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Posting here or there?

bredgeo - 2010-06-05 09:22

Hey all,

Yeah, I know... Who the hell is Bredgeo?

Well we used to be a lot here posting and having a god damn good time, but little by little people (older members) started to leave -stop posting--- I, myself, hardly post anymore... I just pop in when I have something to do, give, offer, or wanna see if there is anything worth reading and responding to.

This said, between old members and new members... who posts on both Stereo2Go and Boomboxery? And those who do post on both, who will go/post/use one more than the other?

Me, myself and I... we are, at heart, with the old mistress... STEREO2GO... and go to Boomboxery now and then.

So, who is the same as me or the opposite, and why?


lav.loo - 2010-06-05 09:45

well well, i was told boomboxery was a good place so i took a trip over there and... to be honest i did,nt like it that much.
so im going to stay loyal to st2g because i think this place is picking up again and id rather stay in one place, you know where you are Nod Yes Wink good topic by the way Big Grin

bredgeo - 2010-06-05 10:01

...so im going to stay loyal to st2g because i think this place is picking up again...

I think it is because of YOU!!!!!!!

...good topic by the way Big Grin

Why....... Thank you! Roll Eyes Big Grin Wink

im.out.of.hear - 2010-06-05 10:08

i too used to post on boomboxery...but i always felt left out..i'm trying to explain it,the best way i can explain is..the members on there are all ex old time stereo2go members,and from what i can work out,bobby (fatdog) got into a tangle with a mod and left,then set up boomboxery,i love the site,and they are all top guys,i like all of them alot (and miss them) !! but they all seemed to be top mates and i never knew them as good as they knew eachother so i found it hard to join in sometimes,so i asked my account to be cancelled,i sometimes regretted it,but at the end of the day,my heart has always been here,i've been a member here since 2004,and was a member of pocketcalculatorshow.com (forum before it changed to stere2go) i just dont think its fair to just turn my back on this place,i feel owe my time to s2go,its my duty to keep this place going...

Good thread Bredgeo...

billy.the.binman - 2010-06-05 10:10

as said before, loyalty to s2go. thing is - you look at how many people viewed that 8 page thread recently. it got 300 odd in one day. that must mean there are a hell of a lot of lurkers. just need more interesting stuff to see and post about i guess.

photos for example makes things interesting not unillustrated words (take note Andy v)

lav.loo - 2010-06-05 11:21

I Agree

driptip - 2010-06-05 13:44

Originally posted by gettoman:
i too used to post on boomboxery...but i always felt left out..i'm trying to explain it,the best way i can explain is..the members on there are all ex old time stereo2go members,and from what i can work out,bobby (fatdog) got into a tangle with a mod and left,then set up boomboxery,i love the site,and they are all top guys,i like all of them alot (and miss them) !! but they all seemed to be top mates and i never knew them as good as they knew eachother so i found it hard to join in sometimes,so i asked my account to be cancelled,i sometimes regretted it,but at the end of the day,my heart has always been here,i've been a member here since 2004,and was a member of pocketcalculatorshow.com (forum before it changed to stere2go) i just dont think its fair to just turn my back on this place,i feel owe my time to s2go,its my duty to keep this place going...

Good thread Bredgeo...

i also have an account there, and i understand you perfectly Gettoman, also i feel fortunate to had been part of the old boombox forum like your self, i had always been treated good here, except for the casual missunderstanding from some members, but its been awhile since any mayor problem occure so i am happy to comeback and find the site very welcoming, i even made a new friend, (lav) i still go to the other site but i hardly post there now, mainly because is hard to keep track of all the events happening here and there, so i will post here more often now.

and i am also consern about JENS health hope he is feeling better, and will keep my eye open for his new posts which they are always full of information.
thanks for that Jens.

bredgeo - 2010-06-05 14:27

i just dont think its fair to just turn my back on this place,

Oh yeah!!!

I just cannot do that myself! I owe all my time and aquainted knowledge to ST2G...... I cannot drop ST2G.

But, it is so dead now (to me)... Back when I joined I T W A S J U S T T H A T !!!!! What I needed!

My story:

One day my brother came down from Holand and said, "Look! On Ebay you can find your GF 9191 that you have wanted to find back all this time!"

So, I bade on one, won it, got it.... And, "Oh My god!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I than started to look at all the other Sharp GF Bboxes that had come out at the time. I ended up getting a GF 9696 40 watter.

