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Recent acquisition. Panasonic RX-5085

master.z - 2009-03-01 11:19

I picked up this Panasonic RX-5085 not too long ago as a reply to one of my craigslist ads. This thing is clean and sounds great. Tape deck needs some attention, but thats part of the fun with these old boxes, repairing and detailing to good as new condition.
It just happened to be one of the mid sized Panny's I've been looking for. The 5150 is the only one I need to complete the mid sized Panasonic trifecta.
Paul Z.

The 5085 and his noisy little bro 5050.

skippy1969 - 2009-03-01 14:33

Cool man I just got an RX-5085 myself just yesterday.
I really like the sound of it too.
Do you have a RX-5080? It would be a nice addition to your Panny collection too. Wink

success - 2009-03-01 14:52

Nice Panasonic !!!!!!.
Those units with ambience are great

matrixambience - 2009-03-01 14:53

Mmmmmmm.its getting hot in here!! Whew! Love the Panasonic RX-5000 series! The best! Enuff said!

baddboybill - 2009-03-01 16:39

real nice Nod Yes

master.z - 2009-03-01 17:06

Thanks for the compliments!
More pics of my other boxes are on the way. I finally got a good lighting situation to work with.

Plus, I gotta box that I put the finishing touches to, thanks to our own Mr. Fatdog, that I'll post soon.
Paul Z.

thafuzz - 2009-03-01 18:11

I love my 5050, but just dig the styling on your 5085. I like the toggles, circular tweeter grills, purple accent and those very cool white speakers. Congrats Paul!

dougie - 2009-03-01 19:39

love the new Panasonic, Z! Hey, you guys are really good with this stuff...what are some other brand boxes that look similar to this one? I remember seeing friends back in the day with this style of box but I don't recall any name brands right off. Call it old age I guess...

billpc55 - 2009-03-01 21:56

that pansonic is really cool looking. i have a boombox that is rip off of that design even the led graph is similar in how it operates. i would love to come across a panasonic like that one. its really cool.

sinister - 2009-03-01 23:59

i wish i still had mine Frown