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how to polish the old plastic??

henrytai - 2008-07-08 10:43

i wanna polish the disc cover of my VZ,
can anyone help me??
i used 2000 grip sand paper but it doesn't work very well

smokinendo - 2008-07-08 10:56

Henry I had a very serious gouge in my Rising 20/20 tuner lens and I sanded it out with 400 grit then 600 grit then 800,1000,1200,1500, and finally 2000 all wrapped around a flat file. The sanding removed the gouge and I finished it off with some Mother's Aluminum Mag/wheel polish which I image you can find at any local auto parts store. It comes in a little white and red can and it's fairly inexpensive. They probably make a much better clear plastic polish but I personally use Mother's on a lot of stuff and it usually works miricals Smile Good Luck and I hope that helps.

PS: after the inital sanding with the lowest grit paper the process moves along very quickly. The bigger # grit papers sand very fast because tou not really trying to sand anything off but ratter smooth things out

couple pics for ya

henrytai - 2008-07-08 11:33

thanks~!!it's cool advice
Big Grin

krush - 2008-07-08 11:38

make sure you WET-sand. although it was in the picture above, it wasn't mentioned.

sand in one direction only. a little bit of dish soap helps, too. after the last sanding (2000-2500 grit), it will be very hazy still. the rest is done in polishing.

i use Brasso, but i've heard good things about lots of plastic polishes and other polishing compounds. regardless of which you use, you should get good results with alot of elbow grease.

el.rojo.grande - 2008-07-08 13:59

Though I haven't tried this, I have heard that toothpaste can be used for very fine sanding purposes.

gluecifer - 2008-07-08 23:03

Brasso is good too. Combined with a micro fibre cloth it buffs tiny surface scratches out of almost anything.

I was initially concerned about using it on plastics as it designed for metal, but it turned out to be perfect for them. Best example was my gen 1 ipod nano,the fascsia on those things were so delicate they almost scratched just from looking at them too hard. Brasso buffe out all the scratches beautifully.

That Black Magic Wet Shine Liquid Wax for cars is great too for giving plastics a very high sheen gloss..turned my dull and uncared for JC-2000 into a gleaming, shiny, black behemoth with one application and made the chrome extra sparkling.

Rock On.

retro.addict - 2008-07-09 10:03

Originally posted by Gluecifer:
Brasso is good too. Combined with a micro fibre cloth it buffs tiny surface scratches out of almost anything.
I Agree I've polished up all of my box's tuner windows with brasso and a microfibre cloth, it works a treat. Cool You have to watch paint though, brasso takes it off! Eek

transwave5000 - 2008-07-14 06:49

This reminds me of 'rubbing compound'
used to finish car paint to a fine luster.
Might work on plastic too.
And not expensive.