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panasonic 5600 RX-5600

andyboombox - 2009-08-20 04:40

dear ghettoblaster friends.
buying a panny rx 5600 off of paul (pacwestuk)
and im curios folks- does it sound as good as it looks? is it comparable to my aiwa tpr990 (baring in mind my version only has 1 speaker working).
any info you can give me would be appreciated.
thanks guys
andy v.

im.out.of.hear - 2009-08-20 07:02

hello andy,i`ve got a 5600,it sounded ok but the amp was too much for the speakers so i changed mine,put some rather fetching blue ones in it,looks better and sounds alot better,more bass and less distortion..

andyboombox - 2009-08-21 01:42

thanks for the reply, gettoman!
im getting mine off Paul (pacwestuk). he seems like a real decent chap. yours does look swell from the pic. unsure if mines got the conversion on the speakers like yours, but im just happy as its only my third full size example. only big ones i currently have are the tpr990 with one faulty speaker and no cassette deck, and a beautiful gf9090. the rest of mine are small.
andy v.

im.out.of.hear - 2009-08-21 02:13

yep,pauls a goog chap,very reasonable prices,infact probebly the most resonable non-greedy guy i know..so your in good hands mate..but i can tell you the 5600 are good quality,well built and solid..and another important part of it that i like,the vu metre is very acurate with the beat of the music,most other boxes with needle metres (like my GF9000) just randomly just flap about,i hate that..
anyhow,let us know what you think of it when you get it man.,

bendycat - 2009-08-21 03:14

you need a couple of the small one's to show how big the BIG ONE'S are Wink

andyboombox - 2009-08-21 04:25

yes getto ill let you know what i think as soon as i get her (possibly monday/tuesday next week)
bendy, i agree, this new one will definately show how small the others are- ive got loads of small ones
andy v.

blah.blah.blah - 2009-08-21 20:16

i was a bit disappointed with mine...it's great looking box but a little less performance than I had hoped for. gettoman's speaker change sounds spot on, i am gonna try it with mine cause i do like the looks alot Smile it is a keeper just on looks alone though.

gettoman what speakers did you switch to?

andyboombox - 2009-08-27 06:30

right getto, everyone.
got now the rx5600. road test:
great size, shape, looks.
sounds; bass exellent
controls and switchgear; ideally placed and all function precisely and accurately.
with exellent vu meters, light, and generally an exellent all round capable and competent machine.
how much in ££s was this baby brand new? and was it fairly high up in the range? it seems almost like a 'mini' rx7700 to me.
cheers andy v.

andyboombox - 2009-08-29 02:01

when you talked about the amp being too powerful for the speakers- ive just noticed that my left side tweeter vibrates when i have it set on stereo. when i put it in ambience mode it seems less obtrusive, if at all.
is this what you were meaning? if so let me know getto!
if so, im not fussed cos i love this unit.
just curious.
andy v.

im.out.of.hear - 2009-08-29 05:52

hello Blah Blah,i replaced the bass with some that i got from member Meljak,there ones out of a philips D8614..sounds and looks better..

Andy,hmmm it was`nt the tweeters that was`nt powerfull enough,it was the bass that used to flap and distort,it still is`nt mint sounding,it does have more bass now but it still distorts..but not as bad as it did..

blah.blah.blah - 2009-08-29 08:08

Thanks gettoman, couldn't find this thread again once I asked.

Might try a swap on mine as well.. cheers