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Dumps and recyling centres

broags - 2010-02-07 16:15

How do you think one should go about asking an electronics recyling centre to have a look about?
How do you usually do it ? Im keen to have a look at some in my area though they usually seem like "drop off only" sorta places

broags - 2010-02-07 20:55

For boombox hunting of course

im.out.of.hear - 2010-02-08 00:58

hi man,i dont know if your in the uk but my local tip/dump,i find the workers the most ignorant/arrogant/awkward sort of people you could meet..last couple of times i been there and seen some bits i wanted,they were usually on the floor about 10 feet down over the wall,one time i saw a hifi and asked if i could buy it,i got a nasty NO ! and the second time i saw an aiwa hifi,it was a really nice one,i shouted nicely (with a smile) i asked if i could buy it,the guy blatently ignored me,then got in the big JCB and ran straight over it and smashed it on purpous,its like they think they have power over everyone or something,and they like to deliberately say no because they know you want something..
if you want my advise,i think you need to get on the inside somehow,oh and do a whole lot of ass kissing..but i reckon the arrogance and ignorance may very depending on the place you live,i live in manchester uk..

broags - 2010-02-08 03:53

Yeah i live in aus, they would most likely be the same.

I dont get it though its not like there loosing out.

A) theres money and possibly beer in it for them and B) if its a recycling plant they will get more money if you buy it than the $1 or so in scraps + its gives it another chance at life.

Maybe if you approached as a business , like a repairs man it be different ? go straight to the boss?

andyboombox - 2010-02-09 06:13

dumps- total waste of time.too many bad experiences to list Frown Frown

andyboombox - 2010-03-31 03:48

i tried again this week-got a feeling that at this dump they may let me buy stuff-they were less miserable and actually quite pleasent-so who knows-he did say they dont get ghettoblasters in very often though.
if i can be bothered ill try again in a few months.....but its not worth the hassle and dissapointment.

lav.loo - 2010-03-31 07:51

hi all i totally agree, i tried once and got the same response, and like gettoman i live in the manchester area Nod Yes if u want my opinion don,t bother it,s not worth the knock back, leave the tip guys to do there miserable job and try alternatives, try putting ads out in local papers or supermarkets. i know a guy who got a load that way, but granted it was a few year back, but who knows, my motto is never give up guys be persistant, my nagging once got me a gf777 Nod Yes

andyboombox - 2010-04-01 04:55

hey lav-ive tried the wanted ads and got zilch response-i gave up on doing that last year!i have been to the tips many a time last year and, annoyingly actually seen boxes in the electrics cages-just sitting inches away-and getting told no chance to having any-and ive even had thoughts of going straight in on me scooter, taping up my licence plate beforehand so they cant trace it,grabbing at the things in the cages and just driving straight out again.but that is theft, and im not a thief-but i bet you it would work.i might be tempted to try it one time if i knew there was a gf777/m70/m90 etc in there-seen as though i have turds luck trying to find anything big at the bootsales around here.

lav.loo - 2010-04-01 05:20

check with your local council and see if you can get a permit, tell them you work for the charity shop and they sell well there. it might just give you the sympathy vote Smile Laugh Out Loud to the scooter bit, ud,e look like steve mcqueen in the great escape Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud

andyboombox - 2010-04-01 05:48

hey good advice-not tried that.nice one!

samsnite - 2010-04-01 09:00

Went to the dump today, threw away 14 pc computers and monitors and stuff. Guess what waited for me there at the top of the pile? A Commodore 64 C, a model i have wanted for a long time. Along with an OC-118N disk drive! =D

There was also a mid size silver Philips boomer (spatial stereo) but i left it, pieces was missing...

davebush - 2010-04-01 15:01

iv contemplated nipping over the fence at night but my friend is a community bobby and they arrest people if they get caught....its tresspassing even for taking junk.......its a joke Mad Confused

themobcrew - 2010-04-01 16:04

just tell them your recycling, i pretty sure there is no crime in trying to save the world from poluttion. well thats what i tell them!

johnnygto - 2010-04-01 16:17

Originally posted by Samsnite:
Went to the dump today, threw away 14 pc computers and monitors and stuff. Guess what waited for me there at the top of the pile? A Commodore 64 C, a model i have wanted for a long time. Along with an OC-118N disk drive! =D

There was also a mid size silver Philips boomer (spatial stereo) but i left it, pieces was missing...

Had one when I was young - loved it and had a C128! Smile

adespin - 2010-04-02 06:45

First of all let me introduce myself, i'm Adrian from Llanelli in a very wet Wales UK. Age?, well lets just say i can remember the Beatles releasing "She Loves You". I've been bitten by the Boombox bug for a number of years and then discovered this wonderfull forum from heaven a couple of years ago, it's good to know i'm not the only oddball out there as my wife seems to think.
For the past year i have been collecting late 80's early 90's so called eggs, mostly Hitachi's, Panasonics and JVC's so imaging my joy and frustration when visiting my local recycling centre to dump an old TV to find a Hitachi CX-W700 sticking out from under some junk, would they let me have it, i was not leaving without it. Asking the nearest worker if i could take it, he replied "i didn't see you mate". On getting it home, plugged it in, dead, bugger! so stripped it down, very easy on this box, to find live spiders, straw and corrosion, dull grey solder joints. Desoldered everything and then resoldered, put it back together and YES it worked. Got to say this is now my most played box, great sound, thumping bass. Also got an Hitachi CX-W500 with a dead CD unit, anybody got a unit to sell. Are there any other boombox nuts in my location.

lav.loo - 2010-04-02 06:52

hey ade, try the for sale forum on this site. theres usually something up for grabs if u got the ££££££££££££s Smile

adespin - 2010-04-02 07:09

Thanks for that Lav loo, Has the rain hit you yet? Whats the story with your name?

lav.loo - 2010-04-02 07:38

Originally posted by adespin:
Thanks for that Lav loo, Has the rain hit you yet? Whats the story with your name?
hi mate, ye the rain just starting as we speak, right here we go i know what your thinking Nod Yes toilet, bog, s**t house, e.t.c. Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud my partner logged me in as i could,nt log in, dhhh. she thought lav loo her nick name would be a good avvy, her full name is lavania louise, so there you go. lavania=lav, louise= loo, i want to change it but she says no. who,s the boss here then!! does that cure your curiosity??? Smile by the way theres a mint hitachi w500 on ebay buy now £59.99p.

adespin - 2010-04-02 08:12

Curiosity well and truly cured, i'd never have thought of that explanation, i was heading for the bog route.

lav.loo - 2010-04-02 08:22

hey your only human, the bog routes very logic thinking. glad your curiosity,s been killed Smile