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Found A Sony CF-580 Today.

petey.awol - 2008-04-02 13:52

I found a Sony CF-580 today and when I brought it home it just doesn't want to power on. I used fully charged rechargeable batteries and nothing. I opened it up to see if i can see anything that is burnt out and or loose wiring. From first glance nothing. Mind you i didnt take any of the boards appart and look around, but the power switch is kind of clicky. (If that makes any sense.) I never quite felt a sturdiness of a power switch. I don't know if this particular model is supposed to be like that. If any of you guys have this model give me a quick trouble shoot guide so i can bring this thing back to life. The radio is nice looking, not major scuff. The metal parts have some oxidization marks but nothing major. Once i get that camera i will take pics. Also of the Aiwa 770 i found a month ago. Thanks fellas.

petey.awol - 2008-04-02 13:53

OH, if you guys have any spec on the radio that would be great also. Its got 4 speakers. 2 facing front and two on the sides. Any info is greatly appreciated. Maybe a PDF of the manual if thats possible.

petey.awol - 2008-04-02 14:06

Picture link.

Apparently this model was made in 1978. I'm only older by a year. Jeeez Us!

oldskool69 - 2008-04-02 14:11

Daiwa just got one. See it in this thread.

Daiwas CFS-580

smokinendo - 2008-04-02 19:28

Nice One ! You probably love going to work since finding the hobby huh ?

petey.awol - 2008-04-03 12:32

****, i been on the lookout for stuff to find since i started. I only find few things i actually want. I find a lot of vinyl records mostly. I dont even dj I just give them to my friends who produce hip hop and hope they can find a sample to use on some obscure record that no one in the world would of thought to use. Now i hunt radios. Definitely more so since i found a few. If only i can find some BMX frames to boot. If I do Endo, you're the first guy to contact.

john116 - 2008-05-27 22:38

Hey - if you want pdf copies of the user and service manual for the Sony CF-580, I can send you the link to download them.


daiwa - 2008-05-28 06:15

Hey John
Would like to get that link from you. My little Sony is fully functional, except for the Tape Selector, it makes horrible sounds if I switch it from Fe-Cr, to either normal or Cr 02.

aa.fussy - 2008-09-05 05:56

I .like to collect old sony service manuals-could I please have a download link?

success - 2008-09-20 17:40

If you have the service manual, working becames very easy !!! .. taking out the mecha, you will see the power switch (main one) on the left side
It's the same kind of switch that it's used on tape decks, made from two metal pieces.
Since that on/off sliding mecha is mounted on the mecha, but switch is mounted on the BBX, special care most be exericeised when putting the mecha again in its place to avoid damaging the switch (it near happened to me).
Have a look to the disabling switches (one for the mains socket) and one for the DC input.
In my case, my CF-580 won't power up because supply was burned ... but run from the DC input socket with a wall adapater (the classic taiwanesse type).

john116 - 2008-10-08 02:23

Hey - here's the link to the CF-580 service manual:



john116 - 2008-10-08 02:25

And the link to the user manual:


- 2008-10-08 05:32

hi im new here, and i have a question i don't know where to put it. I have a sony CFS-88S.
I'm electronically inclined. It dosen't come on.
Dose anyone know if it could just be a fuse?

- 2008-10-08 05:34

I am NOT electronically inclined. not not not
but i know how to work a screwdriver and change a fuse if that's the case. In fact i am drinking a screwdriver right now. thanks for any help.