One day the left speeker on the 9696 died on me, I needed the schem to get it fixed. The main thing that came up on google was ST2G.... I ened up joining (scared that it was gonna be a scam.... but fuUck no!!!! It was just what I needed), and the rest of the story was just great!!!!!!! Until the PF thing and the old members never posting again.... Frown

That is it...... but, you new guys and gals will never know how fun and good it was here... really fuUckin' awesome!

Oh well.....

Talk to yous later....

im.out.of.hear - 2010-06-05 15:34

yeah bredg,FD is a Top Man,and i love what he does with the Boombox Labels..that is just brilliant..where would we be without him..and yes hugo,i hope jens is ok !! i think he should go on a nice sail on his boat,that should cheer him up..but seriously,i doo hope he's ok though...

billy.the.binman - 2010-06-06 06:44

what was the PF incident all about?

ao - 2010-06-06 07:58

We don't need to talk about the PF incident any more, that was then, this is now. need-less-to-say PF doesn't post here any more.

I do think it's a shame that there are two forums for this hobby, lets face it, there isn't many of us, seems a shame to spread chit chat across two locations. There just isn't enough of us to keep each forum 'interesting'.

We lost a lot of good loyal S2Go members to Boomboxery last year & personally I want them back, the reason they left has long since gone, just seems a shame. There's a lot of good new members here now who contribute greatly to this forum, it just a shame those old guys aren't around to appreciate it.

bredgeo - 2010-06-06 08:13

Oh yeah!

im.out.of.hear - 2010-06-06 08:13

I Agree BigTime !!

billy.the.binman - 2010-06-06 17:11

no need to discuss? im still none the wiser on what the hell happened. is it what drove people away or something?

im.out.of.hear - 2010-06-06 17:17

Andy,everyone went away because PF became a mod and (although he never did anything to me) some people say he was too harsh e.g deleting posts and threads,also banning people,everyone just thought he was a nightmare and thought he totally spoilt the site,but the last straw was when he banned fatdog,it was fatdog that set up boomboxery,everyone jumped ship..

billy.the.binman - 2010-06-07 03:05

oh rite, i see now. it was him that banned awoo. good call on that one that bloke was a proper wanker remember him Paul, i wanted to cut that blokes teeth out. he sold me a box once and tried selling me his dog for christ sake!

zx280 - 2010-06-07 03:36

I havwe had endless pleasure from s2g and never cease to be amazed at how much members know. This is a great site and we should all support it.

milosancho - 2010-06-07 08:41

It does get to be a pain reading 2 sites for the latest and greatest. – I just don’t have the time. Would be great if they both could unite, that would make a lot of sense. Holding a grudge, that doesn’t make a lot of sense.
That said, S2G is a lot more active in the Walkman area, which is still my first love.

bredgeo - 2010-06-07 08:59

S2G is a lot more active in the Walkman area,

Ahhhh, yeah!!!

Did not think about the walkman section! Only though of the Bboxes...

So, Walkmans are beeter here than there? Interesting.

True, it was the bboxes fellas that were band, that would be why Walkmans are still okay here!

Thank you for that Milosancho!

lasonic.trc920 - 2010-06-08 12:30

At the chance of being unpopular, I have to say I LOVE BOTH SITES! I was not around for the start of S2G and stumbled on to Boomboxery. I think since many of the members do bounce back and forth I do chat here and there with them.

Aside from what may or may not have happened, I just want to say how happy I am to have the radio's that I have. I have met some AMAZING people, some of them in person and have been lucky enough to have gotten the technical information I have needed to keep my radio's working. And that has come from both sites.

I think this is a great hobby. It helps me reach into my memory to some really fond times in my life with my radio's from the past.

So with all that said, Thank you all...be it here or there!

bredgeo - 2010-06-08 13:40

Thank you all...be it here or there!

Big Grin

bendycat - 2010-06-08 14:33

just look at both sites, as a bigger house with more rooms - you can go where you want and have a good time - what ever room you go to, there are always friendly members that make it cool.
you don't have to side - just enjoy both Wink

be cool love all Big Grin

jt - 2010-06-14 08:38

Great thread, Brian!

