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destroyed conion

saxonman - 2010-02-01 10:36

As you may or may not know I'm a tree surgeon and i dump in a local recycle yard,I get on well with the owner and if he see's anything box wize he puts it aside for me.Most are rubbish modern one's and the odd small 1980's box none i am interested in but I take them anyhow not to upset him and to keep him sweet.Well today went down there and on the back of a large skip was this massive box and i mean big must be the size if not bigger than a gf777.the boss was not about so i was getting a little worried that it would be destroyed,then to my relief one of the sorting chaps picked it off the truck.but to my horror he tho it hard down on the floor smashing it to bits.I then went over to him which I'm not aloud because i was going in the sorting zone and there was a bit with conion on it!!!I then had to come clean and tell him they are worth money and I would off give him £50 for which he was very pleased with apart from the fact it was destroyed!!!! He has put the remains away for me until he has spoken to the boss so I may still have it!!I'm not sure which one it is but it was very big.I almost cried!!

davebush - 2010-02-01 12:36

oh my god i cant believe it........im quitting my job and becoming a sh@t sorter outer at the tip

retro.addict - 2010-02-01 15:39

I wouldn't take it if it has just been smashed. It you decide to take the remains, don't pay the tw@t a penny. That's disgusting, totally. Words can't describe how I'm feeling right now. If only my fist was in reach of that dump man's face...

themobcrew - 2010-02-01 16:29

Dang, the dump I go to, they sually have a spot to put things aside like that so any one scavaging will pick it up and take it away. Thats if the person dumping it does not decide to have their jollies and kicks at it when they dump it!

saxonman - 2010-02-01 23:48

I wouldn't go to violents dudes!!! I don't think he realised that these were collectable!!! I'm sure he will keep stuff for me in the future.But they very rarely find anything old and big.I will not give him any money for it but i may well have it off him when i go down there next monday!!! it may have some spares worth selling on or keeping!!

isolator42 - 2010-02-10 03:26

Originally posted by saxonman:
...he tho it hard down on the floor smashing it to bits...
What a muppet.
Just goes to show that most people still don't think stuff made of plastic can be worth anything. His loss, the dipstick. Hope you get the bits: at the very least they might help many other Conions, & make you some coin in the process Smile