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the tpr 935k has arrived, but......

andyboombox - 2009-10-12 03:13

..... ive never seen a box in such terrible condition in my life.
1. all the silver paint has been scratched/rubbed off around the tuner window area
2. some cretin has scratched their name into the plastic on one side.
i mean, i knew i was getting a rough one, but to have some previous owners name etched into the side of it and the general abuse it looks to have recieved over its life makes me sad and angry Mad
these things as we know werent cheap in their day, so why do this to it? its like getting your brand new car, and keying it down one side.
it definately isnt the guy i bought it off who has inflicted the damage because the signature down the side of it doesnt match his name.
why though, eh? - this box is a damn good sounding box as well. so why do this to it. the bad news is its irrepairable.
well at least you guys and i know it will live out its life in peace now.
sorry for the soap box rant. it just p's me off.

andyboombox - 2009-10-12 03:15

oh and by the way has anyone got a spare slider knob for the treble control?
lets see if i can at least repair this.

2steppa - 2009-10-12 05:19

I feel exactly the same about my JVC M70;
wilful, deliberate damage and neglect to what started out life as a lovely machine, now reduced to what is realistically not much more than a parts box. Mad Frown

I feel your pain mate. Have basically given up all hope on mine, it was cheap for a reason I know and accept that, but I didn't think the damage would be this extensive.

andyboombox - 2009-10-12 06:34

yes hello 2 steppa sorry to hear about your m70- even more pain for you being as its one of them. im just glad the aiwa still works ok. in fact she sounds pretty good. and it is fairly presentable. besides i couldnt scrap any of my boxes even if i wanted to.
get this- it even still had its voltage warning label attached via original string and stamped 'aiwa' when i unpacked it- it of course soon fell off so i removed the string and put it in my drawer. point is why go to the flaiming trouble of leaving this on for all its life but then proceed to dishing it up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!