While I will never fully bail out on S2G, I must also add that the newer and much slicker interface of the Boomboxery forum is much more fun and interesting for me. Beyond the cool looking headers that change box pics whenever you refresh, there's also a click-to-chat feature which I use quite often, an online music player to listen to tunes while you're surfing (via a very cool M90, C100F or RX-5350 skin) and even a multi-user chat room that gets some action sometimes. Fatdog is open to suggestions for site improvements (which then actually happen) and has been an exceptionally fair moderator. It's easier to imbed pics, videos and there are a lot more smiley's... And I even like how you can view new posts and not have to dig in each forum sub-category to find them...

Yea, there was some drama that caused our favorite hefty-hound to start that forum... but since day one it's been civil, informative and very FUN! So, I just never found my way fully back here after I got started over at Boomboxery. All that shiit is water under the bridge.

Now, in contrast to the boomboxery layout and feature sets, the S2G site is a no-frills forum site. Period! As far as I know hasn't seen a single update in the years I've been around, and I imagine it's pretty much the same it's always been since it's launch. And with the principal ownership being virtually inactive at this point, there will not likely be any changes. Of course, that can be good or bad, depending on your view of change.

To me, S2G seems like a forum version of what Windows 3.11 is when you compare it to Windows XP. Boomboxery is more like the Windows XP or even Windows 7 version. S2G is frozen in time, but stable. And what S2G lacks in frills and innovation, it makes up for as a treasure trove of technical tips and info. You just gotta dig, dig, dig. This is an invaluable Boombox collector resource and I hope it sticks around forever. It will be a really sad day if/when all of this knowldge goes away. Let's all hope and pray it never happens!

But, along that same mindset, I think you're doing a disservice only to yourself by avoiding boomboxery because it's "over there." Yea, the core crew over there know each other pretty well... but that shouldn't be a reason not to chime in and add some comments or content. Don't be shy. This isn't high school. And a large portion of the brain trust that contributed much of the technical knowledge you can find here, are now daily contributors over there... Take some comfort in that.

Personally, I will always maintain my two logins as long as there are two sites to log into.

But, If you were to ask me which site I think will still be around in five or ten years, I'd like to say both of them... but if we were to bet, I'd have to put my money on the other place.

fyj2972 - 2010-06-15 23:13

Brian, I moved to a new place last Oct. Just few miles away from La Mirada. CA.

I still having your 2 AIWA DATs . LOL

jason1976 - 2010-06-16 01:43

I can place a msg on here and boomboxery and to tell the truth the topic gets more views and replies on boomboxery. If you look its kind of the same set up as here. same areas to place topics. I don't think the rules are as strict. like some of the avatar phoots. like the one with the womans butt and those shorts being pulled up over and over going into her crack. I don't think would be allowed on here. but they do have fits about people posting ebay links if the item isn't their item. They are afraid you will drive the price up, but it's ok to post about your own items. Boomboxery is a more catchy name then stereo2go.

bredgeo - 2010-06-16 07:19

If you moved... you got WORK!!! That is good!!!

Ahhhh... You still have the DATs!!! Do you use them? Are they good???

kid.sensation - 2010-06-17 05:15

ah well - this whole thing is a sad part in my collecting experience.

i also registered myself on boomboxery when fatdog started it back then, but i never felt the same way i feel on S2G.

so i never went in detail with boomboxery. since nearly everyone i knew over here changed to boomboxery it also did not felt the same way here.

so i ran out of interest for both forums (still interested in boomboxes tough Big Grin)

but it's great to see some new , active guys over here.

and as someone mentioned here before - S2G will get back to it's old glory someday with the help of these new cool guys Cool

so far im happy that i checked out s2g today and i can say: Kid S - is back on the map!

im.out.of.hear - 2010-06-17 05:17

hey kid,i doo love your GF999,give that to mee Nod Yes

im.out.of.hear - 2010-06-17 05:50

hello kid..hmm i think i asked peppin to find me one a few years ago but i was having problems with my paypal at the time,since then there has been one on uk ebay but it was a bit expensive for me because it was'nt perfect,i did offer up my conion C100 a few weeks ago but had no offer,i will get a 999,just got to save up my pennies Nod Yes

driptip - 2010-06-17 17:51

nice to see frank and kid sensation back in here.

davebush - 2010-06-17 23:39

I Agree with ghettoman......i tried the other place and my posts never seem to get a reply......being a newbie on there ....and as i read other posts ..they all seem to know each other and be very clicky so i just came back to here and yes, there are some real nice people on here,,....i personally am not bothered about a site that is technically advanced with more smileys and stuff like that, i come on here to chat with other people that are interested in the same things as me...........

bredgeo - 2010-06-18 00:17

It is!!!!

bredgeo - 2010-06-18 00:28

i tried the other place and my posts never seem to get a reply......

