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thats it for me (part 2)

andyboombox - 2010-03-20 02:37

guys, you may recall a number of months ago i posted a message that my buying boxes days were over.then i went on to buy more.well not now.
yesterday most of my collection was desposed of.i let them go to new member on here lav loo-who gave me a fantastic panasonic rx 5600,5500 and hitachi trk 8155 in return.
so my collection now stands-
panasonic rx 5500
panasonic rx 5600
hitachi trk 8155
sharp gf 8989
ferguson 3t13
panasonic rx 5104
and thats it-a few stragglers in my bike shed, but nothing much-my rule now is to only buy at the carboot when they are large boxes, or at the least top of the range mid size boxes or monos-and believe me these do not turn up for me very often. so this way i will avoid the crap,and only get perhaps a new one every few months if im lucky.and it gives me the space i so desperately needed.
im over the moon with my new three-its my second 5600 (the first one i regretted getting rid of ages ago)the 5500 is a true gem of a box,and the hitachi 8155-i would describe as a slightly smaller 8600-fabulous unit for a hitachi.
so thanks to all you guys for reading my posts and as i dont have much else to write about right now ill only be putting up new posts when i find something in the future-and by then i WILL have a camera to show them off to you with.
happy hunting for 2010,and i hope the boot sales-flea markets-garage sales etc go well for you.

71spud - 2010-03-20 17:45

It does not sound like you are really quitting to me. Laugh Out Loud

davebush - 2010-03-21 01:17

andy dont go........we will all miss you if you do.....stay man...........aahh please

lav.loo - 2010-03-21 01:57

hey andy sounds like your a bit disheartened there mate, believe me as collectors we all get like that when were not having much luck finding them, Nod Yes,keep your chin up mate im sure you will have a few decent finds this summer at the bootsales and if not i don,t mind passing 1 or 2 on to you for free if i do ok over coming months, fingers crossed Nod Yes

andyboombox - 2010-03-22 06:41

so kind, so kind,
dont worry dave,nothings that final-i still want an aiwa tpr 950,hitachi 8600,and jvc m70 off the boots before im done......hey lav loo, thanks again-youre what the folks in london village call "a diamond"

lav.loo - 2010-03-22 08:11

eh andy i knew ud,e be back soon mate, the temptation of this site is just 2 much for u, and like u say don,t give up yet them 3 gems ur after will pop up sooner or later, trust me.

andyboombox - 2010-03-24 03:14

yeah must admit ive wanted those three (or at least one of them) since i first started collecting-but the chances of scoring any of these off my local car boots is going to take a flaming miracle-it just doesnt happen with machines that good/big.
got me an 8080 gf yesterday for 5 quid,only because its early, and has a fantastic needle vu meter on it.

lav.loo - 2010-03-24 06:01

hi andy, trust me they do come up now and again, u just gotta keep tryin mate, i know myself as probably all collectors do it sometimes does,nt seem worth it when ur havin no luck, and when cash is tight it makes it almost imposs, i tried my local charity shop yesterday and there was a crappy little late 80s black jvc with a £20 price tag on it, i had to Laugh Out Loud, it also said 80s retro on it, whats happened to charity shops?? seems their even gettin in on the game Nod Yes

billy.the.binman - 2010-03-25 05:02

andy man you gots to stop thinking these things come easily, cause they really dont. i doubt anyone on here has scored a box without any effort.

theyre rare - end of the day its going to be hard to find them.

Ive been collecting since 2004ish and at some stages scouring every boot fair and crap shop in the south, ive only got a few gooduns out of that lot.

the worlds not against you its just the nature of the game.

dont hate the player etc

andyboombox - 2010-03-26 07:11

hey bill-
im alright-got me several nice ones now-i see it now on that if a big un comes along its a bonus-got a sharp gf 8080 from 1975 on tuesday for next to nothing-pity though it needs a bit of work!
im always looking-one day that m70 or big tpr 950 will turn up-its just a matter of time