



wombat - 2009-05-22 18:28

is this what your talking about??

ebay # 110393171794

If not, please redirect me.
Chris C

- 2009-05-22 20:56

I know that this is out of your price range, but the best earphones that I have ever listened music on was the Shure se530. I can not tell you how awesome these things sounded. I was listening to SADE and it was as if she was standing right in front of me singing. If you are ready to spend $150 on a pair, save $100 more dollars and get yourself a pair of these. They retail for $499.00, but can be had for $250 on e-bay. There are some right now for less than $200 brand new, e-bay item# 140322075713. Go to the Shure website and read about them, they are awesome:


rerooted - 2009-05-22 21:54

hi WOMBAT chris....that's the ones. 18.95 + i went with the insurance. they are very fast and no tricks. i like them as the bass is great and i still can hear some of the noise around me. they just cover your ear without any excess baggage. good quality foam which lasted me till the end. there is a nice innerband i didn't mention which adds to support and comfort.

renzgi - 2009-05-22 23:51

I can confirm that. The SE530 is one of the best ones.
The Shure SCL5 sounds nearly equivalent .is however to 100$ cheaper.
I have it both. The sound representation
is perfect.
I get with these earphones everything out from my Sony DC2, DD9 and DD100 which is possible.
That is pure HighEnd.
Eek Eek Eek

skippy1969 - 2009-05-24 17:06

I like these a lot. Creative EP630 They are not high end but (IMHO) they sound like it.

jazzrat2000 - 2009-05-24 18:19

yes, I have been using those too... they sound very good to me...

skippy1969 - 2009-05-24 19:59

I Agree I Agree Big Grin

- 2009-06-16 22:19

Check this out, they're under $150 and they're awesome!!


I pair them with an Aiwa cassette player and a new DAP Sony, you won't be dissapointed. They include some band filters and different sizes of ear fittings so u can adjust them to your ear canal size and sound signature preferences.

- 2009-06-16 22:24

You can find a lot of other suggestions here as well:


but be careful you can develop an addiction to this site and is highly contagious

And by the way...sorry about your wallet Smile