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what does anyone know of.....

andyboombox - 2009-11-16 02:51

the ferguson company.
picked up a 3T20 yesterday for 2 quid.needs a hell of a lot of work- new aerial,fully cleaning,switch cleaner,and the tuner dial has jammed.but the deck still works-so happy days!
it says thorn emi ferguson ltd,london,england on the back,and allegedly it has 15w!it sure doesnt sound like it does!!!!i thought these guys only made tellies and video recorders!any pages from brochures etc would be greatly appreciated.also, mine doesnt have a true fm setting, its just vhf, and vhf stereo. does this mean it could be pre 1980?cos it looks in style to be early 80s actually.
yes yes i know you want pictures guys but the 'birthday camera' fell through, and am having to wait to christmas now to actually get one.......or now i think of it the better half has just got one........perhaps i can 'borrow' hers......but knowing her she'd probably tell me where to get f.. Laugh Out Loud

billy.the.binman - 2009-11-16 06:05

if you spent as much time on your lack of camera excuses on actually getting a camera, perhaps you may have a camera already.

fergusons remind me of toploading vcr's and tv rentals

andyboombox - 2009-11-16 06:37

i know, i know, i need a camera. just tried plugging in the lead for my phone to the library computer to try in a vain attempt to try and send some pictures to the site, but the computer wouldnt let me. ive tried everything, and it was either spend 4 quid on 2 boxes yesterday or put 4 quid towards a camera! and believe me thats like putting a £100 deposit on a rolls phantom- they cost so much new, especially if your jobless and potless like me!!!!trust me guys, youll get your pictures!!!!!but 4 quids about all i can muster right now!!!!!!!!
yes i wasnt aware that ferguson made boxes-dont seem to think theyre much cop.mines got a fair bit of metal content, but its puny- on sound and size. if anyone thinks differently let us know- and seen as though i cant post pics of yours!

billy.the.binman - 2009-11-16 08:23

goto google, put in the model and see if a pic comes up for it, if it does copy it over here so atlast we know what it is were looking at.

goto your local supermarket to get some work if youre that skint

2steppa - 2009-11-16 11:15

If it says 15w on the back that's probably power consumption (as is the norm on these things) and not amplifier audio output.
Actual power RMS would likely be more like 2 watts per channel.
Remember the Ferguson TX telly ads in the 80s with Andre Previn?
"The best picture of all time - the best sound all round"

davebush - 2009-11-16 13:17

I Agree with bill

andyboombox - 2009-11-17 05:53

yeah i do recall the tv ads.anyway the fergies knacked.the speakers are that puny that one speaker has blown now, and cant get in the back of it because some numpty has threaded one of the screws (and no for once it wasnt me Laugh Out Loud)