Is it not interesting... For me, it seems to be the opposite. Being an older member here, and having most of the old member go over to bomboxery, I most often do not get replies when I post here (this topic did well though) --and the damn smily faces are still fuUcked!!!!!!!!--- Tap Toes
That is why most are gone over!!!!!!!! Laugh Out Loud

Let me see if I can use all the working faces:

Nod Yes

I should not: No No

I Agree Leaving I Agree No No


milosancho - 2010-06-18 07:48

Smileys are the reason some jumped ship? That's hilarious.

On a personal note, overuse of smileys gets to be a bit annoying. That's just me though and I'm just saying........

monolithic - 2010-06-18 08:37

Smileys has nothing to do with why people have "jumped ship" to Boomboxery. The environment is simply MORE FUN and the site looks 10x better. Perhaps if somebody brought this place up to 2010 standards, it might start to get interesting again. That said, if it weren't for some of the cool people here, there'd be no reason to come to stereo2go at all.

fatdog - 2010-06-18 11:49

Naturally, I don't have as much time to visit, but I still visit S2G. I even post sometimes. Nod Yes

bredgeo - 2010-06-18 13:19

This is proof! Nod Yes

muto - 2010-06-18 14:56


im.out.of.hear - 2010-06-18 16:07

Yoo FD is here ,yeee haaa

redbenjoe - 2010-06-18 17:55

fatdog being here is like 4 guys absent Laugh Out Loud

panasonic.fan - 2010-06-18 22:00

Originally posted by Fatdog:
Naturally, I don't have as much time to visit, but I still visit S2G. I even post sometimes. Nod Yes

As do I.

I think the site is fine. Yes, it could stand a refresh, but the most important thing is that the site endures and sees many new members contributing along with some of the older crew.

There is nothing wrong with two sites, regardless of the history of the folks who initially left, or me, or the price of gas in Idaho.

It's great to see folks posting and getting something positive out of the site. I hope it continues well into the future, dare I say (gasp) at *both* sites.

bredgeo - 2010-06-19 00:20

... or the price of gas in Idaho.

Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud



Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud


bredgeo - 2010-06-19 00:21

Gee..... It is so cool to see, in a row, old members posting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

isolator42 - 2010-06-24 18:31

I post on both but spend more time on s2g.

great bunch on Boomboxery, including some gd friends I made here on s2g who moved.

Personally I'd like to see everyone back on s2g again. That's not to say that Boomboxery is missing anything or isn't good too, I just tend to run out of time before I get a chance to visit both sites...
...or maybe I'm simply too lazy Smile

viennasound - 2010-06-24 23:05

I don´t want to miss one of it.
Both sides are great.
s2g is the classic one
Boomboxery is the modern one.
Great members on both sides.
Enjoy them, have fun, keep on boomin´ Cool

brigadier.vytas - 2010-06-25 01:13


On a personal note, overuse of smileys gets to be a bit annoying. That's just me though and I'm just saying........

100 % agree!:]

I've made only one post on boomboxery and i don't think i'll change the site. Yes, like my best friend Mono says, s2g could be much more modern..And seems like, there's much more activity on boxery site. But anyway, i met some nice people here and i realy like s2g. I am postin here, on our local lithuanian site and on the russian one to. To post on 4th one would be to difficult for me:]. And i don't see the reason to run away from here and to start to introduce myself and to post all pics of all my old boxes, which are already here and other two sites and etc etc..
Jens, ich wuensche Ihnen viel gutes Gesundheit!

l.lopez - 2010-06-25 21:50

Big Grin I like both sites, I try to post on both from time to time, Most important it is great to be on both Stereo2Go And Boomboxery. Big Grin

superduper - 2010-06-25 23:13

Originally posted by redbenjoe:
fatdog being here is like 4 guys absent Laugh Out Loud

Originally posted by Ghettoman:
Yoo FD is here ,yeee haaa

YaH. Whois this fatdoggy fella? Laugh Out Loud