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Are you using your radio's?

lasonic.trc920 - 2009-09-21 07:34

That's the thread question? If so, tell your story!

This past weekend I shot a commercial with my band “Cessation Of Life” www.cessationoflife.com for the TV show “Unsigned Bands TV” and I had to have my Lasonic TRC-920 with me. (More to come on that!)

Well, let me start the story off right. Some times I’ll bring my Blaster to band rehearsal. I normally just plug it into the wall and hook my palm pilot up to it, put it on shuffle and let it go in between sets when we take a break, I’ll crank up some music while we BS and drink a beer.

But since I knew we were filming and I wanted it in the commercial, I threw in some batteries and brought some cassettes with me.

After the filming and rehearsal, I then went over to my bass player’s house for some beers and of course had to bring my Blaster with me. I had a bunch of classic cassettes I knew he hadn’t heard in years so we hung out with his wife and had a few more beers. It was cool because she had not seen a Blaster in years, but knew what it was.

So, it was a cool time out with my radio. I’m finding more and more uses and excuses to have a radio with me.

Last week while working on my car. Radio!

What’s that wife? Your cooking dinner and you could use some music in the kitchen? Radio!

Band is partyin’ and drinkin’ beer! Radio!

Oh Yeah!

bogdan - 2009-09-21 11:26

Hi Lasonic!Of course I use'em alot. Smile I'm not thinking at me like beeing a collector.Every time I see a bbox I like I think at it in therms that it will be my future companion in anything I do-parties,out for a beer with friends,internet,anything else Smile,etc .
But most of all infront my computer with the radio receing from a FM transmiter.Right now listening to great blues music on my JVC PC-V88.I know it's from the 90's but it has great sound Cool.My last important contribution with one of my BBXs,the JVC m70 was at the new year party in the montains where it was the sound delivering for about 30 persons and when the 07 on the volume pot. was way enough and everybody satisfied. Big Grin

2steppa - 2009-09-21 11:40

To be homest 'use' is probably the wrong word as I don't utilise any box for general listening..
My daily dose of tuneages is via the hifi setup, which is linked into the PC for my MP3 library and the turntable for vinyl sessions.

The boxes tend to get 'rotated' and tested as often as I can and I'll have a session with whichever box takes my fancy at the time, quite random really.

bogdan - 2009-09-21 11:50

I love the high velocity speed metal too and some of the BBXs give all them best on this kind of great music!

saxonman - 2009-09-21 12:26

yes I love to crank my Philips compo up real high at any time!!! always with all my early cassettes of the beatles zappa and the like .I even take one when I'm out with my boat fishing!!!

lasonic.trc920 - 2009-09-21 12:33

Originally posted by saxonman:
yes I love to crank my Philips compo up real high at any time!!! always with all my early cassettes of the beatles zappa and the like .I even take one when I'm out with my boat fishing!!!

Now thats a new one, Fishing with your Blaster!

stbnyc - 2009-09-21 15:59

"last week working on my car.. radio!"
lol my favorite part Razz

i use my i931 when mixng music on pc, i dont really want to wear out the original boomers

lasonic.trc920 - 2009-09-21 16:08

Originally posted by STBNYC:

"last week working on my car.. radio!"
lol my favorite part Razz

i use my i931 when mixng music on pc, i dont really want to wear out the original boomers

Classic Picture...Why is that guy on the roof?

I was lucky when I bought my 920, it came with a spare amplifier board and spare freshly rebuild cassette mech.

So I'm good for years to come!

Now I have to get back to working on my car!

stbnyc - 2009-09-21 16:27

lmao thats just a hand made shelter that hes standing on. back then you can see buildings from a 1/2 mile away because we had so many empty trashy lots where buildings burned down. or maybe he was just bored

bendycat - 2009-09-21 16:37

L mate which one are you in the front page shot ?

I do up and clean my 80's bmx outside - polish parts up on a mop, and the drone needs some thing to take my ears away - so it's i-pod or the radio on

trouble is when a great track comes on the volume gose up Nod Yes

cheers B Wink

stbnyc - 2009-09-21 16:53

lol nooo none are me .. im 22 right now these are just random people in my neighborhood. i didnt take this pic. i was only a lad Big Grin

ash25 - 2009-09-21 18:58

22? WTF? Man what the hell was I doing at that age? Too long ago to remember, lol.

stbnyc - 2009-09-21 19:06

i know its rare for a 22 year old to be into the 80s.. i dont only own boomboxes, i have a nintendo entertainment system, lots of rare 80s songs, including 80s hip hop and electro, random cassettes , vhs tapes, walkmans, 80s commercials/movies, cartoons, tv shows.. i felt that i was born too late (1987) ..i belong in the 80s .. ive always been into it since i was 1 or 2 (my mom told me how i love the 80s than i can remember when i was young.. things werent even oldschool yet when i got into it)

aa.fussy - 2009-09-21 19:24

Of course I like to radio section on my boomboxes a lot.

kenpat - 2009-09-21 19:53

Originally posted by saxonman:
yes I love to crank my Philips compo up real high at any time!!! always with all my early cassettes of the beatles zappa and the like .I even take one when I'm out with my boat fishing!!!

