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Hitachi TRK 8080E Ghettoblaster

corafanrip - 2012-04-14 04:50

Here you see a Hitachi TRK 8080E still looks quite nice but tape do I need to re




bison - 2012-04-14 05:52

love the 8080.... great radio!

retro.addict - 2012-05-17 10:01

Congrats on a great boombox. The version with black dustcaps looks better in my opinion. The 8080 is a nice looker for sure.


Found a pic via boomboxery...

corafanrip - 2012-05-26 12:38

Originally Posted by Retro Addict:

Congrats on a great boombox. The version with black dustcaps looks better in my opinion. The 8080 is a nice looker for sure.


Found a pic via boomboxery...

Unfortunately, says the good piece no more clay, the only power led is still bad


flopand - 2015-02-10 00:31

Did have someone the service manual or schematics diagram of HITACHI 8080 E - for free?


Thank you ! ! !

jamesrc550 - 2015-02-10 07:33

Originally Posted by flopand:

Did have someone the service manual or schematics diagram of HITACHI 8080 E - for free?  Thank you ! ! !

Nope not that specific Hitachi TRK-8080E in a pdf and if I had it I would share or post it to here.   I do NOT have it and the Closest I can be to this model is this model ( Hitachi TRK-8080W ) - Now I do Not know what the difference is between the E or W.  I am  needing a battery cover - but that is NOT important to me of this model right now.   Since this thread has bad picture links I'll share a front and back pic of this ( W ) version that I am holding that you can see in these picture's below, ok  

IMG_1471 Hitachi TRK-8080W front

IMG_1473 Hitachi TRK-8080W rear

flopand - 2015-02-10 11:58



The diagram for Hitachi TRK-8080W is good, too.

My Hitachi is the same Hitachi TRK-8080W, but I was thinking that the diagram for Hitachi TRK-8080 E is more easy to find.

So, if you have any diagram for Hitachi TRK-8080 , no matter what figures is after 8080, please send to me.

I can give you an email adress.


Thank you!Sorry for my poor english.

flopand - 2015-02-11 13:51

Please, if you are so kind explain to me, what kind of spear parts are the black indicated with arrow.ITA 1021-8K. ITA 1020-8K.


My radiocassette is brak down and I do not know what hapened.


Thank you.

andyboombox - 2015-02-14 02:54

Cora-Fan the belts on the 8080 aren't too bad to change-the problem is getting the circuit board out of the waythere are numerous plug-in connectors that have to be unplugged and the circuit board unscrewed before you get to the deck.if you attempt it without aid of a service manual etc,all you have to do is get some plain paper and make yourself a diagram of where the plug-ins,well, plug in.use references such as what it says on the circuit board next to each plug in post.this will also ease the re-location and refitting.ive done two of these in the past and did them in about an hour and a half each.there is at least one flat belt needed for the flywheel though,unsure of size sorry.

flopand - 2015-02-15 00:02

Thank you for your advices.


It is very dificult to make the diagram myself.


I will find for friends to send to me the service manual.



flopand - 2015-02-15 05:36

The difference between Hitachi TRK 8080 E and Hitachi TRK 8080 W, can be the wave:LW, MW, SW, FM for Hitachi TRK 8080 E, but MW, SW1, SW2, FM for Hitachi TRK 8080 W

jamesrc550 - 2015-02-15 06:02

Originally Posted by flopand:

The difference between Hitachi TRK 8080 E and Hitachi TRK 8080 W, can be the wave:LW, MW, SW, FM for Hitachi TRK 8080 E, but MW, SW1, SW2, FM for Hitachi TRK 8080 W

MW on either is AM on both; am = Amplitude modulation & FM = frequency modulation

flopand - 2015-02-15 06:35

Ok, ok, but  for Hitachi TRK 8080 W, LW is  missing, and apears new on SW.


jamesrc550 - 2015-02-15 07:22

Originally Posted by flopand:

Ok, ok, but  for Hitachi TRK 8080 W, LW is  missing, and apears new on SW.


It is all about choice of radio bands, but I do not listen to any bands of shortwave in a boombox so all of this does not matter much to me, but it is nice to understand the difference of choice of the bands of radio between the different model's of this boombox brand Hitachi

I listen to 'FM' for music, and 'AM' for news, here in the USA.

flopand - 2015-02-15 08:06

For me here in Europe is the same, AM for news and FM for music, but is news and music is on SW either, low quality, many news from China an Russia.

jamesrc550 - 2015-02-15 08:29

Originally Posted by flopand:

For me here in Europe is the same, AM for news and FM for music, but is news and music is on SW either, low quality, many news from China an Russia.

Europe is a big place  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Europe 

Me I am in the Country of Texas


flopand - 2015-03-10 04:35

Did know someone the data for belts for cassette mechanism for Hitachi TRK 8080 ?


There are three belts, and I want to order, but I do no know the original dimensions.


Thank you very much