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is it possible?

x9moto - 2008-10-18 08:55

just been reading posts that have moved out of view, but all i see is people wanting someone to produce and oldschool quality box today, and slating the current selection.

so, surely its not that wild that those with the money could design and have built a prototype of the sort you want and start a web site with lots of adverts so people see them and maybe a good sponsor or 2 to show you mean business and then you can produce them to order and if or when the demand is there start to batch produce them.

there is an old saying "if you want it done right do it yourself"

there are still many small companies in the uk at least that will do one off pcb etc without having to re-tool and also having metal lazer cut for the chassis is not that expensive either, i have a friend who started to make tow bars for scooters and he was succesfull.

also until you get enough sales to start with the quality you could do your best with rebuilding designes from other boxes ie generic tape heads, and a £10 radio tuner could drag a gold pointer! nobody is going to notice expecially if you pull people off the egg, just concentrate on the "main" music source being quality ie tape cd and the sound.

if there is a market it will succeed if not then, old style boxes are obviously not that popular, only one way to find out!

if it works others will follow Smile

thafuzz - 2008-10-18 22:03

I agree x9. I believe this idea was discussed before and the idea flirted with. Then,......... Confused

jovie - 2008-10-23 19:43

Also,I'm beginning to think the I931 was a mere anomaly.I'm hoping not.Actually my first post was a very long thread concerning the rebirth of the classic box.Usually speaking it is small business that comes up with unique ideas.Then the big companies get the idea that there is a market and will follow with something completed and mass produced.Someone has to take the ball and run with it.I feel it will happen eventually.Hopefully sooner than later.

jlf - 2008-10-29 18:34

Much of life is based on 'hope'....


and I really really really hope (still) that someone does something!

kid.sensation - 2008-10-30 08:32

member NED was about to do something like this.

He wanted to build up a oldschool-looking boombox from scratch.

I do not know how succesfull he was or if he just started as he is on a roundtrip currently.

Sure interesting idea.
We got a lot of designs around from another member that could inspire the plans for the outher casing when getting in contact with one of these companies you mentioned x9.