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hows your luck folks

andyboombox - 2009-12-02 05:10

yes its that post again.hows eveyones scores recently?in partricular, what are you guys getting from car boots at the minute?anything?
i think my luck is on the change again.scored a nice little aiwa cs230 mini in burgundy yesterday for a fiver off me mate,and today, volunteering at the ymca and out on the van i came accross a late 80s sharp 'double cassette' box in black which i bought off an old fella for a fiver-dont have its model number on me,all i know is its quite big,black in colour and has the x bass on it- think its a gf of some sort- used to have a gf330 and it is similar to that, only real difference with this one is it doesnt have a normal handle but a handle built in to either end.it looks powerful alright- just not tested it out yet so no idea if its fully working or not.and its covered in dust and doesnt look like its been run for a while.think it dates to around 88 or 89 in year, as far as im led to believe sharp did a whole range of these double cassette models around those years.anyone know any more?
so whats been happening lately for you?let us know!!!! Big Grin

2steppa - 2009-12-02 05:17

Holding out for that shining star Ebay win, whatever it happens to be... don't do car boot sales, I do check the second hand shops and charity shops but often the primary reason is for vinyl records, having never seen any boomboxes on offer in these locations.

andyboombox - 2009-12-02 05:54

hi 2-s the reason why you arent finding any results in your charity shops is they dont normally take boxes in.the british heart foundation do, but only at their furniture and electrical outlets, check your local one- get your name down with em.i get many of mine from em- got my little aiwa yesterday from them. but the main one i use is barnsley-because my mate from school works there,and hes the only one that actually takes the time to call me when one comes in- at my pontefract store they never call- even though my names down-and recently have lost a couple beacuse they havent bothered to ring and they have sold in the shop instead Madbut ive given them there a b#llocking recently and told them to call me first.so now i wait and see if i get lucky.plus when me mate is covering in that store he lets me go upstairs into the electronics testing area to see if i can find anything-and lets me in the discard bin if im lucky.hes a really decent lad and one of my best mates from high school days.
im thankful of todays find too-because it would have been destined for the skip if it had gone down the correct channels and into the shop instead- rather than donate it to the store i gave the chap a fiver for it, and he simply said here-take it!

andyboombox - 2009-12-02 06:21

just found out- its a wqt360.

saxonman - 2009-12-02 06:39

no luck at all at bootsales!!! but one bloke did say he had a superwoofer he bought in the early eighties that he is bringing me sunday!! so hopefully i'll pick it up then .Also i'm picking up my 9090 saturday for nothing off a friend so overall not too bad Andy

soundmachine - 2009-12-02 09:24

Mines pretty poor to say the least.

Jobless and everything decent on eBay that I bid on I get outbid usually by 50p!

The big bootfairs such as Chirk(North Wales) do tend to produce the goods. I've had several Sharp QT series boomboxes for about £2 each.

jerryjg - 2009-12-02 21:10

Around these parts you simply are not going to find anything great at the Charity/Thrift shops, because there are full time scavengers who simply "live" at the stores from the moment they open till they close, with them and thier family just jumping on anything that can possibly turn a profit, including boomboxes.If its broke the stuff goes somewhere else into a salvage lot i don't know where.
Much of the stuff that used to turn up at boots/Fleas from these scavengers is now put by those same people onto ebay, and at ebay, its top dollar unless you find some buy it now fortuntaly.

andyboombox - 2009-12-03 02:12

nice one saxonman!
ive got a 9090 and you woulnt be dissapointed.the subwoofer?could be a hitachi 3d series model.but be prepared mate and dont build your hopes up in case you get there and he either doesnt turn up or he brings it and it turns out to be a pile of s##t.ive had that happen to me before- "ooooh ive got a boom box in my loft, ill bring it to the sale next week" and then they just dont turn up or they do and deny any knowlege of it.
jerryjg-dont you just hate people that pip you to the post?i missed out on that sanyo m9990 for the sake of 4 quid on ebay, then 2 week before that i missed out on a nice sharp twincam cassette 3 piece box at the carboot for, funnily enough,4 quid again!
i know its painful, but hang in there,relax,im sure something good will happen.
the sharp wq-t360 i got for a fiver yesterday is all working-both cassettes and the radio etc.under all the dust it cleaned up nice- and it sounds very bassy, and very loud!this has to be one of sharps last hurrarh's before boomboxes faded into oblivion, before the crappy 1990s boxes hit us!i'd definately recommend one!anyone got one of these later sharp wq boxes?if you have, post a pic or two!!!!

andyboombox - 2009-12-08 05:22

my luck?brilliant- vz2k on way! for ten quid!
happy days Big Grin Big Grin

saxonman - 2009-12-08 08:21

andy he came tho with the boombox but it's a big one but my taste I have already posted a pic!! but next time i'll be on the ball and not take anything!!!

chancenellie - 2009-12-08 09:07

Before my accident i was trawling the bootsales near home and did unbelievably well,every week was successful,for example JVC pc5 x2,Hitachi 3d88 ,3d40,sanyo mx315,Sharp gf 525 x2,sharp qt 95 qt 250 , wq 268 x2 Aiwa tpr 950, toshiba rt100 rt90 rt 8014,boxed realistic TV box,Sony TV box,JVC pc 90,pc100 pc150 jvc 5cd box,Panasonic rxt 800 panasonic cd box,sharp 5cd box,Sanyo cd box,plus more that i cant remember.All sold on ebay for a healthy profit.Gutted now cos i'm stuck in a wheelchair and cant get round bootsales

andyboombox - 2009-12-09 02:42

i know, you did pick up some gorgeous pieces from boots, i remember the pictures.i hope your keeping your chin up regarding your accident, and subsequent wheelchair.keep being positive, live for each day as it comes,and just think- youve still got your favourite boxes to enjoy,and if that elusive big ben or m90 comes up on ebay, and you can afford it, you can always still buy them.pity not at bootsale prices though.
the only significant thing ive ever found at the bootys is my philips d8534 for a fiver,and glad i am too that i got it!just lately ive been having a bit of luck finding slimline minis, which i dont mind as they are cute and take up less room-plus i have my new big toy just arrived this morning- sharp vz2000 for 25 quid all delivered.but thats another story......

andyboombox - 2009-12-11 03:26

i am very lucky.just scored a philips d8304 for a tenner.
hey, any more and ill be like bendycat Laugh Out Loud

aa.fussy - 2009-12-14 03:15

Haven't found any boomboxes for about 4 weeks until today, got a Sanyo M7024F for $8

andyboombox - 2009-12-18 05:03

mines gone dry again, and the poxy junk weather doesnt help
not a box fo over a week,and nothing on last sundays carboot

billy.the.binman - 2009-12-18 05:09

you should get this, its dirt feckin cheap http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/GUANGBO-...?hash=item19b888a23d