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My Lucky Day...

fatboyrafe - 2010-01-31 20:34

So after collecting small and medium boxes for about 2 years (my best so far is the Panasonic 5050) I finally get lucky. I am at work, being bored, so I check the craigslist boxes. Nothing good, so I go to lunch. When I get back, I figure I'll just try one more search, so I look for "Conion" and find a 15 minute old listing for a C-100 in the bronx. I IMMEDIATELY grab my phone, make the call, and surprisingly, the guy was willing to hold it till I get off work. I run up there after work (the trains there SUCK) and long story short, a very nice 95% functional C-100 for $125! There's just a bit of pitting on the chrome, the lower tape deck won't open, and the antennae are both snapped, but everything I've tested works (still waiting to test the alarm, HA!) The guy was surprised I was willing to buy it so quick, without even trying it, but I figured it would be worth that to me even if only the input lines worked. Of course, I stopped on the way home and picked up a lotto ticket. Smile

EDIT: i'll take some pictures after i clean it up a bit...sorry about the lack of them, i was just excited and wanted to share.

digablekid - 2010-01-31 21:14

Hot damn! That's the score of the year so far!! Lucky bastid!!!... No offense Rafe.

jameswp67 - 2010-01-31 22:43

Awesome! Nothing like a great radio in the wild! Congrats!

aza - 2010-02-01 03:16

Congrats on a great score !!

I know that feeling well, after picking up mine in a similar way i only got round the corner before i stopped driving so i could check it out Big Grin

fatboyrafe - 2010-02-01 05:59

Thanks guys! The best part about the whole thing: my girlfriend came with me, and was skeptical about the whole thing, she was just happy for me because she knew it's a box i've always had my eye on. But then, once we picked it up, she spent the rest of the night saying "I can't believe you got that! It's so AWESOME!"

I've had a minute to mess with it, looks like i'll have a few questions for the repair board, but fortunately it seems like pretty much every part is here except for two broken aerials. So excited!

brigadier.vytas - 2010-02-01 06:40

Big Grin great! Congrats! Waiting for pics!

oldskool69 - 2010-02-01 21:00

Congrats on a fantastic find for peanuts compared to what they go for on the 'Bay. Well done! Big Grin

fatboyrafe - 2010-02-04 19:41

Man, working two weeks straight really got in the way of posting some photos, but here are a couple for now... I haven't even had time to clean it up yet! I did have to clean my tiny room just to make room for it, it's like the monolith from "2001".

So here it is!

The controls...the only big damage i see on the box is a gash in the tuner plastic front, nothing that i mind though.

Playing with it's little friend, my Panasonic 5050.

Anyway, I've had time to listen to it. This box is the best sounding one I've ever heard, and i couldn't be happier.

davebush - 2010-02-04 23:03


devoltoni - 2010-02-09 07:01


Congrats man, Nod Yes
enjoy now Smile

eddy - 2010-02-09 07:11

Nice find. You know you are lucky.
The tape door + the spare tape drawer are both there.
Good luck on the repair. That will be an easy fix Big Grin

drmz - 2010-02-09 15:32

Very nice! And please keep us updated about the lotto ticket Wink