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still don't have one yet...

dougie - 2010-01-09 18:38

Hey guys and gals, haven't been here posting for a while...hope everyone had a great holiday! I have yet to find that "first" collector boombox, and I was wondering if any of you near me might be able to tell me the best places to look for one cheap...got the wife and three kids so money is tight to say the least.Just to let all of you know I have thoroughly enjoyed the time i have spent here thus far, just reading your posts and looking at your pics. Keep it up guys, this old guy enjoys a good boombox!! Big Grin

pioneer - 2010-01-09 18:55

Hi dougie ....keep the faith jus when you least expect it ,you'll run into a boomer or too And hopefully one that really catch's your attention.I my self have some family members, friend's looking out for them and they get pretty worked up when they find one in the wild.So hang in there and keep enjoying this web site...........................PIONEER

eddy - 2010-01-10 03:57

It all began this way Dougie. We all wanted to start collecting boxes without paying much.
I'm afraid it's very hard to do.
Just like us you'll be spending hundreds of $ or € for this stuff.
Sometimes you will get lucky though.
Just like me when i found a like new GF 777 quite cheap...........