Zappa = The Best! Nod Yes

lasonic.trc920 - 2009-09-21 20:05

Originally posted by bogdan:
I love the high velocity speed metal too and some of the BBXs give all them best on this kind of great music!

For sure some of these radios blast Metal better that others! My 920 rip's up Metal!

reli - 2009-09-22 18:57

I actually feel that hard rock music is the biggest challenge for a boombox. I have never heard one that did justice to it. They do well with rap music, pop, Mexican, or classical, but heavy rock music sounds muddled and 2-dimensional on the vast majority of boomboxes in my opinion.

lasonic.trc920 - 2009-09-22 19:08

Originally posted by Reli:
I actually feel that hard rock music is the biggest challenge for a boombox. I have never heard one that did justice to it. They do well with rap music, pop, Mexican, or classical, but heavy rock music sounds muddled and 2-dimensional on the vast majority of boomboxes in my opinion.

I totally agree. In fact, being a musician that plays Speed Metal I can say it has been a life long challange to just make Metal. It's not that easy to record and get it to play back sounding correct and clear.

Bands like AC/DC however sound the very best on any stereo and I think the reason is, they made it in an era of lower quality equipment and made it sound good then!

reli - 2009-09-22 23:22

Well, AC/DC was very different than today's stuff. I am no audiophile, but I suspect that low-grade speakers (like the ones in boomboxes) just aren't capable of responding and recovering to fast, loud music like punk and speed metal.

lasonic.trc920 - 2009-09-23 07:32

I totally agree, Today's recording technique's over drive the final recording and today's higher performance amps and speakers play it back no problem. That's why when I can find the right box on eBay (regardless of brand) I will build my own SUPER boombox! (more to come on that!)

jt - 2009-10-06 22:58

Originally posted by Lasonic TRC-920:
I totally agree, Today's recording technique's over drive the final recording and today's higher performance amps and speakers play it back no problem. That's why when I can find the right box on eBay (regardless of brand) I will build my own SUPER boombox! (more to come on that!)

Well, I'd have to partially agree... Personally, in the realm of home hi-fi gear, I think that the vintage stuff from the 70's and 80's sounds better than most of what you can buy off the shelf nowadays. Exceptions would be some of the higher-end amps that cost thousands. And all that surround-sound technology is great for movies, but I think it sucks the big one when it comes to well-recorded music. Give me plain old stereo via some nice JBL speakers and a vintage Yamaha or Sansui amp and I'm a happy man.

Read this for what is happening in the recording industry: Loudness Wars

Oh, and getting back onto topic... I use boomboxes all the time. Otherwise, I might as well be collecting stamps or coins. I even took one to the dog park not too long ago and forced everyone there to listen to a funk compilation. That was fun! Smile

lasonic.trc920 - 2009-10-07 07:38

Originally posted by JT:
Originally posted by Lasonic TRC-920:
I totally agree, Today's recording technique's over drive the final recording and today's higher performance amps and speakers play it back no problem. That's why when I can find the right box on eBay (regardless of brand) I will build my own SUPER boombox! (more to come on that!)

Well, I'd have to partially agree... Personally, in the realm of home hi-fi gear, I think that the vintage stuff from the 70's and 80's sounds better than most of what you can buy off the shelf nowadays. Exceptions would be some of the higher-end amps that cost thousands. And all that surround-sound technology is great for movies, but I think it sucks the big one when it comes to well-recorded music. Give me plain old stereo via some nice JBL speakers and a vintage Yamaha or Sansui amp and I'm a happy man.

Read this for what is happening in the recording industry: Loudness Wars

Oh, and getting back onto topic... I use boomboxes all the time. Otherwise, I might as well be collecting stamps or coins. I even took one to the dog park not too long ago and forced everyone there to listen to a funk compilation. That was fun! Smile

Thanks for the link. Here is a great quote:
Jay Graydon puts it this way:

Do you want it louder? You've got a volume control, don'tcha? Did somebody think that people would no longer want to reach over to their volume control to turn it up? If you want it louder you turn it up. If you want it quieter you turn it down. If you buss compress everything, when the kick drum hits it's sucking back everything from the mix. I don't want to hear stuff pump. I want my dynamics intact that I recorded. I don't want everything to be one dynamic.[9]

Couldn't agree more!

Back to the subject, I have been using my radio's more and more. While working on the car and just sitting around. I am now going to thrift stores to get more and more old tapes. I love it!

saxonman - 2009-10-07 07:56

very technical all that!!! but find that taking my box out to festivals and the like, is realy groovy!! mines been to glastonbury,reading and latitude and with tape's very old skool..

saxonman - 2009-10-11 09:33

here is a pic of one of my machines on!! at a metal detecting rally I was on the gate!!!

lasonic.trc920 - 2009-10-11 16:26

Originally posted by saxonman:
here is a pic of one of my machines on!! at a metal detecting rally I was on the gate!!!

Nice, got the cold beer going, music playing. Thats a tail gate party!